I should've just let you fall to your death.

He sat up on his bed and rubbed between his eyebrows. He had the most splitting headache. Lucyndth turned to see Xinyung meditating on the floor. He looked normal, and not like the monster he saw twenty minutes ago.

" Hey, Xinyung! Get up off my floor! Is there anything else we have to do today?" Lucyndth questioned Xinyung, but he sat on his floor and didn't listen. Lucyndth sighed and got off the bed. He walked towards Xinyung and poked him.

"HEY! Xinyung, are you alive." Right when Lucyndth finished his sentence, Xinyung's eyes opened. Lucyndth fell backwards in surprise. Xinyungs eyes were completely black.

He looked at Lucyndth and smiled, " Are you afraid?" Xinyung asked Lucyndth.

Lucyndth blinked a few times and stood up. He puffed up his chest as he said, "Afraid? Me? No, never. I'm just...not used to this yet. Also, was that you in the bathroom earlier?"

Xinyung closed his eyes, only to open them again, but this time his eyes were normal. Xinyung got up to look at Lucyndth. Lucyndth's puffed up chest soon deflated as he felt overpowered by Xinyung's aura.

"It's my demon form. You ran into a door and passed out after seeing me." Xinyung explained what happened with a sad look on his face.

He shook his head, and his sad look became more sarcastic. " Maybe you passed out after seeing the mirror. I know it wasn't my looks that scared you off, I'm beautiful no matter what form."

Lucyndth rolled his eyes at the narcissistic person in front of him. He thought in silence for a while. Was that Xinyung's actual demon form? Xinyung walked over to Lucyndth. " I know what your thinking, and yes, that is actually my demon form. I'm sorry if I scared you." Xinyung read Lucyndth's mind.

Xinyung turned around and sat on the floor. Lucyndth sat on the bed. What is supposed to happen now? They made the blood deal, Lucyndth now has a personal demon, as if that's helpful in any type of way. "Yung, didn't you say we were supposed to leave today?" Xinyung spun around on the floor to face Lucyndth like lightning. His eyes grew wide.

"Did you just call me Yung?!"

Lucyndth was also surprised. He didn't notice it until Xinyung said something. Lucyndth stood at him with a blank face. " It would be easier to call you Yung instead of Xinyung."

Xinyung stood up and looked at Lucyndth. He's never had a nickname before. His eyes were sparkling, he was really happy. He noticed his facial expression and backed up. He turned around and calmed down. Xinyung's never had friends to call him by a nickname, but he wasn't going to let Lucyndth know that! Xinyung turned to face Lucyndth with a forced calm expression.

"Yeah, my friends call me that all the time. I'm just wondering why you're calling me Yung. It just makes you look too lazy to say Xinyung. What's so complicated in saying Xin in front of the Yung?"

Lucyndth raised one eyebrow. It was obvious that Xinyung doesn't have any friends. "Okay then. If you don't want me to call you Yung, then I'll stick to your normal name!" Lucyndth folded his arms and turned away from Xinyung.

Xinyung became sad. He wanted a nickname. "No, it's okay. You can call me Yung." Xinyung tried to hide the desperation for friendship in his voice.

"Okay, Yung. I want to know when you're going to take me to the Under Kingdom?"

Xinyung slowly paced over window, Lucyndth followed. "Well, I was thinking we could leave tonight. Of course, if that's okay with you." Xinyung turned around and looked Lucyndth in the eye.

Is he actually giving Lucyndth a choice. He didn't know he had a choice. Lucyndth broke eye contact with Xinyung. He was scared about the future that lay in front of him. What if he got hurt, or worse, killed? What if him trying to find more about himself kills him? Is his past really worth it? Xinyung got closer to Lucyndth.

"Yes, your past is worth it." He smiled and stepped back again. Lucyndth took a few steps back too .

Lately it seems like Xinyung is reading his mind. That's when it hit Lucyndth, "Yung, do you know what I'm thinking?"

Xinyung smiled, but didn't say anything. Lucyndth didn't like this. "I don't want you reading my mind! It's weird, stop it!" Lucyndth was creeped out. Xinyung could've at least told him he knew what he was thinking! Lucyndth sighed and went back to deciding what he was going to do.

There were so many possibilities of him getting hurt. Lucyndth glanced at Xinyung. There's that chance, but Xinyung will be there. He could save Lucyndth if he ever needed help.

Xinyung smiled, "Of course, I'm your knight in shining armor, and you're my delicate prince!" Xinyung got on one knee and bowed, "I will always be at your service." Xinyung looked up at Lucyndth and smiled.

Lucyndth's face was red. "Don't say that, please. It sounds weird." Lucyndth pulled Xinyung off the ground. This guy was really weird. He dare call Lucyndth a delicate prince? Lucyndth smiled, maybe that was his nickname. Xinyung got a nickname, so maybe he should too.

Xinyung interrupted his thoughts, "So, did you make your choice? Before you decide, let me say one thing. I will be there too save you when you're in need. I'll never let any monster lay a hand on you!" Xinyung walked up and grabbed Lucyndth's hands, "I'll always be there when you're in need of assistance."

