Answering the last question

Mika put down her long hair after she put on the shirt and pants. Then, she brushed her hair and made a messy bun out of it. She reached for her bag of magic and started to put on make-up. She even hummed happily while pretty up her face.

Once she was satisfied with her make-up, she reached for her phone. Her hands were busy setting the mobile phone using the tripod. Once she was satisfied with the location. Then, she pressed a record and smiled at the camera.

"Good morning, everyone. Today is the second day of filming in this beautiful Switzerland," Mika told the camera with a smile on her face.

"Yesterday, we've completed quite a lot and today, if I'm not mistaken, we only have two more scenes to shoot," Mika chatted as she walked toward the coffee machine. With one hand holding the phone, she placed a mug at the coffee machine