It was like they knew each other before...

Xinyung was about to grab the necklace out of Lucyndth's hands before he withdrew his hand. "Do you want it or not?" Lucyndth reached his hands out to try to give the necklace to Xinyung. "No just..put it in your pocket." Lucyndth looked at it, and then put it into his pocket. "What is this supposed to be anyway. It's really pretty, so I feel bad for taking it. Maybe we should leave it here, so the owner can come back to get it." Lucyndth took it out of his pocket and dropped back where he found it.

Before it hit the ground, Xinyung ran and caught it. He hurried up and put it back into Lucyndths hands. "No, we need this. It isn't anything from this dimension. It is a special amulet that can repel the Blood King himself! It might give us a hint to why you're here!" Lucyndth looked at the necklace. It was a fox eye with a black Jewel in the middle. If Xinyung actually planned to take him on this crazy adventure, then this might be helpful. Lucyndth smiled and put it into his pocket. "It's getting dark, and I think that this is all that I need to find out more about you. We need to go home and we'll just eat what I cooked earlier." Xinyung pointed to the bag he left in the sand. Lucyndth turned around and started to walk towards the pathway. Xinyung grabbed the bag out the sand and followed. He tried to hide his hands behind his back. The amulet had burned his hands, but he didn't want to let Lucyndth know.

When they got to the house, it was already nightfall. Lucyndth didn't have to worry about getting dizzy on the way there, for the crowd died down. Lucyndth was tired and was starting to get hungry. Xinyung ran upstairs to the bathroom to heal his wounds on his hands. Lucyndth was now the only one in the library cafe, so he decided to take a sandwich out the bag and read while he ate. He looked around on the shelfs to find a title that seemed to interest him. He searched for a book, but so far nothing seemed to interest him.He stopped once he saw an interesting title. The book read 'Reborn, and killed again'. Lucyndth grabbed the book and sat down at one of the tables. I question arose in Lucyndths head. Why didn't anyone come into the cafe? Lucyndth thought for a while and took a bite out of his sandwich. Xinyung wouldn't just let people into his shop, He would most likely complain about them being to dirty or loud. Lucyndth thought for a second and decided that it was probably one of those magic things that Lucyndth couldn't understand. He decided to open his book, and read.

Lucyndth was reading for a good thirty minutes. He had finished his sandwich and there was still not sign on Xinyung anywhere. Lucyndth folded the corner of the page to mark it, and got up to go upstairs. He got to the top of the stairs and noticed that the bathroom door was cracked and the light was on. There was some rumbling and falling of bottles that could be heard from the outside. Lucyndth walked to the door and pushed it open. He was in complete shock. He didn't know what to do.

Xinyung was holding onto the bathroom tub trying to support himself. There was what looked like blood everywhere, but it was a dark red color that was close to black. It was on the bathtub and on the sink. It was on bottles and on the bar of soap. There were bloody handprints everywhere. "Wha-what's happening? Are you okay, do you want me to call someone to help you?" Xinyung's face was pale as he started to laugh. "Why are you laughing?! This is a serious matter, and your hurt!" Lucyndth looked through the bathroom cabinet to see if he could find anything that might help him with Xinyungs issue. He found some wound cleaner and some bandages. His mind wasn't clear, this was all way too crazy. "Where are you hurt?" Lucyndth sat down beside Xinyung.

Xinyung shook his head as he tried to push Lucyndth away. He didn't want Lucyndth to help him. Lucyndth saw that Xinyung's hands had burn marks on them and deep cuts along with it. Blood was gushing out. The color of the blood was either black, or a really dark red. Lucyndth grabbed Xinyungs hand and gave him a look that told him to let Lucyndth help his wound.