After Xinyung finished his sentence, the atmosphere got awkward really fast. Xinyung dropped Lucyndths hands. He cleared his throat, "As a friend, of course!" He then walked back over to the window. Lucyndth thought about it. Xinyung was right, if anything were to happen to Lucyndth, Xinyung would be there. Lucyndth made up his mind.

He walked over to stand beside Xinyung. He looked at the dazed man beside him and sighed. Lucyndth leaned on the window seal. " I have made my mind. I shall join you on this journey to the Under Kingdom."

Xinyung broke his gaze from the window. He looked at Lucyndth and smiled. He then went back to looking out the window, "Okay then." Xinyung then walked out the room. Lucyndth turned and watched him as he went. Okay then? That's all he said? What does that mean? Lucyndth walked over to sit on his bed. Should he pack his stuff? Lucyndth looked around his room, what is there to pack? He only had the two outfits Xinyung gave him, nothing else. Lucyndth layed down and looked up at the sunroof. It was a cloudy day with no sun. It was quite depressing, Lucyndth thought to himself.

Xinyung came up the stairs and walked into Lucyndth's room to find him with a sad expression. He went to the basement to get traveling bags.

He walked over too Lucyndth and waved his hands over his face. "Lucyndth, I got bags for the trip. I'll take you into my room and you can choose what clothes you want to bring. I don't care about them anyway."

Lucyndth continued to look up at the sunroof above him. "Yung, how old do you think I am. You said that you weren't much older than I was." Lucyndth broke his gaze from the sky and sat up. He looked at Xinyung waiting for an answer.

Xinyung smirked and sat beside Lucyndth. "How old do you think I am? Based on looks, of course."

Lucyndth folded his arms and thought for a while. He then looked at Xinyung with a certain look. "Somewhere between sixteen and nineteen." Lucyndth then nodded his head and waited for Xinyung to give him the answer.

Xinyung laughed, "Yes, my looks are, but my actual age is nowhere close to that."

Lucyndth was certain that he would be nineteen at the most. He definitely isn't any less than sixteen. Lucyndth looked into Xinyungs eyes, hinting that he was waiting for an answer.

Xinyung continued to smile. "You would have to believe me if I told you. Will you believe me?"

Lucyndth rolled his eyes and nodded. Xinyung never liked to get to the point. "Okay then. My age is…" Xinyung stopped and turned away so his back was facing Lucyndth before he continued, "one hundred and sixteen years old."

Lucyndth almost fell off the bed once he heard his age. At first he didn't want to believe him, he had to be lying, right? He might be telling the truth. He is a demon with powers after all! Lucyndth came over Xinyungs shoulders to look at him, "No way!" Xinyung spun around rubbed Lucyndth's hair, messing it up. "Yes way!" Lucyndth pushed his hands off his head. "But you said that you were no older than me!"

Xinyung smiled and leaned back on the back board of Lucyndth's bed. "I meant in look wise. Not how old I actually am." Lucyndth got off the bed and pointed at Xinyung, "That means that you did kidnap me! You're old enough to be an adult! Way past that age, actually!"

Xinyung got up to face Lucyntdth, "Kidnap? what does age have to do with kidnapping? Also, You broke into my cafe and passed out from hunger! You kidnapped yourself!" Xinyung wasn't wrong, Lucyndth is the one who broke into the cafe in the first place!

Lucyndth put down his hand .Xinyung was telling the truth, He put himself in this situation. Lucyndth looked over at the bags that Xinyung sat on his bed. He grabbed them and looked inside.

"Didn't you say that I could get whatever clothes I wanted from your room?" Lucyndth showed Xinyung the empty bag.

Xinyung nodded, "Yes, I did say that." Lucyndth smiled and walked out of the room. Xinyung followed him.

Lucyndth stopped in the hallway and turn to look at Xinyung. "What are you going to wear, Yung?" Xinyung stopped, almost running into Lucyndth who stopped suddenly.

He thought about it for a second. "Well, I didn't think about that. If I did need something to wear, I would get it from my drawer. You're not taking my entire dresser and closet with you, just some T-shirts and shorts, or whatever satisfies your interest."

Lucyndth started to walk again, and then suddenly stopped again, almost causing Xinyung to run into him for a second time. "I'm going to be trying on clothes, why are you following me?" Lucyndth raised an eyebrow, mocking Xinyung. Xinyung coughed and looked up.

"Why would I want to go in there with you, what kind of demon do you think I am? I'm just getting clothes to change into. I will be going to a water realm to cleanse myself." Xinyung then pushed past Lucyndth and walked towards his door.

Lucyndth followed him into the room. He looked around and noticed Xinyung going through his closet. He walked over to ask him a question. "What's a water realm?"

Xinyung turned around and gave him the same look that makes Lucyndth feel like a naive child.

"It's where the most beautiful hot springs and waterfalls are. This specific realm is…." Xinyung stopped in the middle of his sentence. He thought for a second and continued on, "....for very special people. It's only for high class demons!"

