Adhiti 06: Love me if you Dare Part 1

I laugh out loud ignoring the funny grimace on his face. I hold my stomach and I almost roll around the grass. Damn, it is aching and I don't know how to stop laughing. It is just hilarious to look at him as I imagine him wearing all white in a golden long hair… I shook the thought because he was so damn gorgeous on it. However, an idea of him being gay is damn hilarious too.

"What are you laughing about?!" he asked. "Oh," I glance at him and the expression on his face got what I am thinking. "You are not! Tell me that you are not thinking that nymphs are only females?!"

"Sad to say!" I say breathlessly. I am freaking all red from laughing and my stomach hurts.

"Alright, let me clear things to you. Yes, nymphs are female spirits. Males are called Demigods. However, the nymph resembles for maidens but it is also used to us, males. In the folktale, we are called fairies and elves, and so on, but that's what they call it here, in your world."

"So, are goblins and gnomes are real?"

"Well, yes of course. Those creatures are somewhat helpers in our kingdom."

Woah, very interesting. I should call him a fairy. That would be very amusing and ridiculous. He narrowed his eyes on me and I just realized that I was grinning from ear to ear. Grinning like a naughty little girl thinking about such crazy things. Well, that's what I am. Naughty.

"Why do I have this feeling, like you are going to feed me to trolls? Geez, goosebumps." Nick murmured.

"Are trolls real?" I asked moving a little closer to him like my mother is about to start her bedtime story.


"Tell me everything about your world," I said grinning. He shook his head and turn back from me. "Alright then," I tell my cat to get away from him and she did while complaining. I stood and pick my cat. I didn't glance at him directly to the eye and turn my heels back.

"Okay, I will tell you. Just don't leave, yet."

I grinned and chew my lower lips. I changed my face into a grumpy-serious one and turn back to him. I sometimes need to be choosy.

"I need to feed Katherine and to sleep. This day was very tiring. Good Night, Mr. Gregory." I walk around the tree and walk away. I hear a rustling sound and I felt the ground vibrates a little as he ran to me. He blocked my way.

"Okay, what about, I escort you to your room?"

"No thank you. You are probably wasting my time." I said frankly. He suddenly looked sad and going to sulk.

"You make my heart feel in pain with your words." He said it with a hint of breaking his voice. I sigh and rolled my eyes.

"Alright then." His face enlightens and he immediately put his arms around me and we walk inside the building. He was such an importunate person. How can I resist a man with good humor, a pleasing personality, and a gorgeous-attractive face and body?

Early in the morning, I was walking in the corridor. I don't know why I wake up too early. I just feel like having insomnia. I tried taking pills but somehow it makes me nauseous. My body doesn't like medicine. I stopped for a moment to see the football player Justine who just got out of the office of the Headmistress. The office is in the other building. I wonder why he got out there looking like a zombie. The Headmistress patted his shoulder giving him something.

"This will make you feel better." She said it. He nods at her. I put my headphones back on my ear and pull out my phone pretending on keeping myself busy. I maximize the volume a little so that I won't look too obvious on catching them.

Justine is heading in my direction and he greets me and I greet him back.

"Morning," I said it loud like I was deaf. He nods at me. I stopped walking and looked into his face. His eyes are bit swollen and his ears are red. "Hey, you look like shit." I can be a little rude-blunt.

"Oh come on. Don't be like that Adhiti. I haven't been sleeping for days and I got massive pain muscles."

"I know it is rude to ask but," I move a little closer to him to check on him. "Are you alright?"

"Do I look alright?" he asked. I shook my head. "Well, that's the answer, minion."

"Yo—" I gritted my teeth and just kick the air as he walks away. I watch his back while he's going away. I hate him calling me minion. Do I look a minion to him? That arrogant bastard. Oh, don't forget that he got a crush on me too.

"What wakes you up too early?" I turn around to see Eliza who is stretching her arms and wearing jogging pants and sweatshirts and her rubber shoes. She yawns and that makes me yawns too.

"Nothing. I just want to go around since I don't exercise much." I chuckled. She scoffs.

