Just waiting for someone to come in and rob them..

He was really starving, So he decided to go inside.

He walked up the steps leading to the door and turned the doorknob carefully. To his surprise, it was unlocked. It was like the store owner was just waiting for someone to come in and rob them. "Who just leaves their door unlocked like this. WELP! I'll call it fate!" Lucyndth thought as he started to step into the door. He slowly walked into the room and as quiet as possible, closed the door. He turned around to observe his surroundings. It was a mess. There were books scattered on tables and a desk with papers scattered on it. In the back of the room there was a bookshelf that was in complete chaos. If it wasn't for his hunger right now, Lucyndth would have fixed the room up himself. He shook his head and started to tiptoe through the room towards a door that was open. As he got closer, the smell got stronger. He truly had no idea how exactly he was going to get the food, but he thought with a little persuasion and his cute appearance, he could get an entire army to do his bidding. So how hard could it be to get just a little food? He started to fantasize about the possibilities of what they could be cooking as he got closer to the door. When he got there he listened for anybody before he peered his petite and tiny face a little through the door. All he saw was what seemed to be a mix of a library and cafe, and then some stairs leading to another floor behind a bookshelf. The library seemed cold, as if it didn't want any visitors. It gave Lucyndth chills. He gave the library cafe a few more glances before he headed towards the stairs. Lucyndth creeped up the stairs trying to be a careful as possible. The only reason he tried to be careful was because a little part of him was still hoping that he could just get the food while they weren't paying attention. As he reached the top of the stairs, he felt a sharp pain in his back as he started to fall forward. He passed out.

Who is this man? Was he sent from Sydith? Is it a test? Wait, if it's a test, did I pass? I'd be punished if a let a human man enter here without me noticing. It would be embarrassing if everyone found out that as an official host, I couldn't even notice a human break in. Sydith won't trust me with the duties as a host if a human was so easily able to get pass me. the store owner started to mumble in a worried tone under his breath, "Oh no. I need to get rid of him or something. Maybe interrogate him to get some answers. Yeah, that seems like the smartest thing to do." From some of the terms and topics that were going through the store owner's mind, normal people wouldn't understand what he was rambling on about and some might notice that he definitely isn't human once they got to hear the rest of what he said. The store owner decided to tie Lucyndth up to make sure he wouldn't try anything. He had gloves on because he thought all humans were disgusting things which carried all types of diseases. Even though it was impossible for him to be infected by any of these diseases, he still didn't like the fact the germs were on his body. The store owner shivered at the thought. He didn't know how to tie Lucyndth up while also dodging the germs that infected him. That's when he looked towards the closest.