Adhiti's Past 02: The Magic of First Love Part 1

---Adhiti's Past---

So, when I visited my brother's room I was completely shocked. That's when I squeezed the door and I heard some creaking sound. Then a weird groaning and moaning sound of persons. Next, when I had entered—Sh-t! Andrew is f-cking enjoying the sex with a girl on his bed. He was behind her while they were making something—uhh—I don't know…I shouldn't elaborate everything and it's a disgusting sight.

"Ahhhh!" I screamed in shock.

They scuffled and covered themselves. I put my hands on my eyes and squeals. "Andrew!" I shout at him.

"Baby, what the hell are you doing here?!" he scowls at me. "I was near to the climax and you damn interrupted!" I heard that there are sounds of moving, creaking, and the sound of cloth.

"Why are you doing that inside your room!?" I scowl back at him with the stomping of my feet.

"Damn! Damn!" I put my hands down and looked at them. The girl had the blanket all over her while my brother had put his pants on.

"I will tell this to Mom!" I threaten him.

"Adhi! Just damn!" he looked mad. "What do you want?"

"I am taking Patrick's laptop! And I didn't expect that you were fucking someone in class hour!" I scowl at him. He ran to the door and closed it. He was about to hold me but I put my hands up and stepped back. "Gross!" he rolled his eyes on my comment about his body. He got these six-packs abdominal. I wanted to punch it hard.

"Okay, just go get it and pretend that none of this happened."

"No! I won't ever forget this day!" I pointed my forefinger to him and I glanced at the girl. She smiled at me sweetly and waved her hand. She looked familiar.

"Hi, I'm Leona. Sorry that you have to see that, sweetheart. I and your brother are just making love." She sounds kind and yeah—kind. She makes my mood lighten. But that was just weird. 

I walked towards the study table of my brother Patrick where he organized his table with lots of notes on his build board. I took his apple laptop on the table and grabbed the charger. I tuck it on the laptop case and run out the door. I might look like a tomato now. I still can't get over what I had seen. They show the nudity of their skin… Damn! I had seen her breast! Ah! I am f-cking getting crazy.

Yeah, crazy me, who thinks so deep that I almost drown, I bumped into a boulder. I am such an idiot for not looking in my way. Before I had dropped the bag and fallen on the floor—again that felt deja vu someone held me before my body fell on the floor.

"Did I just save you from your deepest thought?" the familiar voice asked. I sighed again when I met his eyes.

"No," I said and pushed him.

"You looked like someone who just saw a creepy thing." He commented with those playful smiles.

"More than a creepy thing." I corrected him. Then he got a clue.

"So, they are not finished yet?" he asked which makes me quizzical. What does he know? Or did he know?

"You are freaking-creepy—like my stupid brother!" I blurted and stepped aside and walked.

"I am not a psycho or something!" he shouts. I raise my pinky finger in the air to show that he got a small—you know! "You wanna see it!?" he shouts again while I am walking away.

"Gross!" I shouted at him and rolled my eyes.

I was on my way to the library when I saw our Headmistress, Miss Beatrix Harris called the student named Paul. He was sitting behind me in our geometry class. He was kind and sometimes playful. We are a bit closer to each other. So I ignored it and went back to my room. I got no roommate here because Marissa was Eliza's roommate for the reason that she got here first before me.

I started checking my report in Economics that my gorgeous genius brother Patrick made for me. I know, I'm lazy but it gives me less stress too. He will discuss my topic and I will accept it warmly. The way that my brother discussed Econ was very clear to my mind. He was good at teaching and helping me on my homework since I was in pre-school. He's my savior and my mentor.

Anyway, let's talk about the mentor-apprentice relationship. We have our mentor or adviser here. For the reason that we are all peculiar, we need them as our adviser if ever another legacy or special powers have come to us. It happens, because some of us had multiple powers. We don't know where it came from but our mentor told us that it was from the Gods and Goddesses. However, we are known as demigods.

My mentor was my mother. She's a teacher and adviser at the Mystical Academy. Since she was the first one who had known my ability she's always there for me as a mother and adviser and best friend at the same time.

I sit on my swivel chair and turn on the laptop. Once I had opened it and about to concentrate on studying I got interrupted with an inconvenient thought. The gross thing that happened in my brother's room creeps me out. I scream dramatically and run out of my room as I grab my jacket. I can't concentrate. Plus, the person that I met on my way here. Damn, he-so-oh-gorgeous but a jerk and annoying.

"H-hey!" Eliza calls. I stopped and looked at her, who is holding a tray of cookies that she probably made. I ran to her and took one piece and the bottle of soda from Marissa who was about to open it. I ran out of the dorm to the Apple tree.

As I climbed to her, I felt relief when I just felt her. I pull my legs to the strong branch of the tree and lean on her while I drink on my soda. I sighed and the gross thoughts of my brother making out with a popular girl named Leona. I don't know how long I had been there but it was already dark. I had fallen asleep for hours that I lost track.

"Wake up sleeping beauty!"

I gasped and I almost fell from the tree and good thing that someone held me so I'll avoid falling. I turn on the next branch beside me to see that annoying gorgeous guy again. He smiled like a Cheshire cat. I can see those white teeth of him though it was dark and there's only one post light near us.

"Don't you think that it's too cold to stay all night here?" he asked me, still holding my arm.

"I would rather get cold than seeing you again. And don't you dare!" I pulled my arm from him but I got out of balance and I fell on the tree. Someone caught me before I reached the ground and I wrapped my arms around him. Our eyes met as our nose touched. He smiles in front of my lips that are just half-inched apart.

"I don't want you to get broken bones and get a cold." He said.

And damn, he smells good and he's so warm. I wanted to kiss him but I have to push away that thought. Why am I attracted to my brother's best friend? He stared down on lips and I watched his lips move to mine, slowly, slowly… However, it didn't touch because of the raven who squeaked above us.

I pushed him immediately and I fell on the ground. I got up almost immediately and moved away from him. He watched me amused and he smiled quickly as our eyes met.

"I'm Nicholas." He extended his hand to me.

"Adhiti," I said without taking his hand. He clenches his fist and brings it to his left chest where his heart is located and bow to me in very Prince-like.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Princess Adhiti." He said in very formal-like.

"It's Adhiti. Not Princess Adhiti." I corrected it. He smiles at me. I grimaced at him and I walked away. He was walking behind me and probably stalking me. "Go away!" I shout at him.

"Adhi, can we talk?"

"No," I said coldly. What did he want now? A kiss? Because he didn't get it? I wanted to kiss him too but damn, I got work to do. I gasped when he threw his arms around my shoulder. Damn, he was that fast? How can he do that?

"Come on, I just wanted to be friends with my best friend's baby sister." He sounds importunate.


Her smile is like spring as the flowers slowly blooming from being frozen and smiling up at the sun. The sparkle of the morning dew makes it magical. I flipped the pages of my old notebook where I keep the photos of Adhiti with me in that apple tree. It's the first time that I've ever fallen in love in my years of living. 

My mother once told me that a Goddess gifted the Royal Blood of Era to recognize our soul mate. It's Adhit, my and only. But after that night, my life and my soul seemed to shattered. I don't know what happened to her and that's when all of the negativity came to me once I visited the castle for my Prince duty. I rarely go to the castle since it's full of darkness and my father is a mad king. 

"I fail to protect you once, now I won't fail you, Adhiti." I mumbled as I looked down at the photo. 

I keep every piece of her photo and when I am drowning into a deep depression and thinking that I should end my life when they claim that she's dead. But I know to myself that she's alive and now, the above send her to me.