
Half a day later the muddy sun gently rose into the sky and washed the city in its gentle light. Whilst people were just starting to wake up at a certain apartment in between an electronics store and a jewellery boutique up to twenty officers and detectives were quickly moving in and out whilst a large black car pulled up in front on the road. A portly commissioner wearing a long black trench coat and a tattered trilby quickly stepped out of the car before giving the driver some instructions and sending him on his way. Walking up to the stairs he quickly grabbed a forensic officer walking out from the apartment and asked him to fill himself in. "Sir, the body was found by a friend of Inspector Solomon as she came round to discuss some holiday plans. The body itself had been stabbed in the heart by some sort of knife and the way blood is splattered all over the wall makes me thing it wasn't an expert but the fact that there is so little evidence uncover able from the crime scene suggests overwise and-", the commissioner cut the forensics officer before quickly asking," Chief Detective Inspector Solomon is dead isn't she...? ", the man shuffled on his feet a bit before replying affirmatively and walking off...

The commissioner slowly took his hat off and gave a quick thought to the inspector. He didn't like Solomon, he had made that obvious, but still." What a waste of a good officer.", he muttered before making his way into the crime scene.

The city was awoke to the sounds of police cars rapidly traveling between the station and the crime scene.

Two figures dressed in baggy clothing arrived in a secluded area of the red light district. One took out a rusty key and opened up a relatively unassuming metal door on the right hand side of the alleyway. One figure stepped inside before beckoning the other in and shutting the heavy door behind them. The room was dark and dingy and not much larger than a hotel room, but as Solomon removed the cloth wrapping her face up and the extra baggy clothing obscuring her figure she thought that the space was clean and functional. A pair of hands reached towards her and grabbed the coat and scarf from Solomon's arms. She still couldn't believe that the serial assassin. The Nightingale, feared and respected throughout the police force and the criminal world alike was such a young and delicate woman like her. She thought back to when Zoey had taken off her mask in the apartment and how shocked she was then. Now although hours had passed the shock was still felt as she sadly thought about how a normal young woman was caught up in such a horrific game.

Zoey's relatively monotone voice cut through the silence, "You can sit over there.", she pointed out as she gestured towards the old chair and table at one side of the room. Not wanting to refuse Solomon went over and sat down quietly taking in the atmosphere of the place.

After a few minutes, Zoey walked over gently with two cups of tea and placed them on the table before sitting down on the mattress nearby.

"You said you could help my family Solomon. I spared you and now it's your turn to uphold your end of the deal.", Zoey gazed at Solomon using her light silver eyes. Feeling pressured, the detective began to speak. "Well then, Nightingale-",

"Call me Zoey, Nightingale is an agent's name."

"Ha ha- yes you're right... So then, Zoey... Er- I have been investigating the organisation you work for, for up to ten years now, in that time they have performed assassinations all over the country with people just like you as their tools.",

Zoey's eyes widened in surprise as she heard Solomon's words."Wait, they kidnapped more people's families!?", Zoey shockingly questioned. Grimly Solomon nodded her head. From my investigations they have over a thousand operatives, some of which being in the same situation as yourself with kidnapped families whilst others just enjoy the work.",

Zoey's eyes widened in horror as she imagined someone enjoying the contracts from the Codex. They were violent, dangerous and bloody. Three things Zoey never imagined herself doing and being when she was a small girl.

She had realised it before but now here suspicions we're confirmed. The Codex was a lot more dangerous than she had initially thought.

Before she could ask anymore, Zoey's smartphone suddenly buzzed. Holding a slender finger to her lips to tell Solomon to be quiet, Zoey answered the call. A deep electronic voice crackled into life, "Well done Agent Nightingale. Keep working hard, your family really want to be released...", the voice said with an amused smirk.

Zoey gripped her fist tightly and clenched her teeth before she felt a hand holding hers and she calmed down a little. The voice continued," Ten thousand credits have been added into your account. Keep working diligently Agent.", with that the voice cut out leaving the room in silence. Zoey withdrew her hand from Solomon's and looked into her eyes. "How do I get my family back",

"Zoey, me and you are going on an assassin hunt!", Solomon cackled manically as she looked at Zoey with the excited gaze of a detective.

"What did I get myself into...", Zoey mused quietly to herself.