No more a party- IV

The hand where she saw that don's second ring might be was now on her thigh safely tucked away from the eyes of the world. She's not going to risk any of his family members seeing it and that meant especially Angelo. If he saw that, he would certainly have them both married by the end of the night. 

Eating with one hand was not as complex as one rumoured to be. She did it very effortlessly. 

None of them bother Evelyn anymore and by the end of the dinner she was actually smiling and laughing at the jokes that the siblings cracked with each other. 

Evelyn laughed as Bella continued to humiliate her brother. ". .and believe me when I say that mum was not available, she was not at all available and Marcello kept on crying which I could not bear, so, at the end of my website open his diaper and there it was," Bella gagged, "the stinkiest diaper I had ever seen and . . . smelled. That shit was plain nasty. I have no idea how he could even put that much out."