“ I can get used to this!”

Lucyndth passed out, for the pain was too much to bare.

Xinyung reached his arms out to catch Lucyndth as he fell forward. He looked down and saw no blood coming from Lucyndth's chest. That was the special thing about the blood sword. It was really ironic that there was no blood that came from an object called a blood sword.

Xinyung slowly pulled the sword from his chest. Once he did so, the wound on his chest turned black and he let Lucyndth down on the floor. He then checked Lucyndth's pulse. His heart wasn't beating. He sighed and picked Lucyndth up horizontally. He took him up the stairs and out of the basement. Xinyung thought that he would enjoy stabbing him with a sword, but he didn't seem to be happy. He looked down at Lucyndth's lifeless body and sighed.

He reached the his bathroom upstairs and laid Lucyndth on the floor. He then summoned fire with his hands. To complete the Blood deal, Xinyung would have to burn the cut on Lucyndth's chest.and they will have to join souls. He had to do it, otherwise Lucyndth would die. Xinyung didn't want to hurt him, but he didn't want to kill him either. He shook his head, trying to clear the thoughts from his head.

Xinyung put the fire to Lucyndht's chest, causing the cuts to burn into scars. Afterwards, Lucyndth's heart started to beat. It wasn't beating normally. If one didn't pay attention, they'd say that it wasn't beating at all. That person would be wrong, for if they listened closely, they'd notice the slow and quiet ticking of the clock within his chest.

Xinyung used the same process he used in the basement. He had to replace his body form with his soul form to pass through Lucyndth, but this time he had to stay within Lucyndth's soul instead of passing thorugh it. He had to do this in the basement to make sure that his soul was compatible too merge with.

Xinyung turned into his soul form. It was the same thing that scared Lucyndth in his dream. He put his hand through the cut on Lucyndth's chest. His hand easily slipped through his chest. Xinyung closed his eyes, and pushed his entire arm through. He immediately pulled it out. Shivers ran down his spine. He shook his head again, he had to go through with it.

Xinyung held both of Lucyndth's hands, pinning his arms down. He then fell forward and completely entered Lucyndth's soul. Afterwards, Xinyung was nowhere to be seen, for he was inside Lucyndth's soul. It was silent for thirty seconds, until Lucyndth started to shake. His hands and feet shook uncontrollably. His eyes popped open. Lucyndth's eyes were completely black. His body floated into the air and then turned vertically so he could stand. Lucyndth turned to looked at himself in the mirror. He walked over to the mirror and put his hand on it. Doing so caused the lights to flicker and the room started to shake. The mirror shattered and the lights were close to burning out.

Lucyndth snapped out of his trance and looked at the mirror in horror. He took his hand off. One of his eyes were completely black. He had what looked like tattoos all over his arms. Lucyndth immediately took of his shirt. There were cuts and scars all over his body. Lucyndth fell back in terror. Was this the blood deal that Xinyung was talking about? If so, then Lucyndth doesn't want anything to do with it now! He also stabbed him with a sword!

Where is Xinyung? Lucyndth ran and opened the door to the bathroom.

"XINYUNG! COME HERE! XINYUNG, PLEASE!" Lucyndth screamed down the stairs.

"Calm down, it'll be okay." Lucyndth's ears rung as he heard a voice inside his head.

His hands shook as he felt around his ears.

" Xi….Xinyung...Where are you?" Lucyndth questioned Xinyung with a shaky voice.

Even though he couldn't see him, he could hear Xinyung's sarcastic voice, " We made the blood deal. I'm inside the soul, and will continue to be here for a few hours. Your body has to get used to another host controlling it."

Lucyndth fell to his knees. "What do you mean by 'another host controlling my body'? Lucyndth didn't understand what he meant by that.

Xinyung didn't say anything else. Lucyndth's vision started to get blurry. His arms started to get numb. His vision blacked out for three seconds before it came back. It didn't seem as though anything had changed. Lucyndth thought that nothing changed until he tried to move his hands .He couldn't move his hands. He COULDN'T move his hands. He tried to move his feet. They wouldn't budge either.

