Adhiti 05: Gently, Slowly, Falling Part 2

I found the apple tree standing alone in the field and I go there breathless. But I hear a deep voice behind the tree. I blow air on the cold wind and listen to his voice who seemed talking with somebody.

"I don't know why she suddenly becomes cold to me. I can't even think a wrong thing I did that makes her mad at me. You think she hates me?" I heard the purring of a cat. I know that it is the purr of Katherine. "Right, but I won't stop—"

"You know, you should stop being so dramatic and emotional in my special place," I speak.

"Do I heard her voice speaking behind me?" he asked the cat. The cat purrs answering his question. My cat is intelligent and sometimes I can hear her directly talking to me. "Or is it just me being delusional."

I rolled my eyes on how dramatic he's being. I walk closer to the tree. Sometimes he's speaking in so formal and medieval-like. I love it though because it sounds sexy and alluring. I lift my hand and the apple tree gives me fruit and it falls on top of his head. He complains about a hissing sound. Katherine purrs and about jump off from him. He picked the apple and I stood in front of him as I stuck my hands inside the pocket of my sweater.

"Oh, it's you." He said plainly showing me that he's mad or sulking because of me. I sigh and rolled my eyes and look down at him patting my cat.

"Give my cat back," I said sounding like a demand. He didn't hand my cat instead he looks away. "Please." He looked up at me with those devilish smile.

"You want Katherine back?" he asked. I nod my head. "Then go and sit with me. It won't take long. Katherine and I still have a moment here so you have to wait." I stood there for a few seconds and he cock his head beside him. I did sit beside him and took the apple on my side.

He keeps patting Katherine gently and the spoiled cat loved it. I sigh patiently waiting for him to give my cat but hell, why am I waiting? Katherine is my cat, not his. I was about to take Katherine but he covered it with his big arms.

"Ah-ah-ah…" he shook his head mockingly.

"It's my cat, Gregory!" I shout at him.

"Hush! Don't reveal my surname." He hushed covering his hand into my mouth.

I tried to push it and I did but his warm lips crush to mine. I heard Katherine purrs and complains. I tried to push his chest but I have no match from his strength where his other hand is pushing the back of my head to him. He released me breathless. I stare into his eyes. I felt my face in the heat. My heart is palpitating.

"Does that make you ignore me today?" he asked me. I can't speak or blurted any words. A shrieking excited sound is inside my head. Why can't I speak or answer his question? Did the cat get my tongue? Or is me who I bit my tongue to avoid speaking? "You kissed me good night on that special night with you. Why did you suddenly become cold to me?" he sounds shattering inside? Why is he that expressive and should I say, honest to himself?

There is a long silence between us, well except to those crickets and the sound of winds passing to the grass and moving to shake the leaves like a bell to make a sound. My palpating heart suddenly became normal—oh, not normal. It skips a beat and what the hell is wrong with me.

"Adhiti," he speaks my name so heavenly. I blink twice and shook my head. "Do I make you uncomfortable?"

"Ah—I…" I stammer. "I need to feed my cat." I immediately change the topic.

"I fed her already." That was a bit embarrassing and disappointing.

I sigh and lean on the tree. I handed him the apple without looking or even taking a glance at him. I can see on the side of my eyes that he's grinning and he took the apple as he gently brushes his fingers to my palm that gives me goosebumps.

"Thank you, love." I snapped my eyes on what he had called me. He's smiling gorgeously at me. "The life of my heart."

"What?" I asked him.

"You are the life of my heart and my soul."

"How can I be the life of your heart and soul? Are you absurd or you're just trying to be funny? Well, ha, ha, ha… hilarious!" I said mockingly.

"Adhiti, do you believe in the bonding of souls by God?"

"Do you mean soul mate?" I asked. I believe in God but on the bonding of souls… really?

"Yes. Do you know how much it feels to meet your soul mate? People who meet their soul mates are lifetime. In our world, we believe in soul mates, however, we also believe in treasure and thrones."

"So, what are you?" I asked him intrigued. He gave me a smile as a genius. Really? He's giving me that look?

"It is a different world, my moon." The afterlife of heart and soul, now moon? Seriously, what the hell is wrong with him? "Your world is a reciprocal of our world in view. But the people living are the same here. They said that the people in my world are not cruel, not greedy, not selfish, and almost perfect. However, there is a thing that they never know. People who have a heart, mind, and soul and felt sympathy, happiness, madness, and any other emotions, have all dark sides."

"If your world is almost as perfect… how come that you are here in the human world?"

"Because I felt more at home here. I have my freedom, happiness and I study people's behavior and attitudes."

"If this is not your world, how come that Marissa grow up here and you in your world?"

"Marissa is half-human. That's why she got this healing power."

"So, if you are Marissa's half-brother, does that mean that your father is her father or your mother is her mother?"

"My father impregnate her mother in a very not so good way." He murmured. Why eyes widen on what he said. I move closer to him.

"Does that mean that he raped her mother?" I blurted. He gently nods. "How, very, ungentle-man. Sorry to say that."

"Yes. My father is an asshole." He sighed and lean his head on the tree. "My mother told me that when he got rejected by the Princess he become dark. He was so in love with the Princess that makes him obsessed with her."

"So, what is your father?"

"He's the King of the Lands of Era."

"And that makes you the Prince?" I asked him and he nods with smiles. "Alright, enough of the tell-tale. What are you?"

"I'm a nymph in this world of yours."

That makes me stopped and like