The Don’s wrath - III

"Papa," Arabella tugged on his pants, " This." 

Salvatore glanced at where she was pointing at And found that it was a pearl necklace that was gifted to him by Evelyn as his wedding present. 

Amongst a how many? He had no fucking clue. 

When his Brothers suggested that he should buy her something as a wedding present, Salvatore had no idea what was the limit because for him it was the sky and beyond. 

So whatever was shown to him in the catalogue and whatever he could imagine would look good on her, found its way in her closet. 

But the pearl necklace was different.

It was the saying that he had bought for her before he ever got to know that she was pregnant. That was his last gift to her never got to give. 

"Not that one baby, choose another." 

Arabella pouted and as always, gave him those big doe eyes filled with tears. "Please?" 

Fuck, how did Evelyn deal with this?