Catastrophe: The Truth Behind My Music Part 2

I feel like an ugly duckling who was left alone all wet walking in an isolated corridor. I thought that I can be mad at him but now that I know what he feels I suddenly feel broken again. I don't know when or how I get into my room but I found myself on the floor leaning on the closed door.

My heart suddenly felt comforted when I let go of all the tears and all the pain inside me. Damn you, Adhiti! Why do you still love him?! How can you still love him if he had cheated on you and break you many times since you arrived in this hell again?

"Damn you!" I mutter. I looked at poor Katherine sitting in front of me with those shinning crystal blue eyes. She purrs and walked towards me as she rubbed herself against my folded knees. "Oh, Katherine!" I cries and took her and hugged her almost tight. "I miss you so much…"


"I'm so sorry that I have to ignore you… I'm sorry."

I stay like that for a while though I am wet as Katherine gives me heat. My heart almost jumped out from my throat when someone knocks on the door.

"Catastrophe, this is Marissa. You got a delivery from George Canfield, I guess that it's your dad. I will leave it outside the door."

I heard a little sound of a box on the floor and her footsteps walking away. I shove my face to fury Katherine and push back my face and sneeze and sneeze. Katherine purrs, complaining about my actions. I found myself smiling in a situation like this. I shouldn't be serious all the time. I need to take action on what happened to Adhiti. She needed justice… but not only her who needs justice but for those who died because of them. I let go of Katherine and stood. I wipe my tears and opens the door. I found a brown cardboard box sitting in front of my door. I pick it up, turning my heels to my back, and closes the door behind.

I put it on the top of the bed and opens it. A wooden case of a violin surprised me with fluffy cotton around. I pull out the violin and gently put it on the bed. I open the case as a beautifully carved violin surprised me again with a letter over it. I pick up the small envelope and pulls out the card.


There are no days that I forget about you. I hope that you are doing fine in your new school. I heard a lot about Mystical Academy as a school for supernatural kids. Would it be good that I came to visit you sometimes? Can I visit you there? I am worried and missed you so much like my own daughter.

Please remember the notes that I had taught you. Remember to touch the fret and strings of this violin with gentle. Remember to play it with full of emotions. Your father told me that you might miss playing it. Call me in this number anytime you need someone to bother. I won't mind if you bother me. Call me on 111-224-546.

With love,

M. Sander

I take my time on taking a warm bath, scrubbing my back, my arms…my whole body makes me new. I put up my leather jeans and a white shirt. I brush up my hair and tie it. I put out the bow and brush the rosin gently to its string. I adjust the tune of the violin and it was perfectly good. I remember Mr. Sander. I remember how he taught me to play the violin. He told me that I was a very fast learner that I can be Mozart in a day.

I play the violin together with the orchestra that is playing on my music box. I play with closed eyes as my mixed emotions are playing with the music. I make a plan inside my mind. I make a plan to make a move to get them. I will sue them. I will sue those monsters who killed my friends. I will kill them all. No matter what they are and how powerful they are. They will know who I was.

"Catastrophe!" I turn around to face Mrs. Patterson who is holding the Drama Arts Class. "Have you already decided to audition today? We only need a little performance for tonight. I know it is too rush but you should try it."

"Uhm, what am I auditioning too?" I asked formally.

"What about acting? Do you love acting?" she asked me like she knew that I love. Like I was her daughter.

"No. I don't do acting. I only knew how to express a few expression."

"It's alright. You can audition whatever musical or art talent you have. I will see you there. Don't disappoint me." She smiles so cheerfully. She's too excited for me to show up on that audition for a rush performance tonight.

I walk back to my room and pick up my violin. The audition has been started half an hour ago. I smirk on the back of my thought seeing Leona on the corridor keeping the Mystical Academy organized. She waved and smiled at me. I just nod my head as a response. I don't have time to smile at you or to everyone. I got a plan to do for now.

I enter the Auditorium where lots of people are gathered preparing for everything and at the same time a rush audition. Do they love cramming that much? I heard that the stage director calls my name two times.

"Is this Catastrophe Canfield is going to audition?" she asked.

"Oh, she's here!" Marissa shouts. They all looked at me and the stage Director sign me to get into the front stage. I stood there and pulls out my violin.

"You are not going to do some acting?" she asked me. I look down on my bow and my violin a little insulting to him.

"I will play this thing," I said to her mockingly which makes her taken aback a little. She was closed to Adhiti in her past life. But that friendship was already dead. Now, I am going to play the plan in my head.

I gently positioned the violin on my shoulder as I gently lean my chin over it. I positioned my fingers on the fret gently as I place the string of the bow to the string of the violin. I gently brush it to the second string which gave a very high pitch sound. Then, I started to tell them the tragic past of Adhiti on this school together with the monsters living inside here through my music. I see that everyone is gathered. I see that the people who had join force together to betray her are gathered too, listening to the hidden story… listening to the storytelling of my music.

On the corner, I saw Patrick who is quietly sitting on the dark as painful tears gently falling from his eyes. He didn't notice those tears and I have to look away because it pain's Adhiti's heart seeing that her beloved brother is crying because he had done nothing to help her.

I cut off my story and face everyone that their pair of eyes are all on me. There is a loud clap from someone and everyone follows. I looked at the running Patrick out the Auditorium that was followed by Marissa who glanced at me.

"Are you ready to perform tonight?" the director asked with a smile.

"Sure," I said. I looked at Eliza who doesn't look happy. She shows her sad eyes on me and tight a smile.

"That was very beautiful." Mrs. Patterson approached. "When did you learn to play the violin?"

"When I was five, my father taught me to handle the bow and the violin," I said it straight. She forced a smile but her eyes still show sadness.

"And the piece that you play? I never heard of it."

"Yes. Because I was the one who composed it."