yellow bacteria resistant suit!?

Lucyndth woke up to a dark room. He couldn't see. Suddenly he felt chills down his spine, as though someone was watching him. Lucyndth was very sensitive to sound, so he heard someone moving around behind him. Then he felt someone breathe on his neck. "AHHHHHHHHH!!" Lucyndth screamed his heart out. He didn't like any physical contact with anyone, he also hated speaking to people. He realized this now once he felt that he was going to be spoken to, or even worse, touched by the stranger behind him.

"Don't touch me you weirdo!" Lucyndth screamed at the person behind him. The store owner scoffed,"I would like it if you didn't scream in my ears. Also stop moving before your germ infected body accidentally touches me." It was obvious that he didn't want anything to do with Lucyndth. I mean, why would he? Lucyndth is the one who broke into his library cafe in the first place. "Why are you here? Wait! Did you come to try to infect me with you disgusting diseases? Were you sent here by Sydith? Well to bad! I can't be infected by you, so good luck on trying to do so." The store owner slowly started to walk to face Lucyndth. Lucyndth was shocked. He knew this man was obviously germaphobic, but he didn't think that he would go this far!

As the store owner walked around, Lucyndth noticed that he was wearing a yellow bacteria resistant suit with a gas mask. He was wearing two pairs of gloves which was obviously too much. Lucyndth wasn't much of a small talk person, but he decided he was interested in the strange man. He doesn't think that he has seen anything like this before. But as he thought again for the fifth time, he wouldn't know if he saw anything like it because he doesn't have his memory. "So Mister Store owner, may I ask why you're wearing that suit of yours. Are you making a fashion statement? If so, than those gloves are really clashing with the color of your gas mask. It is a disgrace to the fashion community." Lucyndth's tone was really sassy like he was some fashion designer who knew what he was talking about. Even worse, the way he said Mister Store owner was sarcastic and was especially getting on the store owners nervous. "First of all Mister germ infested human, this here is not a fashion statement! I'm wearing it so you don't infect me with whatever your carrying. Your like a stray dog and I wish I could return you to the pound. Also, for your information, my name is NOT Mister Store owner!" It was obvious that the store owner was triggered.

Lucyndth was surprised that he went off like that, but he decided to play along and use what the store owner just said to at least get his name. Maybe the store owner could help him with his memory issue. "So if Mister Store owner is not your name, what is?"

The store owner realized that he fell into the trap that the kid set for him. He walked right into that question. But even if he wanted to, he couldn't tell the kid his name unless he is willing to make a blood deal and he didn't want to have to merge with the kids disease infected soul! "It's none of your business what my name is! The real question is, why are you running around my cafe, spreading your diseases like a rat?!" Dang it! He was good. He changed the subject faster than Lucyndth thought he would. Ah! He had an idea, " So you can't tell me your name?" the store owner didn't know where this was heading so he replied "That's right, and you still haven't answered my question!" Lucyndth ignored the last part of his sentence and continued on, " So! You can't tell me your name, and you ask if i was sent by a person named….Sydith, right?"

The owner stopped walking around and looked a Lucyndth, he didn't know how he was supposed to answer the questions he was throwing at him. "Yeah, So what!?" A sly smirk cam across Lucyndth's face. "So. That means that your a spy and the Sydith person is one of your assassins, am I right? Or Sydith is your boss and your scared of him. I bet you think I'm an assassin, don't you?" The store owner was very confused on what this boy was thinking. He seemed unpredictable. His tone was light and soft, no matter how loud he spoke, it was soothing to the ears. Even though he speaking nonsense he spoke slowly with an indifferent face, as though he was stalling or expecting something to happen. The way he slightly tipped his head down like he was a wolf sweet talking a sheep, pretending to be his friend so he can attack. Although at a glance, the boy seemed nice and like someone who wouldn't cause trouble, he was obviously trying to get something out of the store owner. "Hey brat! What are you planning, huh? The way your talking now makes me think your a trained assassin, trying to use reverse physiology to get what you want!" Lucyndth frowned. The store owner was getting farther and farther away from the topic he set. All he really wants is to know his name and ask for food.

The store owner noticed that Lucyndth looked like he was getting tired and his eyes started to droop. "Wasted all your energy trying to plot against me, I see?" The store owner started to joke at Lucyndth. But this was really serious, Lucyndth didn't know how long it's been since he ate something. When the store owner noticed that Lucyndth didn't have anything to say back he started to frown. "Hey kid, stop playing around and tell me who you are and what you want." Again, Lucyndth didn't answer. The store owner noticed that Lucyndths eyes had dark circles around them and his face was getting paler and paler. "Hey kid, is this apart of your plot against me. If not, don't think I have time to help you!" Lucyndth finally glanced up at the store owner and then passed out.