Catastrophe: I am Destruction Part 2

I suddenly felt like I was caught by my lies. He already knows that my tattoos are not tattoos but real marks. Then five different colors on my hair are not high lights but it grows that way.

He goes to another door and walked back with black leather boots. He knelt in front of me and put it on me. I feel like a little girl here because he cared for me like a little girl. He even put winter gloves on my cold hands. Then he left again and after a few minutes, he came back.

"Let's go." He extended his hand and I took it. We walk out of the house and now, I just admire the whole place where his house is located. The house is wide with full of vines on the whole house. He opens the door on his pick-up truck and helped me to climb up. He even put the seatbelt on me.

We drove back to the Academy and it was so far than I imagine. It was dark and we are only one driving on the muddy rocky road. I always got my head bump on the window shield. So he has to stop crawl at the back to get something. Packing tape and a big pillow. He told me to hold it while he covers it with packing tape so it won't fall. He's so caring as ever. He was about to start the engine but he turned it off when we heard a low growl.

"Nick…" I murmur his name. He took my hand and kissed it though I was wearing gloves.

"Trust me on this." Ruin whimpered at the back. "It must be a bear." He started the engine again and drive slowly. We have arrived at the Mystical Academy safely. He even escorted me to the dormitory. We are walking on the dark corridor with torches of lights lined on the way.

The familiar clicking of shoes echoes on the corridor. That shoes… the way she walks. It had been a very long time since I last saw here. She might miss me so much because I missed her badly. Nick nods at the Former Headmistress that now I guess is the President of the school.

"Prince Nicholas." Mrs. Nancy Hudson acknowledged him.

"President Hudson," her smiles brushes away when she looked at me. I nod my head to her. I can see the horror on his face. That's it, you can never smile again. Nick had noticed it.

"Adhiti?" she calls that name. I make myself look all quizzical.

"No President, she's Catastrophe Canfield." Nicholas cleared her.

"But how—"

"She might be Adhiti's doppelganger." He explained briefly. "Catastrophe, this is President Nancy Hudson. The President of the school."

"Nice to meet you, President Hudson." I formally greet. She smiled forcibly and nodded.

"We'll be going. She needed to rest."

"Is she sick?" she asked as if worried about me. But the truth is, she wanted to know how I had been. Adhiti rarely got sick. Mostly like never.

"She has a cold it's been four days that she has a cold."

"What about medicine? Did you take medicine?" I nod which is a lie. Nick never gave me any medicine.

"She's taking medication and slowly she's regaining her strength."

"Alright then, get well soon. I had heard that you are going to perform next week."

"Yes. I will try to be well so that I could sing." I said slowly like I was sick.

Nick held my shoulder and pull me. We walk again towards the double door and hid Ruin on the trolley where Nick put his things. Good thing that she didn't saw Ruin. Ruin might get killed by them.

Patrick and Andrew met us inside the girls' dormitory. They help Nick on carrying the trolley up the third floor where Adhiti's room is. I heard Ruin whimpers but I told him to keep down. I open the door and when I enter there's a lot of change inside. There's a single bed near my four-poster bed.

"Marissa will stay in your room for a few days until you get well," Nicholas told and closed the door. He pulled out the blanket that is covering the trolley and Ruin jumped out. He started running back and forth and jumped from bed to sofa to bed.

"I will sometimes visit you here to check you," Patrick told.

"I don't need a bodyguard." I declare.

"You don't need one. But you need us." Patrick insisted. I looked at Andrew who grinned excitedly.

"I thought that boys are not allowed here." I cross my arms over my chest.

"Just sleep for now," Nicholas demands. Patrick and Andrew exited the room. I and Nicholas was left alone with Ruin. He gestured me to my bed and I did walk towards it. He left with the trolley and I was left alone with Ruin.

Early in the morning, I feel lighter than before. I decided to take my time on the bathtub with warm bubbles. Ruin is still sleeping so I let him. I will probably bath him later. I feel so free today but my bath suddenly got interrupted when I heard the door open. I get up and I put my bathrobe on and wrapped another towel on my hair.

"Catastrophe…" it was Eliza calling. I saw Ruin from the half-open door of my bathroom jumped out from bed and growled at Eliza. I smirked and waited for her scream. I heard that she got startled so it is enough. I walk out of the bathroom and glanced at the piercing Ruin showing his fangs on Eliza. "A—"

"Ruin, calm down boy," I told the wolf didn't drop his sharp eyes on Eliza even his fangs ready to attack her. I walk towards Ruin and patted his head. He sat and dropped the deadly threat. "I'm sorry about Ruin. He's not an inviting wolf."

"Why do you have a dog in your room?" she asked a little stammered. "It is prohibited to let a dog inside the room."

"That's why I hid him here. I don't want him to be taken away from me. Besides, he's an orphan like I." Eliza nods her head and sighed. Probably her heart is beating fast.

"I was told that if you are in good condition, you should practice later."

"Thank you, Eliza." Said formally. She nodded and closed the door. I patted Ruin. "Good boy." I murmur and Ruin whined.

I went to our usual rendezvous where he usually lectured me. It's been days since I last felt the coldness and the hotness of my body temperature. I had arrived there and look in his direction where he is sitting. He's busy cutting a few feathers for the arrow. I stood in front of him and waited for him to tell me what to do. I still use the bonnet that he gave to me. He told me not to expose my hair too much to the people around.

"Sit down, I'll show you how to make an arrow." I did and he told me how to cut the feathers properly in the same sizes and to make them stick and sharpen every arrow. "Careful not to cut your hand."

After that, I was back on stretching the string of the bow and shooting all the targets. So far, I can handle and hit the farthest target. I have to use binoculars to see if I target the red spot.

We started picking up the arrows to put it back and use it again since we are out of stock. I had run to the river to pick up the last two arrows near it. I pick up the last one and the seductive sound of the river makes me looked at her. She even called my name, Adhiti, the sound was so alluring ever. I put down the arrows that I had gathered and walked towards the river. I removed my shoes and I gently slipped in down the water. I sigh the relaxing cold of the water.

I was too fond of her so I stay on the water for a few moments. Then I lift my right hand as the water came along with my hand. I smiled at how adorable it is. Then, I lift both of my hands and imagination to make a small fountain. And there, the water forms a fountain.

I gasped when someone behind me pulled down my heads and he whispers in my ear like it was a warning.

"Don't show it here. They can see you…" he kept his voice low.

I turn to him. He gently cupped my cheek and caressed his thumb under my eyes. He looked so worried about me. "I know all your ability. You have control over the five elements. They can't know about it. They shouldn't." he stayed on whispering so that no one can hear though we are both alone in the river. "Promise me, love." His eyes, telling all the expression that he felt. Terror, worry, care, and love.

"Nick…" I whispered. He stared deep into my eyes probably it had changed color. The color of the water aquamarine. He gently moved his lips to my left ear.

"Show only the fire, since you are a Catastrophe."