Adhiti 03: She Can Love Part 2

---Adhiti's Past---

Being alone for a few hours wasn't bad. Maybe this kind of peaceful moment is all I want to hear. The chirping of birds, dripping of water, watching the beautiful big trees, and watching a few animals around. The squirrel, rabbit… and a white deer? My eyes widen seeing a beautiful white deer drinking from our water fountain. She was glowing. Our eyes met and she was smiling at me.

"Does this cruel world make you unhappy?" she asked me. Her voice in my mind was very angelic. "My dear, I'm sorry for bringing you into this cruel world. But it is the only way for you to survive…"

"No," I sit up straight and she walks towards me. I reach her face. "This place was beautiful yet cruel."

"Yes, it was beautiful. However, had lots of dark secrets and dark things."

I am near to touch her but when the sound of a car makes her run away and vanished. I was disappointed and suddenly felt empty. I stare in the direction where she vanished and there are still sparks flying left there. Because of the light rays of the sun, I can see the dusk dancing. It was hundreds or thousands of dusks. I don't know how to count them and nobody can. But those dusk is like Paul, who had died and become ashes. His soul might be with God. But, why did he leave the world when he knew that it wasn't his time yet?

"My sweet angel, what makes you so unhappy?" I got startled and I snapped my eyes on the pair of green eyes that matched the colors of the leaves around me. I just noticed that he was kneeling on the staircase in front of me.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" I suddenly yelp at him. That uncontrollable burst and scowl are making my head hurt. Yes, what is he doing here? He gave me a tight smile and sat beside me.

"I am just worried about you." Uh hmmm… on the way, he said that is sincere and it gives me a tingling sensation all over my spine. What in hell was that?

"Why are you worried? There are few things on this earth you should be worried about."

"Because of what happened yesterday, I can't help thinking and worrying about you. You know you should appreciate that people get worried about you more than nobody does."

"They shouldn't get worried about me, Nicholas," I said, rolling my eyes and leaning my head on the post. There is a long deafening silence. And that moment of silence makes me think of the white deer.

"How are you?" He suddenly asked. I thought that he won't ever talk again.

"I am perfectly peaceful here, not until you came." I murmur. He winced and held his chest that made me sit up straight and was about to ask if he's alright.

"Ah," he hissed. "Why do you always hurt my heart?"

"What?" I asked quizzically and my face went two capital O and an underscore in between. (O_O). He dropped the wincing face and gazed at me with that boring face like he is telling me that my brain needs to nurture more.

"You know," he stood and pulled my hand. "Let's go somewhere."

"Where?" I asked and I almost tripped when he pulled me and my arms are like going to split from my body. I smack the back of his head and he complains. "That freaking hurts!"

"Sorry," he made very sad eyes. I looked at the vintage convertible red car and admired it. He gently pulled me to the car and opened the door, acting so gentlemanly. "Here you go, milady."

We rode in his car and admired the outside of the woods. The wind was brushing my hair as we passed the perfect lines of the soldier pine trees like we are in a red carpet on the aisle and the soldiers at both sides raising their swords. But it was just my imagination and I wonder how it is to be on the red carpet and everyone is saluting you.

"You are thinking too deep that I can't get in to rescue you." He speaks. I turn my head to him as I brush my hair that is wrapping on my face.

"Stop talking nonsense," I said coldly.

"I am talking here with full of meaning, my fair lady." He said with those playful smiles on his attractive lips. I bit my lower lip and punched his arm that made him almost lose control on the wheel. But damn, he's like a rock. He's damn hard and I think I broke my knuckles. "You punch like a man." He noted and laughed like it didn't even hurt him. Like it was just a tiny sweet pinch.

"Where are we going, Nicholas?" I asked him as I propped my elbow on the door and leaned my head on my pained knuckles. He turned his head to me with those devilish smiles.

"To where two opposite sex unites and be one to bare little ones." He answered that it made me blink and looked like I just dumped somewhere over the sky. He winks at me while it is still processing in my mind.

My face heated about 40 degrees and I jumped into him and started pulling his soft full hair. He stopped the car while I was pulling his hair furiously. He held my wrist to stop me but I am freaking mad at him and started punching his arm and chest though I know I am the one who gets hurt.

"You stupid pervert!" I smack his arm.

"Ah!—ouch!" he complains and I keep on smacking him. "I was just kidding!" he explains and I smack his head for the last time and drop my butt back to my seat and breathe to calm myself. I stared at him and he was red from what I did to him.

"Ugh!" I grunted madly and stomped my feet. He giggles which makes me annoyed more.

"You're so cute when you are mad." He said it with admiration. I sighed as I rolled my eyes looking at the trees.

"I know." I murmur. I grimaced when he laughed. I snapped my furrowed eyes on him. He stopped and looked at me, giving me a wink that makes me damn crazy—mad. He was cute and on the way he does, that had a big effect on me.

"You know, Adhiti, I love your name." he simply stated while his one hand is on the wheel and the other hand is on the door.

"Love my name?" I asked.

"Yes. It is Hindu. Am I right?" he asked as he leaned his jaw on his knuckles.

"Yes, and why don't you f-cking concentrate on the road and put your damn hands on the wheel?" I scowl at him. He winked at me and took my demand.

He turned on the radio that is connected to his iPhone. Then the song started. I don't know the title and who sang but it was amazing. The lyrics are so thoughtful and very romantic to hear.

The lyrics say that the girl is everything for him and if she stays it will makes sing. He would give his life and heart and no one can ever come between them. Such a lovely song.

I glanced at him and he was staring at me while driving. I look on the driveway and shouts at him when there's a wolf that appears on the road. He twisted the wheel but he had hit the wolf. I breathed as the car had stopped on the side of the road. I glance at the rear mirror. The wolf is whining in pain.