Five years ago.


'sshh sshh sshh'

Under the Cloudy and cooling breaze Ethan started to feel tried after his noodle making session, he found a bushy area outside the town and cleared away the layer of leaves underneath the tall bush.

Having cleared the area, Ethan laid down under the clearing of the bush where he made. This place was perfect for an afternoon nap, Ethan that was laying down yawned, his deep blue eyes were sparkling with the tears that was caused by the exhaustion that was clearly displayed on his small face. Ethan felt extremely comfortable on the ground, as the wind blew blades of grass brushed pass him making him feel drowsy. Slowly Ethan closed his eyes as his consciousness slip away falling into deep sleep.

Drifting in his dreams Ethan heard bell like laghters can be heard in the distance, however the enchanting sound came closer and closer.

"Wait I'm going to relief myself in the bush, none of you peek at me or I'll blast your head off with my newly learnt spell my brother taught me" The girl said proudly, she ran towards the bush squatted down and pulled up her long pink dress.

Ethan had long heard the girl but he didn't know that the girl was talking about the bush his in. Being also in a bush himself Ethan opened his eyes slightly, shocked by the sight his pupils shrunk to the size of a pinhole. The bare ass of the girl which contain a tinge of rosy redness was already right upon his face an inch away from making him a sex offender .

Recalling those words of the girl, Ethan panicked and shouted "Young lady have mercy, hold it in for a moment longer, let me move aside first!"

Hearing the loud sound behind her, the girl jumped up in shock, because of the sudden interruption From Ethan, she tensed up and loss control of herself and took a leak standing up. Due to her undergarment not fully taken off, the liquid have found the way and completely soaked them in her own piss.

Smelling the stench coming from underneath herself, the girl's face turned red with anger immediately. Feeling humiliated she screamed "Pervert! Jerk! Shameless! Pervert!" "You said pervert already, plus I'm not in to little girls. " Hearing this she chanting in another language, " Fire ball " Out of rage she started hurling fireballs at Ethan.

Speechless at the actions of the opposite party. "Wait, I'm seriously not interested, I personally prefer older women, those with huge assets ( referring to women's rounded areas).Hey! Hey! . . . . . . Stop hurling. . . those at me. . . when are you going to run out of Magic power( MP )" Ethan hurriedly reply hoping to calm down the rampaging girl.

"You really are a pervert" Clenching her tiny fist with a look of disgust she threw another Fireball at Ethan. Ethan was unable to dodge this final attack and had no choice but to receive it head on, he crossed his twig like arms in front of his face. Even though the attack was weak and practically did nothing, it still cause Ethan's hand and parts of his face to be covered in soot making Ethan appear extremely miserable.

To prevent himself if anymore injustice Ethan decided to ran back to town.

"Speed enhancement" Ethan shouted in his mind. Instantly his running speed soar even though he can only maintain this speed for at most a minute, it was enough to get away from the girl and her mob of friends.

On the way back he ran into Ryan Am Amster, his best friend.

"Ryan there a crazy idiot chasing help me reason with her." Ethan called out to his genius of a friend, while pointing behind his back.

As soon as Ryan looked behind Ethan, an extremely puzzled look appear on his face.

" Where's the idiot ?" Before continuing "Hey! stop that Ashley, stop doing that you'll set the street on fire, I didn't teach u the spell so you can terrorise the town!"

Ethan also stopped in his tracks "Ashley, isn't that his sister? " Ethan than turn around with a puzzled look, only to see the girl stop hurling fireballs, now hanging her head in embarrassment. This is then that Ethan finally realized that the girl was his best friend's sister.

"Ryan, you have to teach your sister some manners. I was sleeping in the bush only to wake up to her trying to urinate on my beautiful face, she not only did not apologize instead she caused me to look like this. " Sighing Ethan explained everything to Ryan. With him there to meditate the situation did Ethan and Ashley made up. Even though Ashley still carries resentment in her heart she dare not show it in front of Ryan.

"Since we had a wrong start, let me introduce myself, I am Ethan from today on you can call me big brother alright, assley? Since Ryan and I treat each other as brothers. " Ethan smiled teasingly.

"My name is not assley it's Ashley!" She snapped out in anger.