There is one more option..

Lucyndth didn't like this idea, but before he could even argue, Xinyung continued his sentence. "Your new name will be….hmm...O'suehi!" The name was something Lucyndth has never heard of before. It seemed like another language besides English. "Is that Japanese or Chinese. Maybe korean. It's Korean right? Or is it spanish...but it doesn't sound spanish." Lucyndth started to name languages that he knew of and eliminated the ones that didn't make sense. "No it's not a specific language...You know, just a name." It was obvious that Xinyung wasn't going to explain the name any further and Lucyndth didn't have the patience to care about it anyway. "Ok my new last name is O'suehi. Now could you please continue what you were just saying, I'm becoming impatient!" Xinyung smirked, for he was the only one who knew what Ośuehi meant, but he wasn't going to explain it to Lucyndth. He wanted him to figure it out himself. Xinyung went back to his serious state and continued what he was saying. "OKAY! Stop rushing me, before i decide not to explain to you what's going on!" Xinyung cleared his throat and continued on, "Lucyndth O'suehi. My name is Xinyung Zinhu. I am a black blood demon from the Zinhu household. I am in front of you today to tell you that I am now your personal demon and will be making a blood agreement with you. Us demons do this to enhance our abilities. When we make this blood agreement, it means that our souls will come together and be one. It is almost impossible for demons to make a blood agreement with a normal human because their bodies can not handle the soul of a demon and the power that comes with it. When we make this blood agreement we will have to complete a task that is sent from our boss. These tasks have to be completed in order for our kind to take the next step in winning the war against the Red souls. My task, which is now our task, is to see if one of our higher ups is working against us. Their name is Sydith. The mysterious thing about Sydith is that no one has seen his face. No one knows what he sounds like or what he looks like"… Lucyndth interrupted him, "So how do you guys know that Sydith is male?" Xinyung thought for a second. He didn't know how to answer that! "Well...we don't. But my boss told me that we should just say male so we don't waste time worrying about what gender Sydith is." Lucyndth thought that it was funny that these demons were trying find out more information on Sydith, when they can't even confirm his gender. "Okay, so if I did actually believe all of this demon stuff, what if I don't want to make a blood agreement with you?" Xinyung looked at Lucyndth as though he said something terribly wrong. "If you don't make a blood agreement with me, even if it means to save millions of lives, there IS one more option." Lucyndth looked at him waiting for him to continue on, but it looked like Xinyung wanted to make a dramatic effect. He sighed, leaned on the table, and opened a book. He started to read. Lucyndth just wanted to know what this second option was and was tired of Xinyung stalling and wasting time, so he stormed over to him, reached over the counter, and slammed the book closed. Xinyung gave him a confused look and started to speak, "What? Do you want to know what it is?" It was obvious that Xinyung was playing around with Lucyndth. Of course he wanted to know what it was! Lucyndth glared at Xinyung. "Well, I thought that you already knew of this second condition, my father already stated it. Were you not listening?" Xinyung knew Lucyndth wasn't really listening to what Mr. Zinhu was saying when they were talking about demons and stuff. Lucyndth put his hands on his hips and leaned forwards, "NO! You know that I wasn't listening! Just tell me and stop wasting precious time!" Xinyung sighed and came close to Lucyndth's ear.