Prologue 1

The Bradfords are an old family of hunters. They hunt the creatures of the night that seek terror to the normal humans.

The current generation of the Bradford family consists of a family of four. The head of the family Christopher Bradford, his wife Elizabeth Bradford and their children, the eldest son Jack Cloud Bradford and the youngest daughter Elaine Feliz Bradford.

It was a cold and rainy night outside the Bradford mansion. Jack was only 10 years old and Elaine was 6 years old. The family were sitting beside the fireplace. Christopher was in his big chair reading a book while his wife Elizabeth is making her cross stitch. The two siblings are playing with each other with their toys.

They were minding their own business when the butler barged thru the door. The three members of the family looked at his direction with surprise but the head of the family, Christopher was still in his calm demeanor.

"Master Bradford!" The butler shouted. He was panting heavily. His clothes were drenched from the rain. Fear was etched on his face.

"What is it?" Christopher asked with a calm voice.

"We are under attack master." The butler picked himself up and answered.

"Who in the world has the courage to attack us?" Christopher said still looking at the book he is reading. "Our guards are the best of the best. They are trained to fight the creatures of the night and the supernatural."

Christopher closed his book and give the butler a serious look.

"Master, it's a vampire." The butler showed fear. "Not an ordinary vampire sir, a progenitor. Sir all the guards are being wiped out."

"What?!" Christopher stood up from his seat abruptly.

A progenitor vampire is another name called to original vampires that has been walking this earth from ancient times. They were not like ordinary vampires. They are much stronger and has powers that ordinary vampires don't have.

"Master you need to escape. You and your family need to find a safe place. The remaining guards and I will buy you some time." The butler said.

"No. I need to face him myself." Christopher said.

"No! Chris you can't." Elizabeth was starting to cry. She walked towards her husband. Christopher hugged her softly, caressing his wife.

"Liz if I don't go there personally I'm afraid none of us can escape here alive. I will buy you some time. Take the kids and escape find a way to escape safely." Christopher said. He caressed his wife's cheek, wiping away her tears. "Even if I die here you and our children needs to survive to continue our bloodline."

"My love." Elizabeth is crying.

Elaine was starting to cry as well seeing her parents with sad faces and not understanding what is happening. Jack was comforting his little sister.

"Father what is happening?" Jack asked. "Why are we being attacked here in our own home? Isn't the mansion safe with all the charms and wards? And also our guards are strong."

Christopher looked at his young son. He released his wife from his embrace and kneeled down in front of Jack.

"Son. There are creatures of the night that are so strong that even I can't defeat. And the one that attacked us now are one of them." Christopher explained to his son. "I'm afraid I have to face him even if I know I'll lose my own life in the process."

"Father, no!" Jack shouted. "Just come with us and escape. You have thought me that retreat isn't a form of cowardice. That we can live now and fight another day." Tears are now also falling from the boys tender face.

"Son I'm afraid I can't do that now. Only I can fight him and give you some time to escape." Christopher's voice was starting to shake. "Son, once I'm gone you will be the next head of the Bradford family. Remember everything I have thought you. Son I love you."

Christopher pulled both his children in his arms and hugged them.

"No, no father. Please no." Jack was crying his heart out as well as Elaine.

Christopher released his children. "Liz take them and escape."

"Yes my love." Elizabeth answered. "Come along now Jack, Elaine." She gestured to her children.

The two children followed their mother.

"Hush now Elaine. Big brother will protect you." Jack said.

"Really big brother?" Elaine asked.

"Of course. I'm your big brother aren't I?" Jack forced a smile. Elaine nodded.

"Come along now." Elizabeth called. She looked at his husband one last time and kissed him. Tears are falling again from her eyes.

"My love, please protect the children." Christopher whispered softly in her ears. She nodded.

Elizabeth and the children exited the door. She looked at his husband one last time. Christopher gave her one last smile before she left.

"Get me my sword." Christopher told the butler.

"Is it 'that' sword master?" The butler asked.

"Yes." Christopher answered. "I just wish that with 'it's' help I can buy them some time."


Elizabeth and the children are at the back door of the mansion. She leads them outside.

"Don't look back, just run. Run as fast as you can." Elizabeth told her children.

They were now at the forest. The ground is wet and muddy from the rain.

"Hehehe." A man's chilling laugh can be heard behind them.

"Mother?" Jack was starting to get frightened.

"Just run!" Elizabeth said.

The laughter was echoing around them. With the eerie night and the darkness of the forest Jack can't stop himself from shivering.

"Ahh." Elaine tripped from a tree root.

"Elaine!" Jack shouted. He helped his little sister get up.

"Big brother, it hurts!" Elaine started to cry again.

"Elaine this is no time to stop and cry! We need to get going!" Jack shouted.

"And where do you think you're going?" A man's eerie voice was just right behind them. They all widened their eyes in shock.

Within just a second Elaine vanished from beside them.

"Elaine, Elaine!" Elizabeth shouted.