
Host level 0 : ( 0/1000)

Host Magic power ( MP) : 155/260 comparable to a lesser apprentice 3 star

Skills : Replicate ( Able to copy any spells between low tier level 1 to mid tier level 4 )

Level 1 ( 5/100 ) Gain experience based on MP used.

Spells :low tier level 1 spell : Speed enhancement (able to increase host's speed by 50%)

Level 1 : ( 3/10)

Similar to stages spells have tiers and levels ( Spell tier level is different from actual spell level ), the water gun that Isabelle shot at Ethan was a tier level 1 spell, even though she had practised many times she was still unable to manipulate the power of the spell like Ethan since she did not have the system's assistance to control the MP usage.

Currently Isabelle's mouth was open as wide as humanly possible, shock overwhelmed her " What the heck? am I the senior or are you the senior! How am I supposed to compete against this?" she laughed bitterly and thought

similarly Miss Andrea was also very surprised even as a teacher, and have trained for more than a decade was she able to slightly alter the spell.

Spells were created by many powerful figures in the past, each with their different affinity for magic. Only when one has a clear understanding of the spell's features, meaning and it's origins will one enable to alter it's appearance and strength. Presise MP control also plays an extremely important role in how the spell turn out differently.

"Seems like we have found a genius. " sighing in her heart. "However Isabelle will not be that easily defeated just because of a larger water gun" muttering to herself Miss Andrea watch the duel with great interest.

"Barrier" right before the abnormally large water gun hit Isabelle a chiming bell like voice appeared. Barrier was a low tier level 2 spell Ben though this is a low tier defensive spell not many people below the stage lesser apprentice 3 star can't break it without a peak level 2 tier spell. However the clash between the two forces did not proceed as Isabelle expected, the barrier she had put up did not even last for ages breaths .


Cracks started to appear when the two spell collided the small crack resulted in more cracks appearing, finally the entire barrier was covered in large snake like cracks. The barrier said to had hold back a lesser apprentice level 3's attack was shattered without much resistance, though the water gun had shrink a considerable volume, the attack had directly hit Isabelle in the chest causing the to be flung backwards, all stages above preapprentice have a passive shield made of MP active to prevent sneak attacks and block attacks, despite the defence of the barrier and shield Isabelle still was pushed back leaving marks a few dozen feet long on the ground . Blood trickled down the corner of her mouth, clothes tattered and she was soaked all over. Isabelle struggled for a moment before standing back up straight, despite he stance, through her miserable appearance she evidently suffered with this exchange.

" Kid you are actually able to force me to use my ultimate spell on you, you should be honored to be defeated with this, I am not able to control this, don't blame me if you are seriously injured. " Unable to accept being hurt by the attack of the loli looking Ethan Isabelle chanted her spell with a crazed expression.


Replicated low tier level 2 spell, barrier ( able to utilize 30% of original power )

Ethan mind went into the system.

Host level : 0

Host magic powers ( MP ) : 145/260

Skill : Replicate level 1 (10/100), MP control maxed level

Spell : Water gun ( copied ) low tier level 1 spell, level 1 ( 4/10 ) MP cost 10, Barrier ( copied) low tier level 2 spell, level 1 ( 0/50 ) MP cost 20, speed enhancement low tier level 1 spell, level 1 ( 9/10 ) MP cost 5 every minute.

"Hmm let's try out the barrier at 120 MP, that should be enough to completely block her attack" Ethan muttered calmly, facing an attack from a lesser apprentice 1 star's is an easy task for him since he has the system controlling the MP for him.

"See how you like a low tier level 4 water bomb coming at you." Isabelle had used up every ounce of MP she had left to cast this spell since higher tier level spells need more MP to cast, a lesser apprentice 1 star can only cast this 'ultimate' once before being drained. As the heavily compressed water left her hands her face instantly turned pale as if blood stopped flowing there. If this attack of hers couldn't work she would be completely at the mercy of her opponent from the depletion of her MP.

The force she had used to throw it was not large but the bomb seem to be launched out of a bazzoka, flew at Ethan, within a n instant the water bomb had reached three feet away from Ethan. Just as she thought Ethan had been frighten till he can't move, a thick translucent wall with the colour of deep yellow erupted from the ground. It was the barrier Ethan had cast, the barrier took form just in time to block the attack. The explosion cause ripples to form on the barrier, however it only caused ripples. Isabelle was depressed " I shot a water gun, you returned a bigger and stronger one at me, I used a barrier but was broken by a mere water gun, when I used water bomb, a freaking tier level 4 attack your barrier somehow becomes indestructible and blocked it easily, tell me you're here to duel or humiliate me? " Having her ultimate attack blocked Isabelle had no more means to continue with the duel, her exhaustion finally hit her. She swayed and fainted, her body fell to the ground creating a thud sound.


Congratulations host for completing the sudden pop up mission and receiving scroll for low tier level 2 spell, lighting shot and a Teleportation Crystal.

Congratulations host for defeating lousy lesser apprentice 1 star, gained 85 experience points, and 12 system points.

Special function unlocked, host can now access the system shop to purchase spells and weaponry for mages using system points.

Special function unlocked, automatic healing and replenishing of MP cost 1 system point each. Would host like to spend 1 points to recover lost MP ( Natural recovery will take 24 hours to fully replenish MP. )

"No I'll do it naturally points may be hard to earn. " Ethan was delighted now that he unlocked this special functions his life would be so much easier


Congratulations speed enhancement leveled up to level two.

Spells : Speed enhancement low tier level 1 spell, level 2 ( 2/50 ) Speed will now increase by 70%.