Catastrophe: I am Destruction Part 1

I already took a warm bath while Marcus is waiting for me. I wear a silk dress that Nicholas left and a long thick robe. Marcus was playing his composition in the title of Endless Love. He composed it for the lady that he loves so much. Nicholas had left already telling me that he will be back early in the morning.

"Wow, my beautiful daughter." He said. I smiled at him. He always called me his beautiful daughter. He never felt lust towards me though he's a bit young and we could be together. He told me that he's in love with me like a father loves his daughter. Fatherly love is all he felt towards me. And I loved him like my father. "What are you going to sing on your performance? We should practice it, right?" he asked me. I nod at him.

I sat with him on the piano seat and he started playing some songs. I told him about the song of Adele, Set Fire to the Rain. I played the iPod of Nick that is on the side table on the speaker and he listened to the whole song as I sang along with it. My voice is better than before. After he had heard the song he played it only using the piano as he retained to his mind on the beat and the tempo.

I play my violin as he played the piano playing the same song. I close my eyes as I play along with him when I open my eyes, I stop when I saw someone wearing a white gown peeking on the big tree. She is so familiar until I recognized her. I saw her expression. She was smiling yet crying. When I blink my eyes she disappeared. Marcus had noticed me so he also looked at the tree that I am staring at.

"What's wrong?" I shook my head and smile tight. We play the song again and now, I sang with the piano. We didn't notice the time that it was already three in the morning. I just sang and sang while he plays the piano. He even taught me how to play it. I had a little knowledge of the piano and I am too far from mastery.

"I feel hungry." He finally said. He stood and walk out of the room. "Your legal guardian said that there are lots of foods on the fridge…" he even emphasized the legal guardian thingy. "Oh, there are foods!" I walk towards the kitchen and he started preparing a fruit salad. I helped him chopping the kiwi, strawberry, cherry, raspberry, and pineapple. He's rich in fruits and vegetables.

I and Marcus started eating the fruit salad that we made while we are watching an action movie. We both love the same movies that's why we have a lot of comparisons at each other. Sure, I like romance but my genre is more on action movies.

Ruin keeps on walking around and when he finally got a perfect spot beside me he lays down and laid his chin on my lap. He looked at me in puppy eyes. I smiles and gave him the big slice of kiwi from my bowl.

"Poor Ruin…" Marcus stood and walks to the kitchen. He came back with a bowl full of foods for Ruin. Then he sat again while Ruin is eating.

"C?" he called. I reply a hum.

"He loved you so much." I know that he's talking about Nicholas.

"He doesn't love me. He loves Adhiti because she is his soul mate."

"Why do you always break man's heart?" he asked me a little amused on his question.

"Breaking people's hearts is my way of surviving in this cruel world."

"You are my girl. We have the same perception." He grins. "I also live in this world breaking other people's hearts for me to survive. But I swear to you, I never break my beloved's heart. Our situation is heartbreaking, but I never use anybody for my pleasure."

"You are a good man. But the man that Adhiti loves uses women to forget her and to drown his depression. And the most painful is, he even used his girlfriend's best friend."

"He must be broken." Does he understand Nick? I hate it. "Don't get jealous, my baby." He patted my head. I pushed it away. "Men only wanted to fuck somebody, not for fun but to forget the pain of missing someone. Men rebels when they are heartbroken or mostly broken."

"Did you ever did that?"

"Yes. On my first love, I did rebel. That was stupid of me because I was immature. But when I found my great love, my soul mate… I never find a reason to rebel or cheat on her though we are not physically together. But deep inside me, she's always with me. We see each other through dreams every night."

"Wow, that's one big great love."

"Yes. We loved each other that much."

He leads me to Nick's bed and he told me that he will tell a story through playing the piano. I lay down on the bed and watch him play the piano. The introduction was very mystical. Like the sounds in every fairytales and goes-on and on how they met, see each other again, then fall in love at each other. The tragic thing is how they break apart.

I wake up because of low voices talking about me.

"Take care of her. She's been through a lot, Nicholas."

"Thank you for taking care of her."

I wanted to get up but my body is all stiff and like paralyze. I hardly move my legs and arms. I just decided to close my eyes and I fall asleep again.

"Catastrophe…" his voice is so powerful, sultry, and soothing. If I was the one who got all the authority in this world, I wanted to hear him every time I wake up. But it was just a dream again and it impossible to happen. "Why are you so cold?" he asked. I slowly open my eyes though it was so heavy.

"Cold?" I asked.

"Drink this…" he helped me to get up and let me drink on the mug that smells like jasmine tea and lemon. I sipped on the warm tea and it relieved me a bit. I feel so cold. It startled us when the balcony double-door bangs open and the cold freezing wind blows on us. He immediately ran towards the door and locked it. He even used his little control over the vines to secure the door. He even double checked the windows.

"Nick," I call. He turned to me. "Is there a storm?" He nods and approached me again. He opened my robe and told me to remove it. I did let him. I look down at my hair that is hanging on my chest. The light blue is glowing. He was behind me and he pulled the ribbon on my shoulders. I hold the front as he pulled down my dress from the back.

"This will only take a day. Tonight, we are going back to the Academy to continue your practice." He gently traces his fingertips down to my spine.

"Where's Marcus?"

"He goes back to his town." He tied back the sleeves of the sleeping gown and put back the robe.

"What is it that you see at my back?"

"The Aēr Queen seemed mad about something. So she let out a strong storm outside of our world."

"And what is it that do to me?"

"I don't know."

It only takes three hours for the storm to stop. He packed up a few things and let me dressed into something warm. I just sit on the couch and watch him walk back and forth. Is he not done packing? He walked towards me with a bonnet on his hand. He knelt in front of me and gather my hair as he tied it and put the bonnet on my head to cover my head.