Trying to defend himself, how cute!♡

Lucyndth looked up to see a woman. She was taller than the average person. He wouldn't be surprised if she reached seven foot. Lucyndth felt his neck ache as he tried to look up at her. Her hourglass shape curved with no imperfections. Her beauty was impeccable, iconic, everyone's love preference. Even the people who would want to be mean, wouldn't be able to complain about her. The word flaw wasn't anywhere in her dictionary, nor could it possibly be added. Her red hair hung loosely at her shoulders. She had hazelnut eyes that gleamed as bright as the stars above them. Lucyndth felt a sense of comfort around himself. A feeling of trust. He felt that she seemed nice, a little TOO nice.

The woman gave a soft smile and reached out her hand. That's when Lucyndth heard something from deep inside of his mind. It was Xinyung. He merged with me, Lucyndth thought inside of his head.

"This doesn't look to good. I'm taking over."

Before Lucynth could argue, he felt himself slowly lose control. His arms and legs became stiff, as though they weren't his own. By the time Lucyndth even realized that Xinyung was actually taking over, his vision went black. Xinyung took a stance in Lucyndth's body. He ripped his shirt off to show the marks on his chest. These marks can be used as a bluff for weak demons to tell a predator species to back off. It wasn't that Xinyung was weak, it was just that he didn't want to hurt Lucyndth's body. He ran towards the train tracks, grabbed Lucyndth's sword, and spun to face the woman. The woman frowned.

"Ah! Stupid black blood demons, ruining my meal!"

She opened her mouth to reveal that she no longer had normal human teeth. They were replaced by three sharp rows of teeth. Her jaw unhinged like a snake's, showing the back of her throat. Xinyung knew it! It was a night siren! He ran towards the night siren and stabbed her right in her stomach. Her blood red eyes filled with anger as they gazed down at Lucyndth who was now Xinyung. She fell to the ground, shivering from fear. This wasn't a normal human, nor was it a normal demon. No regular human, nor demon, could ever penetrate a night siren so easily like this boy did. She knew who this was. Her shaking hands reached out to point at Xinyung.

She could barely speak as she pointed, "You...You're..HIM! Why are y-" She was cut off by a sword that was now in her throat.

Xinyung smiled and wiped pretend dust off of his hands. "You talk too much."

He then heard a voice that was coming from within is head. It was there the entire time, but he only ignored it until now. "Xinyung! What was that? Can I please go back into control of MY body now? I also want you out of my mind now.." Xinyung smiled and did as Lucyndth wished. He let him back in control.

It was a weird sight. At first it was Xinyung in control, so Lucyndth's body had a strong and musculer feeling. The faded tattoo like marks on his body seemed to become visible out of nowhere, and his cuts opened back up, showing fresh wounds. The cracks around his eyes were as black as his eyes themselves. When Lucyndth was losing control, it was like his bones weren't getting along with each other. They made cracking noises as they snapped in and out of place. Those few seconds of him blacking out, were his body switching the souls. His shoulders and back dislocate, trying to fit its owner. It wasn't a pretty sight, so it was a good thing that Lucyndth was out cold. When he was back, he could hear Xinyungs voice from inside his head.

"I'll explain what the weird woman monster thing is after I leave."

Lucyndth didn't answer, but sat down waiting for Xinyung to leave, looking at the corpse in front of them. No blood came from her wounds, but the sight was still gory. He looked at his sword, it's tediousness was starting to interest Lucyndth. He's never really held the sword on his own account. The last time he really remembered holding it, out of Xinyung's control, was when he first saw it. He doesn't really know what got into him. It felt like he was another person while being the same boy he always was. As he reached for the sword that never glowed, he noticed that it ironically glowed. Lucyndth's eyes grew wide. He wanted to investigate further, but he felt cold pressure from his chest. He could barely breathe.

It was a familiar feeling that he felt before. It was when he got stabbed in the chest with a sword. Lucyndth looked down to see that the scar that was shaped like a deformed X was still showing. From past experience, the wounds that open when Xinyung was occupying Lucyndth's body usaully disapear when it was time for his soul to leave his body. His hand slightly roamed his chest to see what it felt like. The hand naturally removed itself from his chest once he felt the slight burning sensation. As his hand withdrew itself, he could feel himself get light headed. This isn't what usually happened when Xinyung left Lucyndth's body! Lucyndth looked up to see a faint, green smoke that roamed the air around him. He lifted his arm, that was getting harder to move, to try to swat away the smoke. Tears filled up his eyes, as they started to burn.

Xinyung spoke from still within Lucyndth's mind, " I can't even get a break around here, can I? There's always something trying to kill us. Now isn't the time to leave your body, it would be a perfect time for them to attack."

Once Lucyndth heard the words "trying to kill us." he suddenly felt eyes that seemed to be on him. It wasn't from a specific direction, like behind him, or to the right. It was like they kept moving. Either that, or there were more than one pair staring at Xinyung and himself from all directions. Lucyndth took immediate action by reaching over for the sword.

He heard a small laugh from inside of him, "Oh? The delicate is all grown up, and wants to be a man now? Trying to defend himself, how cute!"

If Xinyung were out here, Lucyndth felt that he would've choked him out by now. Stupid demon! It would've been nice if he would help.

"Are you going to help me, or are you going to sit here inside of my head, where it's safe and sound." Lucyndth whispered to what seemed to be himself.

He could feel that Xinyung was excited, and he doesn't know why. "Why would I let you get killed out there? If you die right now, my soul won't have time to form back to its original body form, and then disintegrate into thin air. So in conclusion, if you die, then so do I."

Lucyndth sighed, as his fist wrapped around the handle of the sword. He awkwardly stood up and looked around. He then looked down at the lifeless sword and smiled. "Lend me your power, please." He didn't know why he said that. All Lucyndth knew was that the glow earlier was for some reason. He closed his eyes tightly and repeated the words in his mind.

Xinyung didn't know what Lucyndth was doing. He himself didn't know much of the sword's power. This would be the first time that he's ever made a blood deal with anyone. He studied for it for the longest time to make it seem like he was a natural, when he really wasn't. He wanted to help Lucyndth, but decided to observe and see what he was going to do about the situation.

Lucyndth held the sword with one hand and swiped away the mysterious mist with the other. He wanted this to be done fast so Xinyung could leave. Why did he put himself in this position? Lucyndth closed his eyes and sighed. This must have been seen as a point to attack for the unknown predators, because Lucyndth felt a claw scratch his back. No warning. No sound. Just pain. He fell to the ground as he started to cough up blood. While he was coughing, he noticed that the smoke made it hard for him to inhale once he started trying to take deeper breaths. Lucyndth crawled forward in hopes that he dodged the claws of the unknown enemy, if they were trying to make a second attempt in killing him. He whipped his body around as soon as he felt safe. As soon as his body flipped over, he no longer felt safe.