The dinner - III

Salvatore shook his head very softly as he looked at Caramela and took his eyes off Evelyn, he jerked his head ever so slightly and the maid knew that she was dismissed. 

"Eat," he told Evelyn who had her hands in her lap with no intentions of eating anymore. 

"I don't think I want to." Evelyn said without looking at him. She no longer wished to eat or just be in the company of this man. 

Salvatore clicked his tongue. "Really nos?" Salvatore scuffed, "Really now?" he taunted as he tilted his head. "You would not be leaving this table until you finish eating." he declared observing her face that twisted at what he said. but did he care? No, he did not. 

She needed to eat. 

Evelyn huffed making him raise an eyebrow at her action but as she started to pick up her fork and eat, he began to eat his.