"Hmm not bad my Speed enhancement have increased in level. System what's the max level for this spell and how do I get the full power spelling that I copied?" Ethan ignored all the system notifications popping out in his mind, he focused on his status and thought to himself.


*Host is able to level up any spell to an unlimited level, since the system will break and enhance the laws of the spell, there will also be no bottlenecks in host's journey to becoming the strongest magician since host requires only experience points to level up and breakthrough.

Host is too low level to obtain full versions of the spells using the Replicate skill. To fully learn water gun, barrier and water bomb. Host need to level up the Replicate skill to max level, level 3./

Ethan was dissapointed in the fact that he could not completely master the spells he copied from Isabelle, since there was a spell of the 4th level in the low tier. However he got over it moments later since he just need to level the skill up by using the copied skill over and over again.


Host level 0 : (85/1000 )

Host Magic power : ( 30/260 ) Comparable to 3 star lesser apprentice.

Skill : Replicate level 1 ( 11/100 ) able to copy spells opponents used at 30% power. Can copy up to mid tier level 4 spells.

Spells : water gun low tier level 1 spell (copied ) level 1 ( 4/10 ) Info locked MP usage 10

Barrier low tier level 2 spell ( copied ) level 1 ( 3/50 ) Info locked MP usage 25

Water bomb low tier level 4 spell ( copied) level 1 ( 0/200 ) Info locked MP usage 55

Speed enhancement low tier level 1 spell, level 2 ( 2/50 ) Increase speed by 70% MP usage 5 every minute.

Lightning shot ( 59 min 37 sec till unlocked)

"Wow I got quite a number of skills, it a pity every attack spelled copied. I just have to level up the Replicate skill." sighing inwardly, Ethan gave a bitter smile and walked down the duel platform. Even though he had won by default, Miss Andrea can clearly see that Isabelle did not held the advantage despite her age. Ethan had surprised her, he had not move out of the tile from the start of the duel and effortlessly defeated their elite student.

Slowly walking down the platform, Ethan could here murmurs and whispers from the crowd that had gathered here due to the commotion earlier.

"Who is this little lass, she's so strong."

"She defeated the Isabelle so easily, she must be the top student enrolled this year."

"What Isabelle is the top 50 of her year how could she be defeated so easily the brat must have cheated."


Ethan speechless, this should have been a personal duel but so many seniors have gathered and gossiping about him, he did not want to cause such a commotion just because of a duel settling the scamming Isabelle.

Ethan walked to Miss Andrea bowed just as he was about to walk away from this mess a sweet sounding chuckle followed by a voice sounded behind him.

"Haha... Little boy, you have quite the talent there, for being able to manipulative spells to such degree at your age, truly impressive." Ethan turned around and saw miss Andrea talking to him with a big smile on her face, causing it to be more alluring.

"Teacher you had flattered me, I'm not as great as you think. Teacher seem quite young yourself being Germin academy's teacher at such an age is quite the feat." Seeing the teacher praising himself Ethan's impression of this teacher had improved slightly, he had wanted to keep a low profile but ended up getting into a duel on his first day of school. So as not to come off rude he return some complimentary comments back.

"No need to call me Teacher I'm not that old, call me big sister Andrea is fine, if anyone try to bully you, you can call for me I'll be there. " Miss Andrea wanted to get closer to this genius in front of her, by getting rid of the formalities.

"O..okay tea...bug sister Andrea." having to call his teacher by big sister feels weird and awkward.

Suddenly Ethan felt many boiling gaze thrown towards him, these gaze contained jealousy and envy from the crowd of seniors. Miss Andrea who was considered a beauty by many guys in the academy, many had tried to spark a conversation with her but was rejected coldly, naturally Ethan who was treated that way drew many envious gaze from those who failed miserably. Even though he looked like a loli, Miss Andrea had called him a little boy in their conversation so many had figured that he wasn't a female.

Ethan once again let out a long sigh, " was it so hard to keep a low profile, how did I already drew so much enmity from everyone." Since it is almost time for the classes to start Ethan ran towards the main hall, while getting lost along the way, he finally reached the main hall after fifteen minutes of constant running around.

Ethan slowly enters the hall filled to the brim with people. Luckily for him his seat is a the most very last row since he was ranked he third last. Ethan quickly went to his seat and sat down. Beside him was a ragged looking boy his robe was slightly more grey compared to the others, when Ethan sat down beside him, he saw the boy's pimple filled face flushed with redness.Ethan's look had caused him to be slightly embarrassed, clearly he was not used to the company of another gender. Unfortunately he had mistaken Ethan for a girl.

The head master of this academy walked onto the stage.

"Everyone welcome to Germin academy, I hope we will all have a great time. However, our academy has a special rule. I'm sure that all of you had received the cards with numbers on it. This are the points that will help you graduate from Germin, this points act as currency with you can use to exchange items from the school. Points are gain through merits. Your teachers will explain the details to you in class. There are twenty five teachers which will be teaching the first years each class will have forty students according to ranking in the examination. Ranking can be increased by dueling higher ranking individuals, however the class will not change if the ranking change. That's the end of my speech. Dismissed!"