'Do you know that I can't be your knight forever?'

Once he turned around, he no longer felt safe, because the thing that was most certainly there, suddenly disappeared. There was no footsteps indicating that the beast ran away. Lucyndth scrambled to his feet and clutched his sword as he looked around, his vision becoming blurry from the smoke. His eyes wondered and stopped once the sword caught his attention. It was again glowing, but not like before. This time, the glow was moving from the bottom of the sword to the tip, like it was pointing in a direction. Lucyndth didn't noticed himself, and neither did anyone else, but his eyes went black for a second. His eyes went back to normal once he looked up and saw a panther like beast silently running towards him. It was floating, but it's feet still barely touched the ground. It then disappeared, but only to appear out of thin air to Lucyndth's right.

Lucyndth's hands that were already sore from the clutching that was already in place, but they felt more of a burning sensation as they wrapped even tighter against the sword's handle. He took what he thought was only a few steps back, but was actually a few leaps back. His body felt lighter than a feather. Every time he landed, he felt no impact. As Lucyndth took his last leap, he stumbled backwards in surprise. He was slowly starting to breath again. The smoke was still there, and it was clouding up more than ever, but for some reason, he was able to breath. Though he was surprised, the panther like creature was not. In fact, it's brownish white teeth formed what seemed to be a smile.

Lucyndth knew that it wasn't smiling, and only growling, but to him, it seemed as though the beast was mocking him. He lunged for the beast. As he got closer to it's chest, he was certain that he would make a perfect strike. It was going to be easy and quick, just like when Xinyung killed the night siren. That certainty soon disappeared once he saw the beast slowly fade into thin air.

A sudden voice arose from Lucyndth's head. It was Xinyung.

"Are you stupid? That was an obvious attack. So obvious that the moment you found out you can leap, I knew that you would try something like that. You can't be so predictable with such an unpredictable creature. I think that it's just playing around with you. If it wanted to kill you, it would have by now. I'm guessing that you're not the main meal, but the small snack before dinner."

Lucyndth didn't talk back or complain about Xinyung suggestion, even though he was a little sad about being called stupid, it really hurt his feelings. He also knew that the creature was playing around with him. As he was thinking about how he was going to battle with this creature, he felt a sudden pain in his leg. His knee suddenly gave out, as the pain was too much to bare. He pivoted around on the one knee that was still functionable, to see where the unknown predator stood. Lucyndth wasn't surprised to see that nothing was there. He dropped his sword and took a quick glance at his knee.

Black blood seeped through his Khaki shorts. A slight groan escaped his lips as the pain that was always there suddenly came to his mind. His eyes averted from the gory seen. He heard a small laugh from inside of him. At this point, Lucyndth was certain that Xinyung was insane. Didn't he see that he was in great pain? Xinyung continued to laugh at the suffering Lucyndth.

"I think that it might have to amputated! The venom of that beast can kill you! I" Xinyung stopped laughing and spoke in a very serious tone, showing that he was serious.

Lucyndth stammered, "Am-Amputation?" He felt his eyes starting to burn as he noticed that he was going to cry. He hurried and wiped the tears as he heard something rushing towards him. It was the creature again! His hands rushed for the sword, but it was too late, the beast already tackled him. They flipped across the soft grass, until the beast was pinning him against the train tracks. It's claws slowly made their way into Lucyndth's arms, causing him to scream. The pain was umbearable.

Xinyung would have helped, but something was stopping him. He knew that this boy right here isn't who he really says he is. He knows that Lucyndth is hiding something under that soft innocent face of his. Something about him really caught Xinyung's attention, and that's something that rarely happens. Xinyung doesn't usually get caught in other people's affairs, but it's just something about Lucyndth that makes Xinyung not think straight. Just the sight of the boy puts Xinyung in a confused state, so he decided to test him. Xinyung wanted to find out how powerful this boy really is. Even though the sight of him in such pain really made Xinyung feel guilty.

That's when something unexpected happened that surprised the panther like creature. It even surprised Xinyung, who is the type of demon who could calculate every possibility in a situation. This wasn't in any of his calculations he deemed as the only possible results of the situation! Lucyndth was holding on to the front arms of the beast that was holding him down, and smiling. His eyes turned black, and his pupils were white. Lucyndth's eyes locked with the beasts eyes, and slowly lead the beast's eyes towards his hands. This monster wasn't like any regular animal from the human world, where it would just bluntly attack. This beast knew that he was in immediate danger. He knew this once he saw the Royal sign form on Lucyndth's hands.

