Adhiti's Past: Warnings Part 2

"Miss Patterson," the Headmistress get my attention. I nod my head and she gestured me to sit and I did.

"What can I do for you, Headmistress?" I asked her politely.

"Well, Adhiti, I am quite worried because of the flu in our school. I would like to conduct medical tests to the students. However, I cannot conduct it because you are quite allergic to medicines and needles."

"I will be fine for not taking the medical tests. I am sure that I am perfectly healthy."

"Since you are the President of Drama Class, please prepare a performance for the night ball this coming Foundation Day."

"Sure, Headmistress." She smiled genuinely and dismiss me. I stood and walk towards the door. But she stopped me when she calls my name. I turn to her to wait for her words.

"How are you? I know that you've been traumatized since Paul's death…"

"I am perfectly fine, Headmistress. I had been in a lot of nightmares about Paul but I can get through this. Since he won't ever come back to us. Thank you for your concern." I smile tight. Yes, I had been dreaming about Paul and he's asking for my help. I know that my nightmares aren't just nightmares because it has a meaning on it. Paul needs my help before and after he dies. Something is wrong in this school and it kills him unpredictably.

She nods at me and I exited the room. It startles me when Eliza appears on the door. I smile at her but she gave me a forced smile. I don't know what's wrong but it doesn't seem that she's comfortable with me. I move to give her the way for entrance. She nods at me and entered the room. It confuses me because she became formal towards me. What the hell is wrong with her? If there's something wrong, she should've told me.

I decided to walk on the field and I expected my boyfriend there. Damn, I could watch him playing soccer without any shirt. He was so focused on their training with my brother Andrew and others. When he had felt my presence, he immediately smiled and wave at me. I wave at him with a smile that I didn't expect would be bigger than before.

"Gregory!" their coach scowled at him when he's not moving on his position. He immediately moves and ran along with others. He's so adorable. Since I have no classes until nine, I sat on the bleachers and watch them play. Some girls are there to have a peek on the players, mostly to Andrew and Nick.

I had heard them talking about Nick and how good he was. It makes me agitated on their words on 'how good he was' in where? Bed? Did he ever give them the pleasure that's why they know 'how good he was' in bed? Damn these bitches. They keep on talking and laughing while I am eavesdropping. They probably don't know that I am his girlfriend, or maybe they already know but they are too insecure to tell it in front of my face.

Nick runs to me after he took towels to wipe his face. He bent down and leans his hands beside me to corner me. He smiled so charmingly and touches his wet nose to mine. I wipe his nose by my forefinger and pushed his forehead away.

"Hi, Nick." The girls probably wave at him. He glanced at them with nodded and looked back at me. I took the towel from his hand and gently dump it on his wet face.

"Do I smell bad, that's why you look like ready to kill someone?" he sweetly asked. I shook my head and gently dump it on his neck. "Are you okay?"

"Let's talk later," I told him. Before I even put my hand down, he held it and it stayed on his neck.

"We can talk now."

"Do you have time with me after classes?"

"Yeah, before dinner." He smiles. "What do you want to do later?" he asked mischievously as he gently moved his lips to my ear that gives me goosebumps. "We could have a night picnic under the apple tree."

"You are not thinking of fucking me?" I seductively whisper on his ear. That makes him gulps and gently bit my earlobe.

"No. It would be perfect in our honeymoon with scented candles and rose petals."

"Really? I thought that you are 'good in bed'." That makes him stop for a while and I think he already got what I am talking about.

"You can say that. I can be the best bedmate, partner, boyfriend, and a husband if you are my wife and my everything."

"Do you usually say those words to your girlfriends?" that's the usual question of girls if their boyfriends are rolling their heads.

"No. Just you, baby." He smacked my cheeks with his lips. "What do you want for our picnic? Do you want to watch movies while we are eating?"

"Sure. That will be good." I smile. He took my hand that holds a towel and kissed my knuckles. He almost bumped his forehead to mine when Andrew whip his towel on the back of his head.

"Stop harassing my sister." He scowled at him.

"I am not harassing your sister." He said calmly and smiles at me. He sat up after stealing a kiss from my lips. "Later love." He winks and ran to the field. I look up at Andrew who is grimacing at me.

I have to go back to my class. I suddenly stop walking when I saw Eliza who just got out of the Headmistress's office together with Leona. I guess that they were that close to each other. Leona smiles at me and greeted me with hugged and cheeks to cheeks. Her usual greeting towards her maybe-future-sister-in-law.

"I heard that you and Nick are already together. That fast?" she chuckled and I force a smile. "Nick is so in love and I guess that he doesn't want you to be with another man."

"Ahhh…" I don't exactly know what to say. I glanced at Eliza who stay silent and all emotionless. "Thank you?" I am not so sure about my answer and I regretted talking back.

"You are so welcome. Nick was so playful on other girls, and he never been this serious on courting someone."

I don't know what I did to shut her up. But Eliza looks paler whenever Leona talk more about Nick and I. I lean on the door before I go back to the stage to inform my artist on what they are going to do.

"Jean," I called my Vice-President. She walked towards me while she's holding a clipboard. I explained everything that we are going to do. They are too excited to start practicing and I guess this is my last picnic with Nick for now. We are going to do overtime next week since we are still planning on the performance.

I lean on his shoulder while his arms are around me and we are both leaning on the trunk of the tree. He kept brushing his fingers on my hair while his other hand is intertwined with mine.

"You look so exhausted." He noticed. I just reply a sigh. "Do you want me to massage you?"

"Yeah, sure…" he did massage my head because it was the most thing that aches. If he didn't flirt with me, I had already fallen asleep. I giggle when he nibbles my ear. "Stop that." I scold him.

"Why is your ear so cold?" he asked and rubbed his hands and pressed it on my ear. I was relieved because I suddenly feel warm.

"Are you always this caring with girls?"

"Not at all. Only the girls that I love. Like my sister, my mom, and you…" he pulled my head to him and he gently kissed my nose. I gave him an unconvinced look.

After our romance under that apple tree, he escorted me to our dorm with lots of kisses. If I didn't push him away, he will never stop kissing my face. He was that irresistible on me?

"I love you, Adhiti." It always makes me stop, flattered, and amazingly nervous whenever he said those words. It only means that it is all true that he loves me.

I thought I was already sleeping, but it feels like I leave my body in my sleep. I saw Katherine sleeping at the edge of my bed while purring. Then I open the door when it feels like someone is calling my name. I walk straight out the dormitory and had seen our Dorm Manager talking about Paul and Justine. While I was walking on the cold dark corridor, it looks like there are smokes around. It is cold. It seems like fogs.

My feet bring me in front of the office of the Headmistress. I heard voices talking. The door just opened for me and in the darkroom with candles around, I saw a person wearing black cloak and hood. I can't see his face or determine who he is but all I know is the Headmistress and Leona inside the room. I gasped when someone bumped behind me but it looks like I am air. Those creepy people kneel and bow at them.

"Your Highnesses…" even their voice is deep, hoarse dual, and monstrous.

"If she had seen and heard a lot, don't hesitate to kill her. Even she's my lover's sister." My lover's sister? She's talking about me… I step back slowly for an escape.