WebNovelHarem God25.00%

Death and rebirth

God planes where those who have trespass there limits of immortality lives and look down over humanity.

3 million God standing infront of retribution hill staring at the person a young man

" Come down Shu jui and we will give you an easy death." an arrogant voice came from the public surrounding him

A smile blossom on Shu face as he took out a book of green colour

" you want this book then come after me as I die in this retribution hill."

following which he fall down And surrounding elemental energy started destroying him but soon a magical circle started emitting from the book and his conscious faded.

In the darkness a sword force started closing toward his chest

" huh did somebody jumped in the valley to kill me himself."

soon a pain from his left arm jolted him awake and become alerted soon a handsome young man who was holding a spear in this right hand, standing on the huge stadium with him.

" Che I nearly missed his heart" young handsome man said with disdain.

Shu look down over his body finding several cut by spear and become alerted, a terrifying blood pressure rose out of him which stunned all the nearby audience, all who were enjoying Shu torment silence in a sec. Suddenly an unknown memory Flooded inside his mind of a boy with same name Shu, and how he was forced in death battle with boy standing infront.

A smile crypt on Shu face as he looked toward the handsome man named Shin jao, looking at the smile on the Shu face Shin hand started shaking, Shu concentrate his qi as in his memory he was a Cultivator of 3rd qi collecting realm which was considered to be average among the people where Shin was in the 5th qi collecting realm and was top 20 among outer desiciple.

Shu smiled and started moving forward toward Shin, Shin shake his head and again grinned with disdain and started revolving qi inside his weapon to attack any time soon, Shin narrowed his eyes and shouted " ha " launching an attack toward Shu, Shu moved slightly and easily avoided Shin attack while taking an stance and throwing a fierce punch, Shin noticed he had missed and an punch coming toward him he tried to block Shu attack by his spear but the punch twisted like a snake and Shu punch landed on Shin stomach throwing him out of stadium with " thud" blood gushing out from his mouth and shock of being losing to a looser like Shu evident In his eye's.

People standing around stadium looked stunned even the master who was watching this match looked at Shu like a ghost, Shu silently walked down the stadium and started leaving the place and people dumbstruck by event which occurred just now, finally master coughed twice to broke the silence and all the people started gossiping that how could a loser like Shu beated Shin who was 20th ranked among the outer desiciple, some said he was practicing martial art hence his cultivation never progress and he remained as tiger in a sheep covering.

Shu walked toward his room in the sect according to previous owner memories he used to live in an junk house provided by the sect at the corner of the hill. Shu walked inside his house and started recollecting all the previous owner memories. After 3 hours has passed and Shu finally got up from his sitting stance, from the memory of previous owner he was reincarnated in lower zone where cultivation has just started, in this thousands year of cultivation this species of human had not developed much but still was able to produce some amazing Cultivator who had dominated heaven by there skill and hence this world could be consider rising zone in the Godly realm's.

Natural resources over this world is abundant as it only thousand year which had passed and no one really have grasp over the resources to fully utilize and understand it's nature.

Soon pain all over his body drew Shu attention

and Shu expression darkened again as he slept on his bed, soon a girl who looked like an angle came inside Shu room and applied some liquid like things over Shu injuries having tenderness in her eye's which was moist with tears. After cooking something and placing the bowl Infront of Shu she walked away in silence.

When Shu regain his conscious he found all his injuries healed and a bowl of rice and meat of beast which nourished the person qi and found to be very helpful for recovery.

A smile broke out on Shu face as he

" I'll definitely pay your help back with my gratitude." and looked toward the sky from his window and started gulping down the food as he realised from the experience of the God tier realm that food was containing the essence qi of someone and realized that cook was crying for him.

Shu forced himself but never know who would cry for him in this sect as he was an orphan as he was thrown out of his clan in the me of bad omen and had to work as labor to join this sect.

" someone from Lin clan but who was it my mom,

no, my dad he never would made this.

then who was that person who can cry for me."

Shu felt head ache trying to figure out the person identity, but soon he shake his head.

Shu was in a sect named heaven door and was an external disciple, when people from Lin clan got the news that Shu had obtained a token to join this sect they send out there invitation to call back Shu to join the clan, Shu was an orphan as his mother and father died in the early age and was forced to leave his clan but his aunt was the one who always look out for Shu even outside the clan manors as for Shu, aunt Rui was his mother.

This time taken the advantage of Shu admission in the heaven door sect as an external desiciple she called back Shu to join the clan, even though the head of the clan was kind enough to give him the cultivation resources in secret he never showed to the clan people.

Shu joining into heaven sect was a good news as heaven door was a major influence in the Rain county we lived in, sect was divided into five region external, inner, core, true, and finally selection. external desiciple were number in few ten thousand, following which inner desiciple were in thousands, core desiciple were students taken by elder and finally true disciple were counted on finger.

Sect provide few cultivating pills and a yellow grade martial arts to the external desiciple as they were thousands in number's, while inner desiciple get better treatment while core desiciple are those inner desiciple who got selected by elder under there wing and get better treatment by elder, true desiciple are basically elder who cannot participate in the lower zone activity.