As long as your next to Xinyung, you are my rival!

Lucyndth pulled the bathroom cover open. His eyes were still watering from the overpowering smell of bathroom cleaner. He was hoping that the water would help the smell die down a little bit. He reached for one of the knobs in the bathtub and froze. There were five knobs! Isn't there only supposed to be two? Hot and cold should be the only choices there are, but for some reason, there's five knobs.

Lucyndth walked out the bathroom and stood at the top of the stairs, "Xinyung! There's five knobs, which ones are hot and cold?" Lucyndth waited for a reply, but heard nothing. "Xinyung!' He waited, but then again, nothing. "Okay, if that's how you want it." Lucyndth stormed back into the bathroom to test the knobs himself.

Xinyung was to busy ignoring Lucyndth to answer his questions. He was also cooking, so if he left the stove to explain to Lucyndth how the knobs worked, their grill cheese would burn. He can probably figure it out. He had to use the kitchen that was also used for the cafe, this is the only thing that connected the cafe and the house. While Xinyung was cracking some eggs, the bells on the front door of the shop rung. Xinyung didn't want to leave the food on the stove, so he took the pans off the stove and put them on the counter. It just seems like everyone wanted to interrupt him today! Xinyung was untighing his apron as he walked through the door of the cafe. He immediately wanted to turn back around.

Lucyndth figured out how the knobs on the bath worked. Knob one is for showers, knob two is for baths, knob three is for scorching hot, knob four is for ice cold, and knob five his for warm. Lucyndth was happy that he was able to figure it out, even though he thought that there should only be two knobs. Right when he started to run his water, he heard the bell ring downstairs. It was probably another customer, so it didn't matter to Lucyndth. He continued what he was doing and turned on knob five for warm. He grabbed Xinyungs Irish spring and poured it into the bath. The water was just right! Lucyndth undressed himself and sat in the bathtub. After a while, his eyes started to droop.

As soon as he closed his eyes, he panicked. He opened his eyes and jumped out the bathtub. When he was about to fall asleep, he felt the sensation of drowning. It reminded him of when he almost died! Lucyndth suddenly felt scared of the water, so he decided to just get dressed and eat. It's been a while, so Xinyung was probably done with the food by now. Lucyndth didn't want to eat it while it was cold. After he dried himself off, he looked at the clothes that Xinyung gave him. He gave him khaki shorts and a dress shirt with ruffles on the front of it. There were also knee high socks and shoes, along with a bow tie. Lucyndth wasn't really fond of the outfit, but at least it was better than the last thing Xinyung put on him!

Lucyndth got himself dressed, but he couldn't put on the bow tie. "I guess i'll get Xinyung to put it on for me." He grabbed his towel and opened the door. Lucyndth jumped from fright. There was a high pitched scream from downstairs, followed by a lot of squealing. Afterwards there were screams from a man, it sounded like Xinyung! Lucyndth opened his bedroom door and threw the towel and the bow tie in his room. Then he ran downstairs. Maybe Xinyung was is trouble. Lucyndth stopped running down the stairs, if he's a demon with special powers, then he should be okay. He heard another scream from Xinyung, and ran down the stairs faster than before.He stopped once he was at the last stair and took in the scene that was laying before him.

There was a girl who seemed to be a little younger than Xinyung running around. She had blond hair and crystal blue eyes. Her dress looked way to big. Xinyung was on the other side of the room trying to get away from the little girl. She wasn't just running around the room, she was chasing Xinyung! Xinyung had the most terrified look on his face as he dodged her hands.

"Why won't you just love me! I'll give you my heart and soul! MARRY ME, XINYUNG! PLEASE!"

Lucyndth didn't know how to react and he felt that he shouldn't interrupt the two.

"No! Please stay away, you germ infested brat! I will not marry you! GET AWAY!" Xinyung was doing his best to dodge the girl, but she was too fast. She grabbed onto his waist before he could stop her.

He sighed and noticed Lucyndth standing at the stairs. He smiled and pushed the girl off of him, and then started to walk towards Lucyndth.

The girl turned around and sized Lucyndth up. "Who is she? Why is she dressed like a man? Xinyung, why is this girl in your house. Don't tell me you love her! OH, HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME?!"

