A missing meal and a hot meal

Jeremy checked his messages but there was no message from her. He sighed. He should expect this. At a time like this, he missed the time when they were still together. Regardless of how busy she was, she would always send a message to him, telling him how she felt or her plan. Sometimes she just sent "I miss you" and "I love you" but when he was so busy, overwhelmed with his own schedule, he ignored her. He had no time to even reply with a simple "I miss you too" or "I love you too" even though he was the one who was pursuing her to agree to be his girlfriend.

But it was all in the past. All he could feel now was regret.

He switched off his computer and stood up. It was already 8.30 p.m., way passed the working hour. He stretched his arms and waist. Then, he walked to the door. As it was passed the working hour, a lot of workers already went home. All except for a woman.