Her husband - I

 Despite the absence of Salvatore, that she felt in her heart, Alexis and Angelo seemed to be enjoying their lunch with Arabella. 

Even though it seemed like he loved to irritate and piss off his son, Angelo was truly a changed Man in front of her daughter. He played with her, he interacted with her well, it did not feel like for one second he was a cruel heartless man who did not give a shit about anyone. 

"Would you excuse me for a moment?" Evelyn got up and was about to say—

"about to go and make up with that son of mine?" Angelo sighed, "a touchy boy, he is. I wonder when he will grow up." 

"Oh stop," Alexis laughed lazily. "That is enough for today." 

Evelyn pulled her lips into a tight smile before taking leave. Surely the men knew when to stop but Angelo didn't. 

The man would cross all boundaries just for fun.