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Twin blade

As Shu and Rian were sitting chatting with each other five man carrying swords and blades placed every weapon on the counter and stepped back with respect.

" master here what you have ordered." a man in black bow respectfully and returned back swiftly.

Rian looked at Shu while smiling and gesture Shu to pick any of these swords and blades " which one do you like brother Shu, I was asked by my grandfather to buy these and I can't use each of these weapons so you pick any of your choice." Shu nodded and walked toward them back then when he was a God many people to curry some favour for Shu and he use to respect there will by accepting them, hence it was obvious that Shu was accepting Rian good will by accepting the sword.

On the table there were several weapon placed in a gentle manner, Shu circulate his qi over the weapon to check there metal thickness, density and purity of metal and was shocked to find all metal used were pure and of good quality. In his previous life Shu had worked on various aspects of cultivation like alchemy, enchanter, talisman and embedder like profession.

Alchemist is also richest profession where an cultivator refine different herb's and help cultivator to absorb more essence more easily then eating herb as it is hence these alchemist pills were valuable asset to Cultivator.

talisman is also a profession where cultivator using blood, ink to drew character over paper to store a powerful attack hence these talisman are brought at high price because the of lower level can kill a person with higher cultivation by it's help.

enchanter are cultivator who drew essence drawing enhancing the weapon capabilities hence are very rare to be found.

Embedder are cultivator who make battle scroll using the blood of fierce beast and gathering power from It's core to provide an enhancement to the user for temporary time, these scroll power can make a person skip cultivation gap by absorbing essence from scroll.

Shu then saw a pair of twin blade and his senses alerted him, Shu walked toward them and gripped both the sword and suddenly his conscious was drawn inside something but before he could react a black book appeared in his soul and he entered inside it's space.

Shu was startled and opened his eyes, two twins girl were sizing him up with weird gaze,

" how did you a mortal made contract with us? tell me and who are you?" a girl with beautiful skin and black clothing spoke out of curiosity.

" I was just lucky enough to make contract with twin spirit blade Rino and Ryu." Shu smiled and replied.

Both girl face show glint of excitement and shock, bowing toward Shu.

" we twins spirit acknowledge mister as an master, please accept us to be your servant."

Shu nodded and two beam of light merged on each of the hand of Shu.

Shu stare them and asked " anyway you both were famous twin spirit weapon how did you end up In this place."

" we both were captured by an rogue devil practitioner as an hostage and were sealed over this dimensions." black spirit replied.

" but still we didn't have full chant of our cultivation technique hence we were doomed to stuck here in this world, but God has shown mercy that an immortal cultivator like you was present here." white spirit replied.

Shu conscious came out of space and give twins spirit the complete chant of there cultivation.

" so brother Shu liked twin blade? huh" Rian laughed while smiling.

" yeah I liked these twin blade" replied Shu in calm manner looking back at Rian with a smile on his face.

" then that's decided, I apologize brother Shu for not accompanying you as I had something to do now and had to take my leave." Rian said in polite manner while walking toward his servants and telling them something while moving out of pavilion in hurried manner.

A girl age of 13 to 14 sheath the swords and handed down to me while using spatial ring to take all the weapon remaining on the table following Rian.

While watching fleeing figure of Rian Shu smiled murmured ' in future I'll definitely help him ascend immortality' and walked out of the pavilion heading toward his home over the hill to start his unsheathing technique.

As Shu leaved pavilion he sensed someone following him from his previous experience of greatest warrior among the god he was able to sense even a little of killing intent from thousands of miles, Shu smiled and walked as usual because he felt it quite funny about it as he was used to it.

Later after walking for a minute Zen with 4 people intercepted him on his way and drew a lot of attention from other people.

Zen eyes were cold as he was staring at Shu, he walked towards Shu while speaking " if you kowtow toward me and beg for mercy I'll leave you live till inner desiciple examination after all I will kill in the examination to reduce one more burden from this sect and world."

"oh" Shu exclaimed and ignore him walking away from him.

Zen eye's became bloodshot as he glared toward me while saying " you dare ignore me you little any I'll make sure you die miserable like an ant." and throw punch filled with qi inside it with full intention to kill Shu.

" huh" Shu nerves popped out as he took a stance of a bow released his punch like an arrow to counter him.

"Argh" a horrible scream filled with terror and pain attracted all the people around with complete silence except that scream, but the one who screamed was zen. Zen arms were totally off to other side with all the bones broken into 5mm pieces and all the blood vein were destroyed.

" hiss" total silence fall down over the entire field as Zen fall down unconscious while his lackeys were as white as sheet out of terror. Then someone footsteps of walking away resounded. Yes it was of Shu as he walked like nothing had happened and soon disappeared from there views.

Zen lackeys pull Zen on there shoulder as they carried him to the medical pavilion, and everyone started gossiping about the event that happens in an minutes Infront of them.

Everyone were confused as they never heard about someone this powerful.

" hey is that Shu the looser we know." someone shouted.

" huh how he can be Shu that looser didn't you see his punch power he can't be Shu." a boy retorted.

" no no he was definitely Shu, I'll cut my dick if I said were wrong." someone exclaimed

" seriously a loser like him is this powerful."

" shhhh if he heard us we will pay."

" he is gone you ass freak."

" wow another dark horse for this competition, we doesn't Stand a chance now."

While Shu returned back in the house and climbed the mountain, and walked inside the isolated forest while practicing sword unsheathing as he had practice earlier without sword so he did need adjustment for now.

While inside sect rumours about Shu sudden strengths every one get variety of different conclusion how he gain such strength. While sect leader and other were moved and shock about Shu sudden change. This new soon reached Ren.

" huh Shu did that" a beautiful girl exclaimed while shock and smile consequently appeared on her face.

' yes ' it was Ren and Rian was also standing there smiling.

" oh it seem my sister quite happy about that." Rian teased his sister.

" who said I am happy? huh" Ren retorted " i was just shocked by the news that all." Ren keep arguing.

Rian smiled playfully and said " oh then why were you flustered just now? don't worry I'll support you." he patted her shoulder as he walked away without letting Ren retort back.

Ren face blush a little as she started throwing tantrum over the pillow and maid, as maid were smiling at Ren little act.

Unaware of everything Shu was standing still in the middle of the wood concentrating and visualizing the scene he was of that sun rise in his mind, suddenly he made a pose of unsheathing technique as one of his hand holding scabbard and other hand holding sword guard soon Shu opened his eyes and a flash was visible for a sec as his sword was back inside the scabbard.

if anyone was there he would have seen a beautiful arc drawn by the sword and would have scared as that arc was made by sword qi and there are very few people in inner desiciple who was able to form sword qi.

Shu started feeling hunger so he went back to his home where he started cooking some food and drinks while he recall ever thing that happened today.

As Shu looked back he saw two beauties looking at him while smiling they're twin spirit blade as there class can transform into human bodies once they started cultivating.