"Next time, I will call you early in the morning so you could jog with me."

"Yeah, sure…" I run. "But I can't promise." I laugh. I know what's she's doing when I said it. Snorting at me is her thing than laughing. She hates the way I agree. I put back my headphones and jog to the apple tree where my special spot is. I sat there and lean on the tree.

I close my eyes and felt how relaxing it is. I got one hour before my class. I can still sleep here for a moment. Somehow, this is the only place I find peaceful, relaxing, and soothing around the Mystical Academy. Things around here gone a little bit confusing. Things around here are very mysterious including from the Headmistress. I wonder what they hide from everyone.

I know that every one of us has its secrets that can't reveal to others. Those secrets might be dark. Those secrets have reasons to hide. Either it can be for good reason or evil one. Where can I find a place where everyone is happy and everyone are kind? A place where I can say perfect where everybody is getting along with each other with no pain in their hearts and no insecurity.

That perfect place is just a thought of mine. There can never be a place like that.

Humans are the most dangerous creature in this world. They hold grudges. They have their evil thoughts. They have uncontrollable emotions. Is there a person that cannot express emotion? Or thinking too wise before acting. Is a perfect person without setting any emotions and empathy is a thing called a robot or is there something like that exists.

"Sister!" I got startled on that voice. I saw Andrew running towards me with those childish face who looks like crying. "Sister!"

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I yell at him. He knelt in front of me.

"Please, I need your help." He begs. He even grabbed my hand. I feel creepy about him being like that. I pull my hand away from him. Damn, he's creepy and giving me goosebumps around.


"Alright, so here's the thing. Leona is getting twenty tomorrow and I need your help on making a few things for me. I wanted to surprise her badly. Mom and Marissa are helping with baking cakes and cookies. Eliza is preparing an intermission number. And I need you and Nick to go out of the Mystical Academy and buy a few things."

"Nick?" I asked him. Why would he wanted me to go with Nick? Why not Patrick or Dad?

"Well, Nick won't cooperate if you are going with him." He smiled nervously and he looked so foolishly-guilty. I kick his chest and he falls his back on the grass. "Come on, lil' sister…" he begs and groans in pain. "I need you."

"You are smitten on Leona right?" I asked him. He pouted at me and nods.

"Yes." He blurted. He cleared his throat and think for a moment. I think he regrets that he said it. You are caught up man! "Well, I just wanted to surprise her. Is that boyfriend supposed to do?"

I shrugged off and stood. My moment has finally done. Thanks to him. I hissed at him and about to kick him again but I just let him go. I jog back to the dormitory enough to be sweaty and ready to take a bath. I am all alone in the room. Sometimes, I can't sleep being alone but my pet is here with me so I feel just fine.

After the class, Nicholas Gregory kept on following which is more on stalking me. I felt so uneasy with his gaze on me. I was about to go but he grabbed me and put his arms around me.

"Have you forgotten?" he asked. I furrowed and stopped walking. Did I forget anything?

"Forget what?"

"You need to go with me out of the academy for some business. Oh, don't tell me that you forget about it?"

I look in front trying not to look hilarious on the fact that I forget about it. I just sigh lazily and act like it was nothing to me.

"I didn't forget about it. I think that ignoring you would let me be alone. So that there will be no annoying person who kept on harassing me—" I pushed his arms.

"Really?" he asked playfully and patted my head. "Just admit that you forget about it."

I was about to talk and defend myself but I just remain my mouth shut and growl a little. He giggles and smacked my cheeks with his lips which annoyed me a lot. I push his face but he didn't stop showing his full of affection on me that makes me feel so weird.

I tried many times to escape but I end up sitting in his car listening to my favorite jam, Bruno Mars. We got the same genre in music that's why we end up singing together though I am not a singer. I don't even know how to read notes so that I can sing out of tune. He got a sultry voice and even his natural voice is handsome as he is. We drove out of the academy and it will take an hour to get to the main town where we can buy things that Andrew needed for his girlfriend's birthday.