Adhiti 05: Gently, Slowly, Falling Part 1

I didn't notice that tomorrow I should go back to school. My weekend is done like it is just ten minutes ago. The kiss is still invading my thoughts and I keep dreaming it all over again. Damn, why is this making me crazy? Is it because the kiss wasn't that stolen where I pushed my date when he stole a kiss? Well, I did push someone when he kissed me. It was my ex-boyfriend. However, I didn't consider him as an ex-boyfriend or something. We just dated and that's all. He was a bore… I don't like him. Marissa pushed me to date the guy. I feel sorry for him.

"Adhi, hurry up!" Andrew knocks lazily on my door. "I am dying here…" I heard the dying groaning sound. I rolled my eyes on how dramatic he is. Yup, he's good in drama. He can manipulate me through his so-called-best-actor-mode. I look one last time in the mirror.

I run to the door and open it and Andrew, who is leaning on my door falls on the floor wincing in pain. I look down at him and show him my tongue. It is his fault that he's leaning all his weight on my door.

"What took you guys so long?!" Patrick who is impatiently-exasperatedly waiting for us scowl at me and glare down at Andrew who is still lying on the floor like he's dead. He took my duffel bag and sign me to chop-chop. "Hurry up, Andrew! I know that you need a release with Leona!"

"What's that mean?" I asked him quizzically and took a piece of fresh apple on the table beside the door.

"Just don't mind it, the Virgin Mary." Andrew mess my hair and run outside. I squeal in very low sound and fixed my hair.

"A**hole!" I scream.

Back to school again. I don't know how to face an embarrassing moment with Nick. I just don't want to see him because I was ashamed of what I did on the other night. Why did I kiss him good night?! Damn! I shouldn't do that in front of my brothers.

All right, so there he is! Oh, shitty! I turn back to avoid him and the bell rings. I run in the other direction and better to walk around in a long distance to our room than meeting him. I walk briskly while the other students are walking to their classrooms.

I scream when someone grabbed my uniform at my back and pull me. When a familiar scent enters my nostrils I shiver and flushes. Damn! Why?

"Why are you avoiding me?" he asked me.

"I—I need to go. I'm late!" I said which is true. He didn't let go of my uniform. "Damn, just let me go."

"I need…a ki—"

"Fuck! Let me go!" I scowl at him. He released me and I was about to run when he blocked my way.

"Why are you redden?" he asked. Oh, shit! "Why are you flushing Adhi, are you sick?" he asked and put his palm on my forehead. "You aren't sick. Why are you—"

"Shit, just go away!" I avoid him and walk briskly. I feel mad because he's stalking me until I get into my classroom and the bell rings for the second time.

"See you, love!" he shouts. When I turn to him he's smiling sweetly as he waved his hand.

"Mr. Gregory, this isn't time for your love." Mr. Patterson which is my dad, interrupted before he enters the classroom. "Go back to your classroom now!" he demands.

"Yes, Dad!" he saluted and run. Dad shook his head. He turned to me and raise his eyebrow. I turn my heels like a robot and walk towards my desk.

Finally, my last subject. I need to escape someone today however it turns out that he's already waiting for me outside leaning on the wall like a model. I stopped walking. When he smiles at me I immediately turn my heels and to run but he was fast, now he's front of me.

"Why are you avoiding me this whole day?" he asked me.

"Oh, hi, Nick," I said sardonically. He rolled his eyes and bent down to my level.

"Nicholas," Eliza speaks who just got out from her classroom which is next to us. "There you are." She walked towards us. "Hmm, seems like there's a secret love here." She grins.

"Eliza," Nick straighten. He turned to her a little. "Thank you for your concern." He sounds he's implying something to her.

"Alright, so I need to clear things. There's no secret love here, Liza because there are me and him and you… speechless. Time is ticking. Au Revoir!" I walk off and wave at them.

I walk briskly as fast as I can to go back to my room and jumped into a warm bathtub and relaxed in rock music. I am also excited to cuddle with my cat. I missed her so much and I just like to squeeze her and kissed her… But my plan to be with Katherine get spoil when Nick walked with me as he put his arms around me. He squeezed me with a sideways hug with a hum.

"I miss you badly." He whispered in my ear. I rolled my eyes and nudge his ribs. "Hey, we can hang out somewhere. Like under the apple tree or on the pavement."

"I am tired and busy, Nicholas." I tried to push his arms but he's squeezing me tight.

"Please?" he begs me. "I will treat the foods you like. Or do things you wanted to do, just give me a few of your time." We stop walking and I sigh heavily.

"No. Just please leave me alone?" I pleaded irritably. He dropped his arms and nod. I rolled my eyes and walk briskly.

When I got into my room I throw my bag somewhere and started removing my uniform. I went to my bathroom and turn on the heater and the faucet. Then I went back to my main room to check on my laptop. After half bath, I put my sweater and PJ pants.

"Katherine??" I call her but I got no response. "Kathy? Kitty, kitty!" I look around my room and on the whole female's dorm but I didn't found her. I asked every girl I met in the hallway but nobody had told me the exact location where she is.

"Kathy!" I had to walk around the corridor and I even check the boy's quarter. My last hope is outside the building.