Catastrophe: The Claymore Part 1

She shook her head again and she almost fell her nose on the floor. Good thing that I caught her. She complains like Katherine and held her head. I help her to the nearest couch. She dropped her butt on the couch and leans her head.

"Why do I feel so dizzy?" she closed her eyes and breathes. I sat beside her and stare into her face.

"Knock, knock!" I looked at the door to see Patrick. He looked at me and to Marissa. "Is everything alright here? What happened to her?" he asked quickly looking worried.

"Ricky, babe, please help me." She murmurs. "My world is going all dark."

Patrick immediately ran to her and kneel in front of her. He took her hand and place it on his cheeks. They look so adorable together, so in love with each other. It is a nice match. I immediately shook the thought and goes back to Marissa who is already pale.

"I will get you some tea." He told her as he kissed her hands. "Would you please stay with her for a while? I won't stay long." I politely nod my head and help her to lay down. He immediately exited the door. I look down at her as she breathes and closes her eyes. I should be polite right?

"What should I do to help you?" I asked her. She smiles and gently lifts her right hand. I stare at it for a moment.

"Would you press my palm?" I nod as I kneel and started pressing her palm. I glanced at her. She seemed calm and relieved. It didn't take long for Patrick to come back with Nicholas.

"Marissa, what do you feel?" Nicholas asked. Marissa simply smiled at her brother just to make him feel light.

"I'm fine, big bro. Maybe I just need to have a proper rest." She didn't mention what happened a while ago. I did not speak about it but the way they looked at me, has curiosity, worry, and something mysterious.

"I will bring you to my room," Patrick said. She just smiled.

"Have you forgotten that you are not married yet and it isn't appropriate to her to sleep—"

"Ahhh…Owww." She complains as she held her temple. "Can you stop treating me as a child? Besides, I and he has a two-year relationship already and I am going to marry him."

I gape on what she just blurted. We all did gapes with wide eyes including Patrick. Then she suddenly laughs and laughs. She stopped laughing and breathes feeling dizzier than before.

"I will sleep here with Catastrophe. Is it alright?" she asked me. I nod my head and excuse myself to the bathroom.

I found Marissa already lying on the right side of the bed. She glanced at me and waved her hand as she tapped the wide space on the left side. I nod my head and sat there. She moved sideways facing me.

"I don't know what happened earlier but I feel like a spirit controlled my mind to communicate with you. Don't worry I won't tell anyone about it. You can trust me."

I just nod my head. Someone knocked on the door and it opens. Eliza brought a big pillow and smiles at us.

"I feel jealous now. Can I sleep with you? I feel like an outcast with the boys."

"Sure! Come in!" Marissa said cheerfully as ever. The bed is wide and we gave her space to sleep.

Marissa and Eliza talk too much about their pasts which include Adhiti. I just listen to them while lying sideways facing the wall back from them. I don't know how to fall asleep though I am exhausted. They are both sleeping and the beam of light from the window is where I stare. The window is a little open as a cold wind enters the room. It is good like that. I can smell the trees and grass outside.

I fall deeply into sleep and I feel like levitating. I can feel a fresh cold night and smell the mixed scents of different kinds of trees, flowers, grass, and soil. I breathe and open my eyes. The light of the sun blinded me. The singing birds make me more relaxed. It was a good morning.

"Catastrophe," I turn to my left side to see a familiar figure and when I understand where I am lying, I immediately sat up and looked around me. "What are you doing out here too early?" Patrick had brought a blanket with him and he wrapped it around me. He helped me get up and I look around me to see lots of rabbits, birds, and squirrels around me.

"What happened?" Nicholas who arrived from jogging asked. He stopped and dropped his towel.

On the corner of my eye, I saw a werewolf. When I turn to her, she immediately runs off. Patrick checked my pulse on my neck. He scoops my chin and checked my face. I don't understand why he's checking me.

"You're good. Let's get ready for breakfast." He smiled at me and I nod my head.

He's good at ignoring things and not speaking at them. I know what he is and what he can do. He kept a lot of things he knew. It might be either for his safety or others. He's good at pretending after all. But as a woman, I got a strong instinct in male's actions.

The breakfast was settled on the patio garden. They are all curious about why the animals of the forest are all gathered around. I think I know why. They are all here for me. I had dreamed a white deer kissed me on my forehead on my sleep. I sipped on my water and glanced at Eliza who seemed to focus on the rabbits. It was suspicious. Is she talking to them?

"I need to go back home." Eliza suddenly speaks that made everyone give attention to her. She stood and walk inside the house. That was quite weird.

I was packing my things and a dove dive into the window and stood on the table. I stopped and extend my hand to the dove. She makes a sound like talking to me and fly to my wrist. I smile and gently brushes my forefinger on her neck. When footsteps are getting near to the door, I toss her to the window and she flies away outside.

"Twenty minutes, Catastrophe." Nicholas sounds demanding today. He put a rectangular box of shoes on my big box and helped me with it. "We had lots of things to catch up."

"What are those things?" I asked. He glanced at me for a while and focus on putting a few things on my box. He walked towards the desk and pick the picture frame. He stared at it for a moment and he speaks his answer.

"Things that you should learn."

"To be specific?"

"Less asking and more on moving."

He's kind of weird today. What is going on to them? I watch him pack a few things from Adhiti. I was about to ask him but he stopped me and sign me to finish things I should finish. He took me back to Mystical Academy using a truck where my bike is sitting on the back.