Catastrophe: False Love Part 1


I stare back on the wide green ground as the rain washes it. I had almost forgotten the thing that I had told her. Everyone is the snake? Why did I say that? Well, technically everyone betrays each other for their own sake. I let out a sigh and a cold smoke came out from my nose. Why is it too cold today? The statue of the woman that has a big snake around her is like going to be frozen anytime soon.

"Everyone is the snake?" she asked me. I smiled a little lopsidedly, almost like a smirk.

"That is just my perception of humans," I told her. She chuckled and when I glanced at her she's shaking her head. I lift my right wrist where I usually put my watch and put it down when I had to peek at the time. "I will go now."

"kay," she said. I walk on the corridor to the gymnasium. A young man that is leaning on the wall while reading a pocketbook looked at me and a smile drawn on his lips. He seemed to be waiting for me.

"Casty," he calls. Casty? What does that even mean? Is it a word or a name? "Are you on your way to your next subject?" Andrew asked.

"Are you speaking to me?" I asked him.

"Yes, Catastrophe." He answered and I showed that I was quizzical.

"Yes. I am on my way to my next subject. And how about you?" he walked with me and he gave me a chocolate bar and I accepted it. "Thank you." He pulled another one and opened it and took a bite on it.

"Well," he speaks while chewing. "I just wanted to escort you."

"I had met your brother, Patrick?" I started to make a conversation and he nodded. "He's quite intelligent. Who's older, you or him? He looks younger than you." I asked and unwrapped the tip part of the chocolate and took a bite on it.

"I am older and handsome." He said with a wink and grin where he got chocolate on his upper teeth. Charming… "It has an explanation of why I am still a senior and he was a fresh graduate and became a Professor in a very short time."

"Hmm," I responded, telling him to continue.

"You see, Patrick is a hell of a genius guy. I had stopped studying looking all these years for my sister—however, it was another story… I am not going to tell-tale it to you and I'll just eat my favorite chocolate bar." I just nod and take another bite on the chocolate. We almost finish eating our chocolates until we are inside the gym.

There are hot males—ah—half-naked males running around wearing their gym pants. Some girls were wearing gym bras and gym shorts and some had put on their white thin shirt. Andrew waves at the girls that are running around together with the males. The girls giggled at each other and waved back at him.

Andrew sighed as he put his arms around me. I looked up at him to see him grinning while watching the girls. So, he's this type of a man who hooks up on girls every time? He was also playful and a bad boy.

"You know hot bodies like that are making me...aroused." 

"Are you also a gay at the same time?" I asked him frankly thinking that he's pointing at the boys. He laughs at me and pulls his white sleeve polo shirt up to show his abdominal to me. He got at least six-packs.

"Sweetheart, I got the hottest body in the academy." He told me with winks. I just nod to agree with him.

"Miss Canfield," Nicholas walks towards us wearing a gym shirt and pants. "You are late to my class, better go to your locker and dress up." he sounds formal. I nod and I throw Andrew's arms as I take the last bite of my chocolate and lift the wrapper. I gave it to Andrew.

"Thank you for the chocolate." He winks at me.

I headed to the lockers where Nicholas had escorted me. I open my locker while he is leaning on other lockers beside mine. He crossed his arms while watching me picking up my gym suit. I started removing my uniform coat and necktie.

"Are males prohibited to go here?" I asked him with a glance. He didn't answer but he gently scooped my back hair. I pushed his hand away and glared at him. "Why are you still here, Mr. Gregory? You are supposed to teach something about Physical Education outside, right?"

"I am just curious about your hair color. Why did you color it in blue?"

"Because I like the color blue." I simply stated. He nods and turns back and leaves. I let out a sigh and held on the locker door.

I walk outside wearing the pink and black gym trunks and bra and I put my white shirt and walk towards them. He told me to start stretching and I did. He next told me to jog ten laps around while the others started fighting each other in a combat way. It wasn't reckless; in fact, it is just sparring.

I have to ignore and keep on jogging while other males are eyes on me. I didn't tie my hair for a personal reason. Sweat started running from my forehead to my brows and some are running down to my cheeks. After the ten laps, I started cooling down. Nicholas walked towards me with a lopsided smile.

"You've done a great job."

"It is just starting," I told him. "What's next?" he calls his student named Carol. She smiled at me and I just nodded. Nicholas moved closer to me and bent a little.

"I won't make it hard on you." he murmurs. Did he always do that to his new students?

I had turned down Carol at the very first with everyone's eyes on us using my Aikido technique. I sigh and give Mr. Gregory my card. He scribbles something and he tells me that I can leave. Everybody leaves after the bell rings.

My days here were just normal like time is just passing. It is already Saturday and my plan on going to the nearest town to buy my new things is on. I visited my big bike in the garage of the gymnasium early in the morning. I check on the engine and make the turbo hot.

"You are going alone?" I glance at Nicholas who is wearing a gray sweatshirt and black pants.

"Obviously," I turn on my GPS on my watch.

"It is safer if you use the car. Or in a very simple way, I'll drive you."

I sigh and look up the clear skies. I turn off the engine and check my phone to see Jake's message on where we will meet. I tap to reply to him and turn on the engine again and I put my shades on.

"No, thank you." I drove my bike fast like I was on the race.


Catastrophe is my headache and my reliever at the same time. It's a good thing that I put GPS on her motorbike so it'll be easy for me to track her. I called Patrick and Andrew. Her safety is my priority. Whether she's saying that she's not Adhiti or not. 

"Hey, what's the group call?" Andrew and Patrick asked at the same time. 

"Well, I know it's early but it's Catastrophe. She left with his motorbike and she's off to shop all by herself." 

"Damn! I am on my way there. I will just groom myself quickly." Andrew said as he hung up. 

"Same here." Patrick said. I sighed and went to my cottage to grab my jacket and wallet. I waited in the parking lot and then the two came two the view walking like on a runway. 

"Good looking, huh." I chuckled at the two who gracefully went to their car. I wanted to laugh. It's not the first time I saw them like that. They are always protective of Adhiti in every way and the three of us failed to protect her well.