Adhiti's Death Part 1

My heart is pounding, I can't even move my body. This is the first time that I woke up paralyzed from my nightmare. It was breathtaking like they had already put me into chains.

After I felt my body paralyze it was now shaking as tears stream down from my face. I felt more than terrified that they would kill me viciously. I tried to let out a scream, but small cries only let out from my mouth. I just close my eyes and cry silently waiting for someone to come into my room to help me up.

The door bangs open, my heart flutter when there's help came. Patrick ran to me and immediately hugged. I can now move my hands and I immediately wrapped it around him as I cry on his chest. I tried to catch my breath, but my chest is still in pain.

"Hush now… I'm here…"

"Th-they is going to kill me," I whispered on him so that nobody can hear though we are both alone in the room. He gently pushed me and scoop my face. I hold his hand to make sure that I won't ever be in those monster's hand.

"Nobody is going to touch you." He gently brushes my tears as he seeks deep into my eyes. "Show me what you see…" he murmurs. I show him what I saw and after that, all I do is cry into his arms. After a few moments, there's Eliza, Marissa, and Andrew inside my room. Nick came breathlessly and comfort me. They look all confused about why am I crying. But I never told them the reason. Patrick told me to tell nobody about it.

The manager of the dorm let my brothers and Nick into my room. Andrew reasoned that I am not feeling well. He even argued to the manager that I need them and soon they will leave my room when the sun rises. I know that it looks uncomfortable when my brother is there watching me while I and Nick embracing each other.

Patrick remained sitting with cross legs thinking deep. Then he will glance at us and mostly he does is reading Nick. I now know what his peculiarity is. He can seek into people's minds. He can't get through into people's minds. He never told it to our parents or anybody because he wanted to keep things secret. And if anyone knows he can read minds, they might kill him because of the secrets that he held.

In that morning, Nick always stuck to me every time. He mostly made me laugh just to lighten my mood. And I think that I love him that easily. He's not hard to love. He's a lovable man that I ever knew.

"Eliza," I call when I saw her walking towards the chapel. She turned and smiles. She always goes there. Does she pray a lot? What a good girl she is. "Don't be a nun," I shout out. She laughs and scoffs and mockingly shook her head. "We are going home, you should come."

"I'm alright. I need to be in our Kingdom." She told. I just nod and waves at her. Nick waves too.

"Take care Eliz," I told. She nods and smiles. Nick stole a kiss from my cheek and I run after him to smack his head. "It is awful when you kissed me in front of my parents!" I always told him not to kiss me in front of my parents and brothers. But he never listened. When I am near him I jumped into his back and hold on him. He ran fast that makes me scream while I am riding on his back.

We all stop when we heard a scream that comes from the chapel. It was Eliza so we all run on the chapel. We enter the main door and we saw her sitting on the floor as her whole body is trembling. My eyes widen when I saw Justine on the aisle lying down facing the floor on his blood. His right hand is reaching the altar of our church where the cross is.

I run to Eliza and comfort her while Patrick, my mom, and dad check Justine. Patrick looked at me and to Eliza then down on the corpse.

We are all silent while eating our dinner together with Nick and Marissa. Eliza chose to go home to be alone. I know that it is a big trauma to her. It happens to me too. After dinner, Patrick told me that I can be alone with Nick. He's weird while Andrew always eyed me and Nick and most of the time watching over us. If ever we make love or something.

We are on the gazebo at the back of our house watching the starry cold night. He was at my left side all silent. He moved closer to me to closed the pace between us and hold my left hand and intertwine his to mine. I breathed the cold fresh wind as it passes through us.


"Yes, love?"

"How come that you never fall in love?"

"I did fall in love."

"Not to me." I cleared. I felt his smile as he gently squeezed my hand. "Before you fall on me."

"My mother always told me that in our blood we have 100 percent of finding our soul mates. The love between soul mates is great and unbreakable that even death can't break us apart."

"Does that mean that your mom and dad are still in love with each other?" I asked him and peek on his face. His smiles fall into grim.

"No. My father looks kind. He's not my mother's soul mate. My mother's soul mate dies because of my father. He's a psychopath that's all I can say. He has an extreme obsession with someone that he can never have."

"Your mother is still living with your father?"

"My mother is already dead. She chose death over me. I can't blame her. Her death grows me stronger than before. Sure, I had been with other ladies and fool with them. But I never fall before. Being with you is extraordinary. Being with you my heart always flutters and my body wanted to jump on you and love you. Then I thought to myself, this is love." My heart is beating so loud as my stomach flutters on what he all confess. It all sinks on my mind. He loves me. "I can't even control my mouth from saying that I love you."

"I love you too." There, it slipped off from my mouth. I said. I feel nervous about saying it. I peek at his expression. He's baffled. I immediately look away and sigh.

"Can you say it again?" he asked. I sigh again and rolled my eyes. Damn, it is really hard for me to say it.

"I love you, okay?" that I sound mad. I heard he giggles in happiness and he immediately hugged me. I wrapped my arms around his nape and we kiss lips to lips like it is the first time that we ever kissed. That was a little lonely yet happy day we ever had. The death of Justine made me feel terrified and lonely for the thought of there will be lots of death in Mystical Academy.