A yes, it is. - I

It felt like she was seconds away from death. This could go to ways, either she could jump into a deadly cliff or steer onto the smooth road. 

"I am going not to accept it." The words left her mouth quicker than she would like. It almost seemed like a lie, like something she would say to save herself on the little pain that was coming her way. 

"I mean it," she began to say again, "I am not going to accept and I would never accept a proposal as long as I am with you."

He cocked a brow up,"No cheating?" 

She shook her head, "loyalty," she answered. 

He tilted his head to the side and kept his eyes on her. "Are you sure about that Evelyn? Because my dear one and only chance to get that ring out of your finger." 

That made her decision falter. He was right, that was the only thing that could get that ring out of her finger. But he was also wrong there.