The little girl started to throw a fit. Lucyndth really didn't want to be apart of this situation.

"Yep, I do love HIM and plan to marry him. He is my one and only love!" Xinyung walked over and held Lucyndths hand.

What was this guy's issue on trying to wed Lucyndth. Lucyndth removed his hand and bent over to whisper in Xinyungs ear, "What are you doing! Are you crazy? You do NOT plan to marry me, okay? Don't make me drop kick you in front of your little girlfriend here!"

Xinyung frowned and then sighed, "Always playing hard to get. I was trying to get her away from me! I don't need her to touch me with her sticky hands!"

The girl stomped her foot and looked at Lucyndth. She then started to walk towards him. She stopped in front of him and looked him up and down.

" My name is Niynu Wittynson, and I plan to marry Xinyung. I do not care of which gender you are, but as long as your next to my precious Xinyung, you are my rival! Do not think I'll let you live in peace!" She then turned away, and walked towards the door. Before she walked out she looked at Xinyung. "Bye, my love. I shall see again in the future, for fate calls me to you." Niynu then bowed, and walked out. Lucyndth turned to glare at Xinyung.

He smirked, "What? Are you jealous of me and another girl?"

Lucyndth punched him in the arm. "No, I'm just mad that you used me like that!"

Xinyung sighed a sigh of relief. "I know you heard me screaming! What if I was dying? I've been running away from Niynu for the longest time!"

Lucyndth didn't have time for him complaining about the little girl, they had to get to the beach. It was already sunset! "Xinyung, we don't have time for this! The day is coming to an end and we still haven't visited the beach!."

Xinyung looked outside and frowned. He had to know more about this boy. It seems suspicious that he doesn't fit into one of the three normal categories of humanoid species. There would be a fourth humanoid category, which fits in with demon. That's the one that Xinyung told Lucyndth was so rare. Normal demons as himself can't detect this type of demon, what if….no, it's impossible. This little boy? Anything more than human?

Xinyung dismissed the thought and smiled again, "Okay, let's just take the food with us and we'll eat on the way!" Xinyung walked into the back room. Lucyndth followed. Xinyun walked towards a door Lucyndth didn't see before. Once Xinyung opened it, Lucyndth got confused.

It was a kitchen. Lucyndth remembered that the sweet smelling substance he smelled when he first broke into the cafe was upstairs. How was the kitchen downstairs? "Xinyung, what were you cooking last night? It smelled sweet."

Xinyung froze and looked at him. "I was burning red souls." Xinyung tried to answer smoothly, but couldn't help but thinking. Humans can't smell red souls. They are the only species incapable of doing so! If that was the case, then why was this boy telling him this? Xinyung dismissed the crazy thoughts again and grabbed the paper bag he put the food in. " Let's go!"

They walked out the back room, through the cafe, and out the door. As soon as they walked out the door, Lucyndth felt dizzy. He had very sensitive ears, and all he could hear were people laughing, whispering, and screaming in excitement. Xinyung was holding Lucyndth's hand as they walked through the crowd. Every once in a while, Lucyndth would make a misstep and almost fall because his dizziness would hit harder.

Xinyung stopped once they were standing in the middle of the boardwalk. "Show me where it is."

Lucyndth pointed a couple shops down on the left of them and Xinyung dragged Lucyndth to that spot. It was the little pathway that lead to the beach. Lucyndth and Xinyung started down the path. Now that they were away from the crowd, Lucyndth felt better. Lucyndth took the lead to show Xinyung where he was. When they got there, Xinyung started to look around like he was looking for something specific. He then looked out to the water and at the sky.

While Xinyung was looking around, Lucyndth started to do so to, but he wasn't looking for anything specific like Xinyung was. Lucyndth stopped to play in the sand. He drew a cat with a bow tie. While he was working on another drawing, something shined in the corner of his eye. He walked towards it and picked it up. It was a crystal necklace with a fox eye on it. "Xinyung, look what I found!"

Xinyung glanced at him and ignored him, but after he saw what was Lucyndth's hands, he walked towards him. "Lucyndth, give me that!"