He sounded like a woman!

Xinyung whispered into Lucyndths ear,"You would have to marry me." Lucyndth was in shock and completely hated this man's wicked sense of humor. He knew that Lucyndth wouldn't agree with such a request, that's why he gave him the option. Of course Xinyung didn't want to marry this kid, he already had a plan to marry a someone from the Huntinsai family. "You are a man and I am not gay! I will NOT marry you. Why would I? I just found out your name today, after you KIDNAPPED me!" Lucyndth punched Xinyungs arm and walked to the other side of the room. He didn't want to be next to this germaphobe weirdo! Xinyung turned around while rubbing his arm. "Who said I was male?" Lucyndth looked at him like he was crazy. It was obvious that he was male. Xinyung started to laugh. Lucyndth was now completely sure that he was insane. " You don't know, do you? There is a special something about every demon. Most of us can turn into one specific animal, some of us cannot. Those that cannot can make illusions. These are the two types of categories of demons. There is a third, which are really rare. The third one can switch souls with anything and anyone, it can also control what people are thinking and doing. The only case where this happened, the powers only went as far as them changing what the person was doing for an instance. Like if the test subject was pouring water in a cup, the demon could make them spill the water, nothing really major." Xinyung started to walk towards Lucyndth slowly as he explained more about the types of demons there were. Lucyndth still didn't know what this had to do with what gender Xinyung was. "Okay, so what does this have to do with your gender?" Xinyung stopped walking in the middle of the room and sat on one of the tables. "Well, every demon is in one of these three categories, but we all have something special about us. This special thing can be passed down through the family. For example, some humans have blond hair and green eyes, so their children might have that chance also. Even though this example isn't much of a good one because lots of families have blond hair and green eyes, just think of it as one or two families that might have this. My family in particular has this one special thing that I wouldn't call a power. It's sort of like a thing that just happens. My great grandfather went through the same thing." Xinyung was really getting into detail on WHY he has this special power, but he wasn't getting to the point of WHAT it was. "Well! What's the power?" Xinyung glared at Lucyndth, "Again it's not a power and you have a habit of interrupting people. Now, as I was saying, the special occurrence that goes through our family is what I like to call an illusive gender, which only happens to few people in my family. Like my aunt, my great grandfather, and me. It's where we are only the gender that people see us as. When you saw me, you saw me as a male, so therefore I am male. My father called me son because he has always seen me as his son and not his daughter. We are usually called by the gender we were born with, that's why my aunt is my aunt and my grandfather is my grandfather. I am the only acception to this rule. I was born as a girl, but then my tomboy personality made everyone see me as a male. Once a majority of people see us as this one gender, we believe, and therefore are, this specified gender until we make a blood agreement. Once we make a blood agreement, the demon owner is the one that chooses the gender." Xinyung finished his statement. Lucyndth thought these demons took transgender to a whole other level. They weren't just deciding to be a different gender, they have to be it once people saw them as that gender. Lucyndth was in deep thought. Even though Xinyung was born as a female, Lucyndth couldn't see him as a girl, so he decided to continue to call him male and still not marry him because of his personality, not his gender. "Yeah, ok. I didn't just see you as male when I first saw you. You WERE male when I first saw you." Xinyung rolled his eyes, it seemed like his iconic thing to do. He walked over to Lucyndth and said, "All you have to do is just think hard, and you'll see me differently." He put his hand over Lucyndths eyes. "Now come on, think REALLY hard." Lucyndth thought this man was a germaphobe, yet he was actually touching his face without complaining about diseases. Lucyndth was trying to think of Xinyung as female. He tried really hard, even though he thought he was just going to look stupid in the end. "You can take your hand off my face now!" Lucyndth was ready to see what would happen. "Are you sure?" Xinyung questioned Lucyndth in his normal sarcastic tone, but this time Lucyndth was taken back by surprise. Xinyung didn't sound like Xinyung. He sounded like a woman! Maybe it was Lucyndths mind playing games with him. "Yes, I'm ready, now move your hand!" Lucyndth forced Xinyungs hand off of his face and opened his eyes. Lucyndth almost fainted right there. Xinyung….ACTUALLY turned into a woman. He...wait no, 'she' still had her normal features. 'Her' light brown hair tied up into a loose bun. 'She' still had green eyes, but they weren't as intimidating as they were before, they were beautiful and were full of curiosity. 'She' still had her defined features, but they weren't strong and manly, they were beautiful and mature. Lucyndth was impressed at first, but then he realized that even as a woman, Xinyung still looked more manly than he did. "You...you're a….how...woman?" Lucyndth couldn't grasp what he saw. He was still mad at Xinyung for 'her' beauty. No matter what gender, 'she' was still ten times better looking than Lucyndth was and still taller. "You're impressed, I see? I bet you want to marry me now? But guess what? I don't really want to marry you anyway, I still want a blood agreement! I think that would be the best choice." 'Her' voice was majestic and mature, yet sweet and calming. Of course this didn't change the fact that Lucyndth still hated 'her' very much. "You know, I still think I look better than you as a girl! You look like a girl yourself, yet a man can top your look." Xinyung walked back to the counter and grabbed the bottle of hand sanitizer. "Also your face is oily, you should wash it. You really disgust me, you know. I'm starting to have second thoughts on this blood deal thing, but I can't cancel it now that my father thinks I'm already doing it." Xinyung sighed as 'she' squirted the hand sanitizer in 'her' hand. After 'she' said that, Lucyndth's vision went blurry. He rubbed his eyes and looked back up at Xinyung, he was now a he again. Lucyndth breathed a sigh of relief. It was weird to see Xinyung like that, but since he saw that he knows now that everything Xinyung was talking about was real and he planned to make this blood agreement with Lucyndth!