A don’s wrath - II

Salvatore knew had to be there. He had a gut feeling that wherever they were going to, to that particular fucking warehouse she was going to be there. 

Adrian Murphy had also chosen to accompany him along with an army of his men. 

Two cars had reached the location and until now he was waiting for a call that would confirm if Evelyn was inside. That had been 10 minutes ago. That was a ridiculously long time for him to not receive a single phone call. 

"She will be fine, Salvatore." Adrian murmured by his side. "They cannot do anything to find a way that you are alive and will find a way for revenge." 

That was nothing but wishful thinking. Thinking that Evelyn would remain unharmed in the hands of men that wanted nothing other than to cause him harm. They were going to ruin Evelyn if they had the chance to. It did not matter to them if he could get revenge or not. 

Yet, he stayed silent.