Her husband- II

 Sometimes words could mean everything and sometimes, on the other hand do absolutely nothing and this was the time when the matter was more effective.

His reassurances would always bring her calm but this time it did not happen. He had kept on beating quickly and the suspicions kept on rising in her mind.

If he knew that it was dangerous enough, but he said he would take care of it, it was not enough to find me assurances. It was enough to take action and nip it in the bud. 

But just to find some more reassurances, Evelyn leaned forward and joined their foreheads together. Slowly their breaths came down and synced together as it meant to happen this way.

"It is going to be fine Evelyn," he murmured, " I am going to protect you and Bella. Even if it is the last thing I do." 

She gulped. That was not even something he was joking about or just throwing out in the open as a thought, Salvatore meant those words.