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Inner Desiciple Competition

As Shu was reluctant to go back to his house a beautiful figure walked toward the mountain and Shu heart started beating again

yes it was Ren xiao the outer sect beauty as she noticed Shu,

" it's student Shu were you practicing for inner desiciple selection test."

Shu nodded and laughed while saying:- " actually I just had to drop training in between, cause I forgot to bring food material with me and my hunger is on peak."

Hearing Shu she started laughing in a small tone by covering her face, looking at her smile Shu second time dazed out in this life and exclaimed in his heart 'really a beauty' and shook off his expression.

She flick her hand and a huge pack of sandwich appear in the hand of Ren while she put on smile and asked :" if student Shu like to have some food with me we can start training again here."

Shu heart again reacted but out of hunger he nodded while saying " it's my pleasure that lady Ren is kind enough to share her food with me."

After eating his full Shu thanked her from the heart and return to continue his training area while a strange light flicker in Ren eyes out of curiosity, she was the granddaughter of sect head and had many follower from the childhood she remembered and every single boy try to extend there time with her to make an good impression but it was her first time that Shu didn't seem reluctant to leave her side and walked away showing his sincere attitude toward her.

Shu went back to the area and started reading the feather tip technique according to his previous memory this technique seem to be a small part of gold tier technique named swan flying technique which could be practiced by anyone below core purification stage and was trained by heavenly emperor who was his great friend from previous time.

'feather from heaven shall dance with wind

feather of God shall reach the moon

and moon shall become a song

which travel millennium to god '

Shu started reciting the chant and started concentrating on the natural qi to collect in his Dantian as he pick up last pill which remains from the elder had given and circulating his qi to his leg but noticed a real swan running on the river and suddenly he get enlightenment from the view,

Shu vision got dark and all the surrounding qi started entering his Dantian forming a natural resonance with his chant.

In enlightenment Shu inner self was standing on the water where he move he will drown in the water surface but the natural qi of water was acting as his surface to stand on it and water essence was created by Shu qi to make him stand on water.

For qi is a natural essence which had property to support human body to communicate with natural energy and pleading them to guide and help during the fight, as days passed and after 10 day after Shu finally regain his Senses and looked around to find it was late night and a ray of light started tearing darkness and ultimately he get wisdom to enhance his unsheathing technique it was more like a miracle as nature was helping Shu guiding to become stronger.

Shu suddenly accumulate qi in his foot and started dancing over the surface of river like swan which was beautiful and elegant.

Shu stand at the centre of river and continue to create a posture to draw sword suddenly his eyes open with a flash ripple of air currents around him and his hand soon took the form of sword which could cut anything in this world sending powerful wave in every direction creating small wave in water surface.

if anyone would have seen this he would astonished and fear Shu as power emitting from him was not of someone who could deal under qi accumulation realm. Again hunger made Shu to come back as one month was about to be over and inner selection is about to start soon.

Shu luck was off the chart as he get wisdom, as wisdom are kind of enlightenment but it can be explained as a small part of wisdom can create multiple enlightenment. Rising sun wisdom would definitely help Shu to create a great havoc in this inner desiciple examination.

Shu returned to his house and started taking out the last pill from monthly gift from sect as he had to buy sword for practicing unsheathing technique and he would need it in the exam in the sect. He found three pills and sigh how poor he had become as god he never need to say and million of this kind of pills would have been given to him as a gift from other to just gain favour from Shu here he had to search hard to get these puny three pills. Yet Shu eye's shone and decided to resign the heavens again to become ultimate god, Shu then walked toward weapon pavilion where he could afford cheap sword.

Walking toward the weapon pavilion Shu heard many rumours about prize given in the competition

" hey it new that this time prize for top ten is thousand years old ember leaf which can improve one's cultivation to 9th qi gathering stage."

" seriously thousand years old" said another voice intercepting.

" yeah yeah it's solid proof."

then someone intercepted in between saying

" what ever we can never hope to be in top ten ranking there are many genius in this competition."

" yeah you are talking about Ren xiao brother and duan hen"

everyone started nodding and chatting, a smile broke on Shu face and he recall that boy who had leave a good impression in Shu mind with skin like girl but we'll build body to challenge anyone.

Shu finally reached pavilion while collecting data of competitor by surrounding students gossiping and saw a well built pavilion written in bold statement sharp over the board on the top of the pavilion as Shu watched it he started feeling sweating due extremely chilly qi emitting by the word sharp, suddenly a hand draw Shu back from the shock simple stroke over shoulder made Shu feel comfortable. Shu looked back to see an old man in his forties smiling at him while a sharp light in his eyes out of fondness.

In previous owner memories he was the head of this sect named Xiao Tanish Shu bowed a little to show his respect out of sincerity and walked inside the pavilion, old man soon disappeared without anyone noticing that he came here. As Shu reached inside the pavilion a sweet voice drew his attention,

" hello sir how can I help you."

a girl who look in her twenties asked, Shu looked toward her and asked

" cheapest sword you can get here I want that."

suddenly an arrogant voice intercepted Shu

" look a village bumkins came here to buy a sword." boy look at 14 to 15 year old.

Shu recall his name to be Zen Rao from Rao clan as he used to bully Shu whenever he got his chance and Shu heart started beating very fast our if frustration and anger which made Shu to eliminate this threat as if he live Shu martial heart will deviate and might become a barrier in his cultivation suddenly a deathly aura emitted from Shu making all the people aware of his presence, Zen mouth twitched as he said " I'll kill you in the inner desiciple exam which gonna start from day after tomorrow be there if you are a man." as he walked away in long stride.

Shu smiled in a devious manner and repeat in his heart ' yeah meet you in competition'

soon a familiar voice called Shu it was Rian Xiao as he walked toward me greetings " brother Shu is Zen troubling you? and why are you in weapon pavilion? "

Facing so many questions Shu laughed wryly and replied " about Zen I'll handle, but I had a problem in finance! huh how can I buy sword."

Rian laughed " how about this brother, I'll buy you a sword and you have to help me in future once."

Shu think for a second and nodded while replying " I will help you, but not in the competition as I am aiming for the top three."

Rian looked shocked for a moment but started nodding accepting Shu conditions.

Rian said something to attended and both of them sat on the sofa while chatting.

Rian : brother Shu it seem you are aiming to become inner desiciple.

Shu : Rian brother I don't have family background so I have strive to improve my cultivation and I neither have any will join one so I have to win top three spots."