Even though Ethan knew from memory this Ashley is different from the one in his previous world, he was somewhat perplexed about the situation. Since they both look creepily similar. The only difference was that their personalities were completely different, the one back on earth was cheerful and friendly to everyone, on the opposite this Ashley was cold and indifferent to everything.

The usually cold Ashley would only showed any emotion when ever Ryan is around, towards Ethan, this grandaunt' only emotion shown was rage, cause by the teasing of the bush incident.

Since he was also considered a big brother to her, he wanted to step in to resolve the conflict, unfortunately he was unable to squeeze through the crowd with his weak, feeble and tiny loli body, helpless Ethan could only stare at Ashely hoping she would not cause a ruckus.

"Alright! Gather up, we will be distributing the cards contains monthly points that's based on your placing. All newly accepted students will gets one and promoted students all have them. These cards are extremely important so make sure you don't lose them. You can upgrade them at the pavilion beside the cafeteria, with points. Points are the currency used in Germin Academy, the higher level cards also grants the student benefits in the academy. "

The mob surrounding the one sided argument came rushing to the lady who just shout, even though this Ashley was cute, she pales comparison to the lady emitting a noble aura. From the actions of the guys around her, she seem to possess a strong authority of those her age. Holding a stack of grey coloured card she and some seniors started distributing them, Ethan walked up to the lady in blue to collect the card, she had a conflicting expression, she hesitated for a moment before holding the card towards Ethan.

Ethan grabbed the card but was unable to pull it away from the lady. "Stop you aren't a student here, kid go play somewhere else with that height of yours you can't possibly be a student." Before Ethan could reply the System rang out in his head.


Predicted that this woman will not allow host to enter the academy.

Pop up mission ( : Challenge and defeat her to gain reward. ( If host fails the mission 100 MP will be deducted as a forfeit )

Reward for successful completion : Lightning shot and a teleportation crystal. Low tier 2 star magic spell MP consumption 15 every shot.

Alternative show her your student ID, may fail to convince her.


Ethan was surprised by the system's mission, "How am I gonna defeat an opponent when I have no spells to attack? " Ethan helplessly shook his head and sigh inwardly at the system's bold suggestion.

"Here's my student ID, I'm new and just got accepted the other day, may I get the card now? " Ethan handed her his ID.

"Guards throw this kid out and report her to the patrol, she has stolen a Identification card from somewhere, kids at your age aren't even allowed in the lower academy how can you be 16 years old and learn magic. Obviously you had stolen this card. " The lady shouted at the guards not far away before mocking Ethan.

"Kid, your unlucky I am just in need of points, your sacrifice will be appreciated, no one will suspect that I lied. Even if you tell them what I said no one will believe you." The lady said in a voice where only Ethan could hear before giving him a smile that's not a smile

Ethan was flabbergasted he was innocently targeted because he looks like cute loli?

"Miss Isabelle, excuse us we will be taking this criminal to jail now. " A guard which appears to be the leader of the patrol stepped forward , purposely making a his voice sound hoarse said. The guards that was wearing iron armor that cover his entire body and a helmet walked towards Ethan in an orderly manner and surrounded him.

"You are under arrest " the leader then turn to Ethan seemingly mocking him.

Seeing that the guards working together with the lady, Isabelle on this scam he had no choice but to head the system's suggestion and complete the mission.

A sigh was heard ."Since you said I was a fake and stole the card, what about this? Let's have a duel, you pick the subject I'll crush you with anything you come up with.This will prove I'm a student here right?" Ethan lips curled upwards into a grin and said provocatively. He was finally unable to endure being scammed.