Catastrophe: Fall into Darkness Part 1

Marissa helped me to get ready. I wonder why Eliza is not with us. I keep the music low on my music box so that we could hear each other. She's busy curling my hair while talking about Adhiti and how Patrick felt about it. It was depressing to listen to her.

"You are probably wondering why Eliza is not with us." She noted which is correct.

"Where is she?"

"My brother finally finish everything between them. I had thought it too and predicted it. My brother doesn't love her liked she does. I always knew that she is in love with him since then. She never spoke about it or tell it to Adhiti or me. I see how shattered she is whenever she saw Adhiti together with him." I look at her expression through the reflection of the mirror. Full of regrets and sadness too. Why everyone showing sadness in front of me? "Since Adhiti disappeared, he always cries in front of me asking me what to do. He drowned himself in his room with alcohol because he doesn't know what to do or where to start finding her. Until Eliza came to comfort him they are always together to comfort each other and their romantic relationship happens. Every day he told me that he has to move on. He told me that 'she's not coming back to me'… but on the other side of his head said that he's guilty whenever he's with Eliza."

"Then why is he still together with her?"

"He's afraid that he will hurt her. No matter what, he will and he will hurt her. It is the only way for him to let her go. She has to take the pain for both of them to be free. Thanks to his courage now. He will be free. If it is not you Catastrophe, he will stay to be a prison of himself."

"Why me? Because I look like Adhiti?"

"No. Because, he dares to find his love and to find every piece that is missing to put it back together. "

"He's leaving?"

I saw a small smile on her lips. She put down the iron curler and turned it off.

"He won't leave without those pieces, C. I don't know when he will leave. Since that he's just an instructor he will leave. The reason that he stays here even after he graduated is because of Adhiti. He waited through winter, spring, summer, and autumn for her. He just waited. Now, he's moving from his seat."

"I see," I said quietly.

"Come on. Let's finish your make-up. You need to look gorgeous for your date today."


"Yeah." She said with winks.

After a few retouched of make-up.

We walk together downstairs and Eliza showed up wearing a fitted black small dress. Her make-up was-wow… I have to say that it was wow because it was a dark make up with red lipstick. She greeted us with a wonderful smile but I say it's creepy because I didn't like her smile.

"You look gorgeous today." She told me.

"Thanks. So you are." I respond. A few gentlemen who are waiting outside the big double door of our dormitory had to look over us or check on us first. She waves at them.

"Hi there, beauty. I will take that for you." He was about to snatch the violin case from me but I pull it away and told him that I can handle it myself. "Oh, come on beauty. Since that I am your date today, I will be gentle with you." He winks. He offered his arm to me. I look at it and down on my hand that will burn anytime soon. I clench my hand and just walk off.

"I will take you then, so you wouldn't get embarrassed by being rejected." I heard Eliza said with giggles. That's funny… I don't want to be ironic but I am feeling to be an ironic person for now.

"Baby!" I stopped as goosebumps visit me again sending shivers all over my body. Andrew is running towards me and hugged me. Then he gently pushed me as he held my shoulders. "Wow, you look so beautiful. I will be your date instead of that punk." He threw a glare at Flame behind me.

"Don't be too much Andrew, Flame has been rejected."

"Ohh… good thing." He was about to take my violin and I pull it away. He hands up and puts throw his arms around me. "Okay, let's go. I won't touch it again." He promised. I nod and we walk together.

From the girl's quarter, I already heard the loud music coming from the largest auditorium that I ever saw where everyone will be gathered for the event. Teenagers, wild people, demure and attractive professors seemed like competing on their dresses. The smell of different perfumes enters my nostrils and any time I will blow a sneeze. I hold my nose to avoid sneezing or else it will be a big noise in the hall. However, I didn't think that they would hear it because of the crazy music.

Eliza was with Flame who look so happy, smiling and laughing. But I know that she was lonely and hurting inside because of the person she loves who loved somebody else. Andrew pull me to the buffet full of food fingers and punches. He gave me one glass and I take a sip. It wasn't bad. It was the most delicious punch I ever taste than those awful punch that I had taste outside the Academy.

My eyes darted back on Eliza who is dancing with guys around her. I feel disgusted on the view. She doesn't have to do that just to drown herself. Speaking of Eliza, where Nicholas would be?

"Miss Canfield." I turn around after hearing the familiar sultry voice behind me. I hold myself from being mesmerized. He was wearing a black tuxedo and a perfect pair of trousers and shoes. He looks like an Asian Model, where I prefer men. "You are going to play tonight?" I nod as a response and sipped on my glass. He smiles lopsidedly. "Tomorrow, since we owned the whole gymnasium you have to be ready. You are going to learn new techniques on how to handle your fire. Then, tomorrow at four in the afternoon, we are going to proceed on swords and spears."

"Spears?" I furrowed on the thought of spears. Is that on how they throw it with a sharp thing tip throwing like a javelin?

"Yes. It wasn't an actual spear we are going to use, instead of wood. It is a kind of strong wood that is used in the Aēr Kingdom as their weapon and to control the wind. Hand long weapons are their specialty." I think I get what he's talking so I move a little closer to his position.

"That's kind of interesting," I said and take another sipped on my punch. "How about on your Kingdom, is the sword is the weapon that they usually use?"

"Yes." He simply answered and peeked on my eyes.

"How about in Pyrē?" I asked again. "Are they using thorny mace or axes, perhaps?"

"No. They're specialty is on the catapult. Usually, throwing a ball of fires."

"Wow," I said in plain tune. "I prefer crossbows than swords."

"Of course. It is about hitting the target from a far distance. While on swords, it is a one on one or one to many with closer distances. The target is easy to kill if you get them closer to you."

I sip again on my punch and watch those crazy teens dancing on the song of Ariana Grande's Break free. The song was good enough and danceable enough to make them wild. I just wished to get wild, but if I do, I might not ever survive in this cruel world. I feel goosebumps. I immediately put down the punch on the table and sneeze. Nicholas gave me a handkerchief and I took it to wipe my nose and hands. Someone is staring at me and talking about me at my back. I looked around and just right to caught Patrick staring at me.

He looked so mysterious being on the corner, holding a glass of champagne at his right while the other hand is in his pocket. He didn't take off his eyes on my eyes like he's reading me like a book or something. I questioned his actions on my thought. He nods like he just answered my question.

"Patrick might be too observable but he's not a killer," Nicholas told me. I smile with a little laugh and shook my head. Patrick, being a killer is not on my mind. In some way, he might look like a psychopath because he like observing and reading people that much.

"I had a guess of whom he had killed already." He laughed at what I said. It wasn't that funny but in some way, he found it funny.

"Mosquito, bugs, and an ant. He's quite a big WANTED on mosquito world."

"That's cool. Does mosquito has its army?" I asked. Then I just shook the idea. "We are both talking nonsense." I quickly said. It was not me.

"I love talking nonsense." He murmurs but I heard it. I glanced at him and caught him smiling. That looked was so adorable but I shook the idea immediately. Marissa came to me as she took my glass and put it on the table and grabbed me to the dance floor. I just stood there and winced on the people who bumped and touched me.