Catastrophe: The Claymore Part 2

A low music is playing on the radio. I kind of miss that song. Somebody used to sing it in front of me while playing the radio. I am one of a fan of Bruno Mars. He's not just half Filipino but he got great music as his art. The 'Nothing on You' of Bruno Mars featuring B.O.B. I propped my elbow on the window of the truck while I lean my cheek on my knuckles.

"You know this song?" he asked.

"Yeah. I guess everyone knows Bruno Mars."

"He got great songs. I have a collection of his albums in my room. You wanna hear a few of it?"

"Yeah, sure." I just nod as I glance at him. He gave me a tight smile. I look back on the side of the road as cold wind and the smell of trees are passing on my face. I close my eyes as I relaxed a little clearing my thoughts from happy-tragic memories of mine.

I open my eyes to meet a pair of blue eyes of a pure white werewolf. It was like slow motion and like hours as we stare at each other. But the truck didn't stop. However, it seems that the time had stopped or move very slow for us to meet each other's eyes. When I flick my eyes she was gone. I move on my sit and almost stand as I move half of my body outside the window.

"Sit down." He demands. When I failed on seeing her I sat back and breathes. "What is it?" I shook my head and exhales.


We enter the main big gate of the Mystical Academy. A few students got back and some are hugging their parents like it was another last time they will see them. I sense someone staring at me and when I turn to my right, I saw this guy wearing all back staring at me. I stare back at him. I need to know him. He was familiar and he was like studying me or something. Should I attack him or confront him? When I was about to approach him, Nicholas gripped my arm.

"We have no time for talking to a friend." He told me.

"Who is that guy?" I asked him.

"He's nobody for now." On how Nicholas threw a glare on him was like a flame. Something is very hot between them.

He helped me carry my boxes in my room slash, Adhiti's room. He settled it on the corner while I wait for him to leave. He stood straight and looked at me.

"Meet me at the back of the gymnasium at four. Make sure that you will wear your rubber shoes and a comfortable one."

"Why?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Why won't you just obey what your mentor told you to do? Avoid asking too much question, it can kill you." He turned around and was about to close the door and I speak.

"Curiosity kills me more," I said and turn back.

I came to our rendezvous two minutes before the time. I sigh and waited for a few moments for him. I walk around to check on a few things. I had never been here but I felt something pulling me to go farther. I walk and walk farther from our rendezvous.

Every time I go nearer, my heart skips a beat every two steps I take. In this part, it was warm. I stopped in front of a huge oak tree. His leaves are dry and keep falling. It was supposed to be a horror and there should be a raven or a crow but a dove is sitting on the main branch.

I walk near to touch the bark of the tree. I wanted to feel it. He was peculiar among other trees. I feel a warm sensation inside of it. The oak tree is speaking to me. But he was not alone there were at least five spirits inside of it. I hear their whispers speaking at each other. It sounds like a different language but somehow, I understand them.

"Catastrophe." I gasped and snapped my eyes on Nicholas who got two wooden swords on his both hands and a real one at his back. He looks up to the branch and I did too. A raven sat beside the dove and the dove flies away.

"Their difference made them hate each other," I stated.

"They don't hate each other, somehow, they only seemed to make a barrier between them."

I suddenly feel depressed because of the thought that there should be a balance in the world. The balance between evil and good.

"Do you mean that to keep the balance, there should be evil and there should be good ones in this world?"

"Yes, that was balance."

"How depressing that the evil ones should stay evil. And for the good ones to protect innocent from evil."

I put my hand down and stare for a moment on the bark of the oak tree. I felt something inside. I felt more curious on how funny the energy came from.

"Heads up." When I looked at him he already threw a wooden sword to me and I caught it with one hand. "Nice reflexes. Your training will start today." He sounds serious. I get it. This will be a very serious training which is not good. I look down on the sword that I am holding. "Have you ever swung a sword and cut someone's head?"

"I had never held any sword in my life."

He clasped the belt of his sword at his back and nod his head. He walked towards the nearest tree on his left side and rested his sword there. I stare at the sword for a moment. The handle is gold with a head of a dragon. In the middle part of the handle are four stones. Blue (like the sky), turquoise, yellow-brown (more like a hazelnut color), and red-orange one.

"We are not going to handle real swords for now." He snapped at me. I stood straight lazily and sigh.

"What's the difference between fencing and the sword?"

He was quizzical for a moment and chuckled, finding my stupid question amusing. He gazed into my eyes before answering my question.

"Fencing is a sports game, my dear. They are using three different kinds of swords; the foil, épée, and sabre. The sword is the weapon that is used. This is called claymore the double-edged sword."

Of course, I know that. I just wanted to ask a foolish question. The foil's hand is almost the same as épée. Their hands are both 20 cm and 90 cm blade. The sabre is shorter than the foil and épée 17 cm handle and 88cm blade. I only had read about it

"So you mean we are going to play fencing using these fat wooden swords of yours? And why are the fencing swords are thinner like a needle?"

"You asked too many questions. I want you to stretch your muscles first using that sword."

"Lead it."