
Zoey narrowed her eyes at the woman in front of her. Her gaze carried a questioning stare as she pondered on the situation. "She knows who I am", in her mind this only made Solomon a greater target in her eyes. Obviously this woman had been looking into Zoey's missions and had uncovered at least some evidence. How else would she immediately know about the Nightingale unless she had recently looked into her escapades.

Zoey's aura suddenly dropped by a few degrees and with a trained hand she quickly withdrew the thin knife from the surface of her tall boots and whilst firmly holding the knife in a reverse grip she slowly prowled closer to Solomon, determined to finish her mission and stop this pesky woman from looking into this too much further.

Solomon's eyes grew wide as she realised that the Nightingale ws going to kill her. She was paralysed to the spot as her lungs worked overtime providing her brain with the oxygenated blood it needed to find a way out of this situation.

Four feet.

Solomon's eyes darted around the room looking for something to defend her self, she quickly grabbed a stapler from her desk and held it in front of her, hoping beyond all hope that the small metal pieces would be threatening enough to hold off the practiced serial assassin.

Three feet.

The Nightingale continued to move forth and as she did she raised the cold knife in a manner she had countless times before, ready to once again strike down a target.

Two feet.

Solomon seeing the stupidity of the stapler defence discarded it to the floor and backed herself as far away from the Nightingale as she could, into her desk and the wall.

One feet.

The knife was brought sharply down aiming for Solomon's heart. The woman in question had no room to dodge as she had pressed herself in an awkward position over her desk with no more movement possible, with the knife quickly descending towards her beating heart, Solomon made a fate changing decision. Quickly whilst panicking, the detective shouted, "I CAN HELP YOUR FAMILY!!!",

The heavy knife following the dramatic delivery of the proclamation began to falter and by the time the knife had reached Solomon it had only enough momentum to pierce her clothes and the surface of her skin letting a little trickle of blood drip down.

Unbelievably, Zoey stared deep into Solomon's eyes looking for a trace that she was lying and an excuse to push the knife in deeper and by doing so, completing her contract. Looking back into Zoey's eyes the detective whispered, "Let me help you...", with a small tear at the corner of her eye.

Zoey stepped back quickly, the knife having left her hand and having quickly fell to the floor splattering a small amount of blood onto the wooden laminate flooring.

"Y-you liar... You can't help me. NO ONE CAN!", Zoey shouted through gritted teeth. For years now she had been doing this and anyone who had found out about it had wanted to turn her in and as a result had been quickly dispatched. She thought she was alone in this world and that it was up to her to help get her family back from the mysterious voice and the organisation he is part of. But the words Solomon said worked their way slowly into her heart and as she looked upon the detective's honest face she thought about it and that if she could help her get her family back she would spare Solomon just this once.

"We will need to find a way to fake your death", Zoey muttered. Solomon, giddy that her corpse wasn't spread over tree floor with her life essence slowly being sapped from her veins, quickly smiled at the Nightingale. "Don't worry about that, I can deal with that easily enough.",

Neither of them knew that this unlikely alliance between an assassin and a chief investigator would one day come to shake the very foundations of the world!