Lucyndth turned on the cold water for the bathtub. He pulled Xinyungs hands under the water. He withdrew his hands after fifteen seconds and poured the wound cleaner on his hands. Xinyung winced in pain, but he didn't want to look weak, so he sucked it up. Lucyndth dried his hands off and started to wrap his left hand in bandages. "I found a book that I like. It's about a boy who died in the ancient world and was reborn as a girl in the modern world. He trains to become someone special in his life." Lucyndth started to wrap up his right hand and didn't ask questions about the burns and cuts on Xinyungs hands. He decided he would let him keep his pride for now. It also looked like Xinyung really didn't want to talk about it, nor did Lucyndth. He was half asleep and his day was crazy enough already. Lucyndth didn't know what crazy series of events would go on tomorrow.

Lucyndth finished wrapping Xinyungs hands. He got up and started to clean the blood that was on the sink. Xinyung took the towel away from Lucyndth and started to clean. Lucyndth shrugged his shoulders and started to walk out the bathroom. If this man still wanted to clean even though he was injured, that was his issue.Then he finally heard a voice that had been silent all this time. "Why is it that you help me. We barely know each other, yet you act like you care about me. Why is that so? It only took you a day to understand everything and warm up to me, how far will we be in three days? A week? A month? What about a year?" Lucyndth turned around to the man behind him. He never thought farther than the next three days. He knew that he was getting himself into more than he thought, but he never really thought about it as much.

He realized that he did get used to Xinyung in a short amount of time. It was like they knew each other before. "Xinyung, have we met before. Are you sure you haven't met me before?" Xinyung thought for a second and then put down the towel. "Maybe we have." He smirked. Even though he was smiling, his eyes were sad. Lucyndth blinked a few times, "Think about that. I'm about to go to sleep. Don't work yourself to death from cleaning this bathroom, okay?" Lucyndth walked back into his room to go to sleep.

Xinyung was in the bathroom by himself. He was in deep thought. In fact, Lucyndth reminded himself of someone. It was a girl who the cold hearted blood king loved. No one believed that it could be love. How could the Blood king, who has killed many, care about someone. Her name Misuni Huntinsai. She was a princess and was apart of the royal family of Huntinsai's. She wanted everyone to call her Suni even though it was informal. The Blood king proposed to her many times, she always said no. Xinyung stopped scrubbing and frowned. Rumour had it that he killed her because he was tired of her saying no. Xinyung thought for a little bit, and continued to clean.

Lucyndth had some trouble falling asleep. He tossed and turned. What Xinyung said in the bathroom had his brain racked. "Maybe we have." What is that supposed to mean? Did Xinyung know more than he was letting off? He was acting really weird. Maybe that's how he usually behaved, but Lucyndth wouldn't know, he only knew him for a day. Lucyndth thought more about the situation. Xinyung was right, Lucyndth did care about him alot even though he only knew him for a day. This is the only reason he asked Xinyung if they met before. It felt as though he has known him forever. Like they were friends who always fought in the past. He gave up on the thought, he won't remember until he investigated it. Lucyndth forced his mind to be at peace with the situation so the he could sleep

Lucyndth woke up to a bright light. He opened his eyes quickly sat up. He turned and saw Xinyung standing at his bed. He panicked and fell off the bed. He stood up and pointed at Xinyung. "What are you doing in here! Do you just watch people while they're sleeping?!" Xinyung sat down on Lucyndth's floor. "This place needs some cleaning, it's really dusty. It also needs more decorating. It's so boring in here." Xinyung completely ignored Lucyndth's question. "What do you want from me!" Lucyndth was mad that Xinyung was watching him in his sleep. Didn't he have anything better to do than to wait for Lucyndth to wake up? In reality Xinyung heard Lucyndth talking in his sleep, so he decided to listen.

He also decided to cut their three days short, and leave to the closed space today. "We will be making a blood deal today and going through the closed space to the Under Kingdom." Lucyndth couldn't believe this man! He promised Lucyndth three days to find more out about his past. He couldn't even keep his promise! "You said three days to process the information and to help me find out about my past!" Xinyung crossed his legs and sighed. "You look like you've processed the information enough. About your past, I think we will find more information about you in the Under Kingdom. Your a little more special than you think." Lucyndth gave him a confused expression, "What do you mean?"