Adhiti 03: She Can Love Part 1

---Adhiti's Past---

I ignore his noisiness and on the way, he flirts me. He would caress my hair while we are eating. Or he would play on me with the chopsticks. He was playful and I would slap his arm and at his back in annoyance. I don't know this guy but why am I dating him?

"If you don't f-cking stop playing on my hair—I will f-cking kill you." I threaten him as I eat the last tempura shrimp.

"Don't talk that way while you are eating." He warned me.

I was full like I am going to explode any minute. Damn, he made me fat in just an hour. Then my friends are grinning at us. I can't even walk fast and I feel sleepy. He gave me bubble gum and I forcibly took it and put it to my mouth. I started chewing it while walking away from them. I don't know how I look now but I wanted to be alone. The reason is, I am going to sit comfortably on the clean toilet bowl and relax.

"Adhiti! Where are you going?" he asked and I can hear his footsteps following me.

"Can you damn just leave me alone for a sec?!" I scowl at him as I turn to him. He stopped walking and he looked pained. I regret scowling at him but I need to be alone for a few minutes.

I was relieved after that and I had fallen asleep on my bed while still wearing my uniform and shoes. I damn forgot my classes and mom is going to scowl at me. I was running in the hallway hoping to catch my last subject. I stopped for a while to see who's lying on the floor on the other corner.

My eyes widened and my heart almost jumped out from my chest when I saw a man lying on the floor with lots of blood around him. I scream hoping that anybody can hear me.

"Adhiti!" someone grasped my arm and I was still shocked by what I saw. "Hey…" he scooped my cheek and forced me to look up at him. I realized that I was shaking. I had also realized that it was Nick who was holding me all this time.

There are lots of people-students, professors, and other faculties in the hallway. I looked and studied their expressions. That's all I do when I am in the aftershock. His friends scream when they realize the person lying on the floor. The blood… the blood is making me nauseous. However, I was walking towards him unconsciously and I reached my hand to him. I don't hear his breathing but I know something was wrong.

In his blood, I saw different colors… purple…green… however, it is still red, or am I imagining it? I was about to reach him but someone pulled me away. I gasped and my eyes dilated as I awakened from what I am doing. My eyes widened when I saw what he looked like. It was scary. His face is pale and there are black nerve bruises showing… It was awful. I just knew that it was Paul.

"Close your eyes…" someone whispered to me and his voice made me close my eyes. It was Andrew. He can hypnotize anyone using his voice. I felt his warm arms around me and he was pulling me away. "Sleep now." He used the tone of his hypnotism.

When I opened my eyes I was in my room. Not my room in our dormitory but my room in our house. It was dark inside my room, however, the luminous painting of trees, flowers, and birds on my wall and ceiling is glowing.

"Adhiti," my mother whispered in my ear. "How are you feeling?" she asked me. I sat up and looked around me again. Then back to my mother.

"Why am I here?" I asked her quizzically.

"It's Saturday so we took you back here." During weekends or holidays, Mystical Academy is letting the students go back to their house for thanksgiving or letting them go anywhere they want.

"Paul…" I murmur and narrow my eyes. It felt like a dream. I had dreamed of him lying on the cold floor in his blood.

"I'm sorry sweetie. Paul is dead. He died because of some illness"

"There are bloods." I mumbled. My mom shook her head. 

"No one sees blood in there. He collapsed, fell and died." 

"What?" it feels like I didn't hear what she said. Dead and blood are the only words I had heard.

I slipped off from the bed and walked towards the black curtains. I slide it open. The light from the outside almost blinded me. I blink twice to adjust to the light. Everything outside is peaceful. Our home was in the middle of woods, few hectares is ours and the few are from our neighbor which is my best friend, Marissa.

The rabbit got out from the big tall pine tree. The color of the rabbit's fur is white and black and it was very adorable. I wonder why the rabbit is alone and what makes him/her alone?

"Adhiti, I will prepare your breakfast. Do you want to eat here?"

"No thanks, mom." I murmur.

"You need to eat."

"I don't feel like eating today." I lazily walk towards the bathroom and take a long hot bath. The tragedy from yesterday was still hunting me. I can't look at him. However, the thing that I didn't understand was, why am I walking towards him unconsciously? Why am I going to touch him? What is the reason?

I wore my pink sweater and skinny jeans together with my brown leather boots. Walking would ease everything in my mind so I went to the woods and wherever my feet would take me. The sudden mixed emotions bother me. 

I went back home before sunset and my mother is sitting on the swing chair probably worried waiting for me. She smiled at me warmly and I smelled the pie. I sat on the staircase and stared at the fountain on our driveway. After a few moments, my mom sat beside me with a tray of a pie and a hot cappuccino. I take the cappuccino and bring it to my lips.

"I still don't understand what happened to him." I suddenly speak. "Mom, Paul was sick in the morning. It wasn't a simple illness. If it is a normal illness it will take a few days or weeks to have all the symptoms. And when I looked at him, he looked like he had been murdered or worse, poisoned."

"Sweetie, you have been exposed too much to mystery and crime novels and movies. But point it out anyway." She leans her head to my shoulder. "You have to eat this. I made this only for you with my love." I chuckled on what she said.

"Thanks, Mom." I sipped on the cappuccino and put it down beside me. I pick my pie and take a bite of it.

"Oh, I have to leave you to go to the grocery. You wanna go?" she snapped as she sat straight. I shook my head and ate my pie. I am not hungry, however, the pie is delicious and I want to eat it.

My mother was gone to the grocery and my brothers are in the town while my father is at the Mystical Academy for some business because Paul was his apprentice. Paul was an extraordinary one. He can control things using his mind. He had telekinetic ability but he wasn't a professional on it to control it all by himself.

---Nicholas Present--- 

I draw a pattern about Adhiti's disappearance. It started when I met her and then, she saw Paul lying on the floor. No one sees blood or anything that he was murdered. No one but Adhit. I saw it too with my own eyes but I chose to ignore it. I stick with the fact that he fainted and had a heart attack or whatever diagnosis that they gave. 

I thought that I was seeing things that day but when I heard Adhiti's story, I knew that there's something wrong with the Academy and they are covering it up. 

"If Adhiti find out something then it might be a big threat to these people that took her." I mumbled as I took note of it using the invisible pen. I stopped when the wind blew hard this time as the window opened. I turned off the purple light and put the book on the drawer. 

I approached the window and the rain started pouring. Taking the double window, I pushed it and locked it. I stopped when a white deer was outside staring at me. 

"Princess Amanda?" I mumbled. This magic, I know that it must be her.