Lucyndth heard Xinyung's voice. He heard his voice, but he felt his own lips moving. "I am now in control. This will make you stronger, although it limits my powers. I am not in complete control though. You are now my master, and I am now your personal demon. You will have to learn how to summon me and use my powers without me being in control."

Lucyndth felt himself getting up and going into the bathroom. When he was in the bathroom, he felt surprised by the distorted image he saw in the shattered mirror.

His eyes were black. Around his eyes there were small, black cracks in his skin. His teeth were somehow sharper. The once barely noticeable tattoos on his body, were now clearly visible. All of the scars and cuts that looked healed, now looked like they were fresh and new. The biggest scar on his chest was black, but still looked like a fresh wound. A smirk came across Lucyndth's face. Even though it was Lucyndth, his body now had the same aura that Xinyung had.

" I can get used to this!" Xinyung spoke with satisfaction as he flexed Lucyndth's arms.

His smile quickly faded as he became disappointed with how weak Lucyndth's arms

were compared to his own.

" Well don't get used to it! Also, could you stop comparing me to you, it's making me feel insecure! How could I compare to male model material." Lucyndth spoke, but he couldn't see himself talking.

Another smirk came onto Lucyndth's face. "A male model?" Xinyungs voice seemed to be teasing Lucyndth.

Lucyndth felt his face turning red. Xinyung started to stumble as he started to lose control.

Lucyndth was back now. His face was redder than ever. He then heard a voice from his head. "A male model you say. So you see me as a male model? That's funny, cause I always thought of myself as an actor or an idol. I've never thought about a model."

Lucyndth covered his face. I male model? Really, Lucyndth? "That's not what I meant. I was just saying that you look better than me." Lucyndth tried to make up for the awkward comment he made.

He felt Xinyung's pride within him. Lucyndth felt he was going to explode from Xinyung's ego. "Yep! I am better looking than you!" Lucyndth frowned. Why does he have to be like this?

If a normal person were to see all that had happened, they would probably think that Lucyndth was crazy and probably demonic, for he was talking to himself in the mirror. Lucyndth noticed that hours had passed since the blood deal.

"Xinyung, didn't you say that you only had to be in my soul for a few hours? Why are you still here?" Lucyndth questioned Xinyung while he was looking into the mirror.

"Oh what? You don't want me to be here anymore? I feel so heartbroken!" Xinyung complained in a sad tone. "Well okay.." Xinyung decided to leave.

Lucyndth'd body went numb again. The scars on his body burned as they were healing at an incredible rate. He clenched onto the bathroom sink as he became dizzy. Xinyung was in control for a few seconds, and glanced at the mirror with a smirk. He then went back to being numb. His hands shook again. The lights started to flicker and Lucyndth's vision went black.

Xinyung woke up in his soul form ten seconds after their incident. He looked beside him and saw Lucyndth passed out. Lucyndth's eyes started to flutter open. He stared at the thing he saw beside him. It was the demon form he saw in his dream! He got up an ran towards the door. Lucyndth wasn't paying attention to the fact that the door was closed and ran into it. He passed out again.

Xinyung sighed, he forgot that Lucyndth only saw his demon form in a dream. He knew he was a demon, but he didn't know that Xinyung's demon form was more than just a dream. Xinyung got up and looked at himself in the mirror. He still thought that he was beautiful, in his own way, of course. Xinyung turned around to face Lucyndth, who was currently passed out from fear. He walked over and picked him up and started to walk towards Lucyndth's room.

Lucyndth had to wake up soon, they didn't have time for this. Xinyung wanted to get through the closed space as soon as possible. Xinyung laid Lucyndth on the bed. He then sat on his floor to meditate. He had to calm his mind to come back to his regular form.

Twenty minutes later, Lucyndth finally woke up.