"You're not human! What are you!?"

The store owner had no idea what to do. He still felt suspicious of the situation so he went into the kitchen and started to rumble through the cabinet. This was the kitchen that was apart of the store owners house. His home was upstairs while the library cafe was down stairs. The store owner finally found what he was looking for, he pulled out what looked like a mirror. He then pulled out another object which looked like a dog collar. He then started to walk back to the top of the stairs which is where he tied Lucyndth up. He took the mirror and drew a diamond on it with a marker. He then faced it towards Lucyndth and said some foreign words that didn't match up with any language. "Liufetha'r suvhar!" The mirror lit up and the diamond shape shot out a beam and placed a diamond on Lucyndths forehead. It read his stats back to the store owner. There WAS an easier way to do this. He could have just checked Lucyndths pulse or looked through some medical books for answers, but that meant that he had to touch Lucyndths throat and had to go all the way down stairs and spend three hours just to make sure he was alive.

It seemed that the child past out from hunger. The store owner didn't have any human food. What Lucyndth was smelling earlier was the store owner burning red souls, which like to torture hosts like himself. The store owner didn't care if the boy died or not. Who would care about some diseased monster that broke into their workplace and home. He himself was a demon that worked for who is known as the most heartless being in the world, Sydith. If he were to care for this boy, then Sydith would most likely punish him and remove his title from him. The store owner looked at the dog collar and an idea popped into his mind.

Lucyndth was in a dark place at the moment. He was in a dream. Everything was pitch black around him. He noticed in the corner of his eyes that the darkness around him turned into a room. The room turned from black to red. He noticed that the germaphobic store owner was standing corner of the room. Except he wasn't himself. "I think it's time for you to wake up." Lucyndth wanted to scream, the store owner obviously wasn't human. His skin was blackish red and he had scars all across his body. Even worse, he had what seemed like deer antlers that merged with his head. It wasn't a pretty sight, and the rest of his characteristics were really hard to explain. The only words to explain it were.. "Not human." Lucyndth said out loud, he panicked and repeated the words again. "You're not human. What are you?!" Lucyndths face went pale as he tried to comprehend what he was seeing, but then he realized something. "AH! This is just a dream! What i'm seeing is not real, right?" He finally found the perfect excuse to explain what was happening. The store owner rolled his eyes and started to walk towards Lucyndth. At this point Lucyndths face was whiter that a sheet of paper. He tried to backup away from the store owner but a wall seemed to have appeared behind him. There was no escape. "You're overthinking it." The store owner whispered in Lucyndths ear as he put a mirror up to Lucyndths forehead. Everything went black again and he woke up to the sound of bells.

The bells were those that shop owners put on doors to alert them and their staff that someone has entered their store. "Hello, how can I help you?" Lucyndth heard the store owners voice somewhere. Then he heard someone else reply, but he couldn't make out the words. With his sensitive ears, he should've heard everything the person was saying, but it seemed that the person was speaking another language. Lucyndth sat up and looked around to see where he was. He was in a room which seemed to be like an attic. It was quite beautiful, actually. There was wooden floors and a sunroof the took up the middle of the ceiling. There was nothing much more than the bed he was laying in, another window besides the sky light, and a desk with a few books and a plant, along with a mirror on the wall. The room gave off a warm aura that welcomed him, but it was really dusty, as though it hasn't been used in years. He heard the store owner say something else that matched with whatever language the mystery person was speaking. Lucyndth decided to get out of the bed and get more answers on what was happening. When he got up he noticed his reflection in the mirror. He was no longer wearing the majestic robe that he once was before. He was now wearing a T-shirt that was way big on his tiny body. With his feminine face, it looked like a dress. It was loose on him so no one could tell if he was just a flat chested female, or an underdeveloped male. He very much hated this, and thought to himself that this would be the first thing that he will complain about to the store owner. He was so distracted by the T-shirt that he didn't notice the dog collar around his neck. He frowned. He did not like how this looked on him at all. He looked like a little teenage girl trying to look cute while being a little rebellious to her school dress code . He was disgusted. So disgusted that he was sick to his stomach on how he looked at the moment. That's when he realized his stomach wasn't growling at him reminding him to eat. He was also surprised to realize that he didn't die of hunger last night.

Lucyndth came back to his senses when he heard a bell ring outside the room door. He just realized that he was pretty much just kidnapped. He had to get out. He doesn't know what the store owner planned to do to him. Another question that went through his mind was who undressed him and then put him into this monstrosity they called clothing. It was a disgrace. The feminine clothes made his situation worse. Why not a more fitting shirt that showed his muscular body. " I'm getting sidetracked." Lucyndth needed to find a way out of this place, some new clothes, and some food for the go. He didn't not exactly where he was going to go, but as long as he got away from the weirdo that kidnapped him, he was good with anywhere. He started to creep towards the door. The floor creaked as Lucyndth tiptoed across it, while he stopped every few seconds to make sure that no one was walking towards his door. He remembered that the library cafe was downstairs while the normal house was upstairs. That must mean that Lucyndth was upstairs in one of the rooms at the moment, so all he had to do was to make sure that no one was coming upstairs. Once he got out of this creepy place, he thought that maybe he could try to get a job and maybe a small place to stay while he tried to find out more about his past. Maybe he might find someone to spend his life with. When he reached the door he held his breath as he slowly turned the door knob. The door clicked open and he tried to open it as quietly as possible. "CREEEEEK" the door made the loudest noise in the history of door creeks. Lucyndth eyes started to water as he noticed how loud he was. He slowly tried to close the door and as soon as it clicked, a sarcastic voice arose from behind him. "Going somewhere, Mister delicate prince?"