This sign is only on those who are apart of the Royal demon bloodline. No other person in the universe could ever wear the sign, unless they were born with it. Forging the sign and claiming to be apart of the blood line when it's not true, can result in the death penalty. Lucyndth saw the fear in the panther's eyes and continued to smile as he removed the beast's claws out of his shoulder with ease. Even though blood and skin came with the claws, he continued to smile.

Lucyndth lightly pushed the beast away, causing an effect that was greater than the slight motion that caused it. The beast flew into a tree. Lucyndth floated up, slightly floating off of the ground. The panther scrambled to get away. Even though it was in great pain, and could barely walk, it found a way to force itself to run into the safety of the trees. Lucyndth slowly came down and let his feet touch the ground. As soon as his feet touched the ground, he blinked. His eyes were then back to normal.

He looked around in confusion. He didn't know what just happened. Confused, he ran to get his sword. As he tried to reach for the sword, he noticed that his arm was moving a lot slower than he commanded it to. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and looked at his arm. It was dripping blood. He turned around to look behind him, only to see that he left a trail of black blood from the tracks to the spot he was standing. Lucyndth started to scream, but was interrupted by himself passing out.

Xinyung let his soul leave Lucyndth's body. It took a few minutes for it to go from it's demon form, to its human form. He looked at the bloody sight in front of him and sighed. He stood up and picked lucyndth up.

"My delicate prince. Do you know that I can't be your knight forever?"

He spoke in an unknown language, saying a spell that commanded the bags to float.

The night was silent, if you ignored all of the howling and screaming of the unknown beasts in the forest. There was no day time in the Closed Space. There was only the different hues of the night sky. Sometimes there was what seemed to be a sunrise. That was if the conditions were good enough for it. Deep within the forest that was underneath the night sky, you could see Xinyung carrying Lucyndth to the nearest lake. Xinyung's long brown hair disregarded the hair tie that was holding it back. His green eyes were reflecting the stars, hiding his thoughts. He had a complicated look on his face, like he was making a very complicated decision.

He looked down at Lucyndth's pale face, and felt bad. He almost let Lucyndth get killed. Thankfully Lucyndth did that weird thing. "But that's the thing," Xinyung said out loud, "What was that?" Xinyung looked at both of Lucyndth's hands and didn't see the signs that were once there. Of course he knew what they were, but he couldn't believe it.

The now deceased queen, had only three children. The eldest being the son, who's name was Zinehun. He died during the still ongoing war. Zinehun was supposed to be the next king, but since he died, it was supposed to be the second eldest. Her name is Grace. The issue with this is that Grace doesn't want to be the queen. She gets criticized for not taking responsibility. Grace is a very smart girl, but very introverted. Since Grace doesn't want to be queen, and Zinehun died, the responsibility went over to the youngest.

Xinyung was thinking about this but his thoughts stopped once he got to the youngest princess. He was close to her, but one day, she committed suicide by jumping off of a waterfall. Xinyung shook his head and tried to clear his mind of the sad thoughts of her. These were the only three descendants of the queen, meaning that they were the end of the Royal bloodline. There was nothing in the records stating that the queen had another son. Even if she didn't have another son, neither did her brother, who died at a young age of two hundred and thirteen. This is young according to the demons, who can live for a long time. He didn't believe in love and didn't have any kids.

With this information, it proves that it is impossible for anyone other the last of the bloodline that can have the Royal demon sign. The sign consisted of a four petaled flower with broken chains surrounding it. There is usually a sign that indicated what power the royal child has. Since the power that was passed through the royal generation was the rarest one, which is control over what people are doing, they usually have a sign indicating their spirit animal, because the blood line always had a thing for animals. Xinyung finally reached the lake. He placed Lucyndth on the shallow part of the water and looked at his hands. He thought back to when the sign glowed on his hand. What was the animal? The thought suddenly hit Xinyung. It was a bunny. He remembered it cleary. There was a small bunny that was on Lucyndth's hands. It was small and faded, but it was still there.

Xinyung kneeled down and ripped a piece of Lucyndth's shredded shirt off. He wringed out the water and started to clean the blood off of Lucyndth's body. Now this trip is going to take longer than it should. It's almost three days now, and they didn't get anywhere. Xinyung sighed and continued to clean his bloody friend.