Adhiti's Past 02: The Magic of First Love Part 2

---Adhiti's Past---

He's taller than me and I feel so small around him. I'm at least at his underarm level.

Frustratingly, I let out a sigh and I just let him walk with me while his arm was on my shoulder. He kept on talking and talking about me that my stupid brother, Andrew had told him. He's talkative and I will just roll my eyes every time he will pat my head and mess my hair.

"Do you know that Andrew is a sex addict?" he asked me suddenly that I almost tripped on what he had asked.

"Y—yah!" I answer. "It is probably because of you," I said rolling my eyes.

"No, baby. Andrew and I are very opposite. He's a playboy, sex-lover, mama's boy while I am a very old fashion, gentleman, kind, gorgeous, babe-magnet—"

"You are out of your mind!" I blurted. He laughs at my bluntness. I rolled my eyes.

"Well, it was what girls said." He smiled at me and I pushed his face away. "However, do you know that love at first sight is real?" he asked me. So, what is the connection of love at first sight on our topic as him and my brother as the opposite? "Do you know the story of the Princess Goddess and her human-lover?"

"No," I said in a serious sound and got intrigued about it.

"The Princess had fallen in love with a huntsman. It was love at first sight when their eyes met with full of sparkles. However, she knew that she shouldn't love him but she still did. He was in love with her too more than anything."

"So, why are you telling me this?" I asked him and pushed his arm and faced him. We are already in front of the big open double door of our dormitory.

"For that reason," he stepped closer and scooped my cheeks. "I had felt the same way that the Princess and the Huntsman had felt." My eyes widened when his warm lips pressed on my forehead.

The warm kiss that he gave to me gives a tingling sensation down my spine and it touches my heart. My heart rate also increased because of that warm touch.


I can't sleep because that kiss from an hour ago is still touching me and tickling me. I feel so crazy thinking about it and rolling on the bed getting even crazier. I shoved my face on my pillow and screamed. Geez! I look like a high school girl—however, I am a high school girl. I am just sixteen and running to seventeen. And he's around… nineteen or twenty? He's our gorgeous senior.

In the morning, I get up to bed looking like a zombie-vampire. I am pale and have dark circles but still, I am beautiful—well maybe not beautiful at all. But it was covered by cream and little lipstick. So, I look blooming with smiles.

In my first subject, I didn't expect that there will be someone who will deliver a rose that is made of paper and a chocolate bar Cadbury dairy milk. My best friends, Marissa and Eliza teased me. Next is geometry class and I greet Paul but he looks like shit. I mean, he's pale and has dark circles around his eyes. He sniffled and smiled at me.

"Are you alright, Paul?" I asked him. He nodded his head and I opened my chocolate bar and gave him a piece. "This might help you." He took it and smiled. But I had glimpsed some bruises on his lower arm. It looks like he's been injected a few times and it gets swollen.

I gave my best friends the chocolates and Eliza didn't get a piece because of her sore throat. Marissa grimaced as soon as she had tasted the chocolate bar. She grimaced and pulled her phone and typed something there fast like she's mad or something. I looked at Paul who got a little better than before. I gave him another and he smiled at me telling me that I was his guardian angel. I didn't bother asking about the bruises because he had covered it with the long sleeve of his uniform.

After our class, it was lunchtime. I was about to go back to my room together with my best friends but this gorgeous creature appeared with a picnic basket. My classmates teased me and kept on pushing me to him. I rolled my eyes and looked away.

"Hi." He greets me. I just nod. "I had asked Andrew if I can take you out…" he said slowly.

"Take her out, where?!" Marissa interrupted. I wanted to roll my eyes on her. "You know Nick if this is going to be bad. You have to start digging for your grave." She sounds like she knew him more than we do.

"Come on, baby sister! I am not going to do something bad to Adhiti." Baby sister?

"Swear to me!" she said with a scary voice.

"I swear that I am not going to do bad things to Adhiti Patterson." He swears.

"Alright," Marissa grinned and pushed me to him. Traitor! Nick grabbed me somewhere and we ended up on the Apple tree, my favorite spot of all.

I stood there while watching him placing a blanket under the tree and gesture to me to sit beside him while he's preparing the things from the picnic basket. I watch him pull out the plastic wares and lay it all down on the blanket.

"Come on, Adhiti..." he stood and pulled me. He pushed me down to sit which makes me wince because of the little pain on my butt. "Don't be so grumpy." He opens it one by one and the smell of new cooked tempura shrimp, kimchi, fried chicken, and cold four-season fresh fruit juice. "Tada!"

"I am famished," I said as I lick my lips hungrily. I picked the chop-sticks that he gave to me and I took the big tempura shrimp.

"Don't I get a kiss after this?" I almost threw out my food but I chose to swallow the food where the shrimp stuck my throat. I cough and cough and he gave me a bottle of water and I swallowed the stuck lump on my throat. I drank and coughed and drank and cleared my throat. I glare at him. "Next time, don't eat in a rush." He lectured me, which is the reason why I got choked. It still feels like the tempura is still stuck on my throat so I drank water again.

I wipe my lips by the back of my palm and I hit the back of his head. He winced and rubbed it. I took another tempura and took a big bite on it as I glared at him. He smiles slowly which I found so damn attractive because he's like seducing me slowly however, he didn't mean to. My heart skips a beat. His warm hands scoop my chin and he bent out pressing his warm lips to my forehead.

"You are so cute," it gives me goosebumps and I jitter on what he did and on what he says. It was all unexpected.



I went to the kitchen in my cottage and made tempura and other Japanese food that she loves to eat. I made a few of her favorites and might need to deliver it to her. I knew well that she's restraining herself to eat the foods that she loves. 

It takes more time for me to cook everything that she wanted to eat. I was packing it neatly when someone knocked on my door. I wiped my hand and approached the main door of my cottage and opened it. A girl in a hood came and smiled at me. She removed the hood of her jacket and smiled at me. 

She stepped forward pushing me inside like she always does. She closed the door.. She unwrapped the thick robe that she's wearing. Under it, she's bare. Every man would love the sight in front of me. But I wasn't turned on. 

"Nick, I know you want me." She said slowly seducing me. My head felt a big pain in my head and my memories of Eliza started swirling. I held myself as I put the robe to her and opened the door. I pushed her outside. 

I locked it. I groaned as I held my head, getting more in pain.