Lucyndth rolled his eyes and walked away. He stopped at Xinyungs dresser and opened the first drawer. Before he could put his hands in it, Xinyung interrupted him, "By the way, whatever you touch, you can keep. If you wear it, then it doesn't matter how many times I clean it, it will always have your germs on it."

Lucyndth smiled. This was the Xinyung he was used to.

Xinyung found a green robe that he liked and walked out the room. He went into the bathroom and left the door cracked. Lucyndth peeked his head out the door to see the bathroom door. He wanted to see Xinyung enter this waster realm he was talking about.

Lucyndth tiptoed across the wood floor and stopped at the bathroom. He wasn't able to see Xinyung exactly, but he could see his reflection in the mirror through the small crack in the door. Xinyung turned and looked at the open door. He frowned, and walked over to close it. Lucyndth decided to just listen.

He waited for two minutes and started to hear Xinyung talking in the bathroom. "Asing Luivasah!" Xinyung spouted words Lucyndth couldn't understand. Lucyndth listen for more, but Xinyung didn't say anything else. There was no noise from the bathroom. Lucyndth waited a few minutes before opening the door.

"Xinyung, are you there?" Lucyndth had his hand over his eyes, just in case. He heard no answer and removed his hand. Xinyung wasn't in the bathroom. He was nowhere to be seen! Lucyndth ran to the tub and pulled the curtains back. There was nothing in there! Xinyung wasn't playing around when he said that he was going into another realm! Lucyndth's heart was beating. This was crazy! What's he supposed to do about this! The words that Xinyung said flashed through Lucyndth's mind. "Those words, they must lead to him!"

Lucyndth sat down on the floor and breathed a deep breath. Maybe he could do it too. Maybe he could travel to another realm! Lucyndth laughed at the idea, but decided he would try for fun. He took a deep breath and spoke the words he heard earlier, "Asing Luivasah."

Lucyndth waited a second, and then opened his eyes. He laughed to himself, he was still in the bathroom. He got up and walked for the door. Maybe it was just demons who could do it. Right when Lucyndth reached for the door, his mind had a splitting headache and his vision became blurry. He saw the room move as he fell in slow motion. It wasn't just the moment that made it slow motion. Lucyndth was actually falling slowly! He looked around as his heart was beating. The room around him started to turn black and white. He was close to the floor, still falling, when the room was fully black and white. He looked up at the ceiling as he hit the ground. As soon as his body touched the floor beneath him, the room turned into radiant colors. Lucyndth's vision blacked out.

His vision only blacked out for a second before he woke up again. Lucyndth woke up to the sound of water falling and the smell of flowers. He was looking at a sky. Lucyndth sat up and surveyed his surroundings. He was sitting in a really shallow puddle. It wasn't just a puddle, it was a vast puddle. Less of a puddle, more like a lake. A really shallow lake. Lucyndth looked down and sighed at his soaked clothes. Lucyndth was actually able to do it! This was crazy! He traveled to another realm! Truly amazing! Lucyndth started to laugh, "This is truly crazy!"

He stopped laughing and stumbled to get up. His knees were shaking as he took a few steps forwards. This place was beautiful. Lucyndth looked over to his left. He fell down in the water. He couldn't believe his eyes. Lucyndth stood up again. It was a cliff! The big puddle-like lake lead off a cliff! But that's impossible, Lucyndth thought. He would feel the water tugging him towards the edge if it was flowing off of a cliff. Lucyndth walked closer to the edge with curiosity. Once he got closer to the edge he stopped and peeked over with caution.

The water wasn't flowing off! It just stopped at the edge! "This must be a magic realm!" Lucyndth whispered to himself. Lucyndth looked at where the Cliff reached the bottom. He was about fifteen feet from the bottom of the small cliff. At the bottom, there was a small lake with flowers floating in it. The lake had a tree in the middle of it. This was odd, why a tree in the middle? When Lucyndth was looking at the tree, he noticed a waterfall behind it. It wasn't just the waterfall he noticed, but the man sitting infront of it. Lucyndth leaned trying to take a closer look and fell off the edge of the cliff. Everything happened so fast, Lucyndth couldn't stop it!

Just as Lucyndth closed his eyes and except that his life was ending, he felt a wind. He opened his eyes to see the man by the waterfall holding him. The man had a stern look on his face. His had long black hair. Lucyndth thought Xinyung's hair was long. That was until he saw this man's hair. He had a strong features, but they weren't sharp. His eyebrows were thick and his eyes were blacker than the night. His lips were pale and thin. His eyelashes were long and wet. He looked sad with his dewy eyes. He looked like a man who lost his one and only. Xinyung had more of a young beauty. This guy looked like a man who had been through a lot, and didn't let it affect him. The man had a suffocating aura to him, Lucyndth could barely breathe! Lucyndth looked down to see what he was wearing. He noticed that he was wearing a red robe. It was silk with yellow trimming. Lucyndth started to rub his robe. It was so soft!

The man gave him a confused look, and then dropped him. He took a few steps back.

"You dare come here? Why are you here, what do you want? If you had the guts to come here and disrespect my privacy, I should've just let you fall to your death."