Adhiti: The Kraken Part 1


I feel like bouncing. My throat is dry, and I needed water. I lazily open my eyes and saw a little light. I groan and again, my head hit the wooden wall. I close my eyes again and breathed as I heard the sound of the horses. Then voices, clinging of chains, footsteps of horses into a concrete road. I open my eyes to see the closing of the wall.

I have been dragged out the carriage and I can't even feel my feet walking but was dragged instead. Until I heard pouring of water, a fountain? Then, a slippery floor. When I open my eyes, my face is facing down the porcelain floor. Damn! Am I going to meet another royal psycho's? I heard laughing and I didn't look up. I was dropped down the floor and I manage to stop falling my face by my arms. My wrist that is in cold metallic cuffs are heavy and it pains.

"You caught her too soon?" the funny voice asked. I sigh and sat on the floor. I look around to see a pond on inside then a few fountains. Wow, it was gorgeous here. Then I looked at the thrones that are made of big shells. What a comfy throne. "Is this the girl?" With the crown and clothes, it must be the king.

"Yes, your majesty."

"Wow, everyone is intrigued about you." The king said with a little laugh.

"Really? I am not surprised." I said a little groggy. "And if you please be too kind, I would ask for freshwater," I said. The King laughed and the girl who is standing in that gorgeous dress holding a glass of wine raises an eye on me.

"Of course," he signed the servants.

"And please, no poison."

"Yes, sure." I smiled a little and lay down on the cold porcelain. They were about to pull me up but the King did stop them. I chuckled on how pretty their ceiling is. The paintings of sea monsters. And there are mermaids. There is also a half-woman and a half-bird.

"What's the half-woman and half-bird calls?"

"Siren." A young voice answers. "The most dangerous for the sailors."

"Hmm." I nod. "Your castle looks gorgeous." I sat up and took the glass of water from the servant and drank it all. I even breathed and then lay back on the floor and study the ceiling.

"Thank you." The King said in his still very sly voice."You could see real sea monsters."

"Yeah, once you feed me to them."

"Is it alright to you?" the young voice asked. I sat up to see a gorgeous man in blue eyes wearing prince-like clothing. He took a glass of wine from the servant.

"Oh, hi handsome!" I manage to smile, and he did smile back. But I turned into a smirk. "I wanted to see them. However, I don't have a plan on getting eaten by those monsters. You see, I am engaged and going to marry the man I love. I also have to be in our rendezvous so that I could leave this place."

"Congratulations, then." The King said.

"Princess Catalina said that she's a human. Falcon also said that she can make fire." The Princess that's been there said.

"Yes, I did know how to make a fire," I said playfully. "I even burn the prostitution club just to escape, if you know." I looked into their eyes and I wanted to laugh because they are all surprised. I did laugh. "But I need a lot of water to drink to show you how to make a fire." I winked at the gorgeous prince. If Nick is here, he would be so jealous. And it will be very fun.

"She's playing on us." The Princess said.

"Oh, I am not. I am also well-aware of getting executed without any trial because every one of you is paranoid that I am a human."

"You are smart. Good thing that you know about that. But how did you manage to get into our world?" The Princess asked. I think deep.

"That is a long story." I lay back down the floor and looked at the paintings. "I just wished that people here are nice so I could live freely." I murmur.

I heard nothing from them. Nick, where are you? Did you already left me and gone to your castle? How could you leave me here?

"Should we bring her to the dungeon?" one of the guards asked.

"No. I wanted to talk to her more." The King said. The guards left my sides and I sat up again and a pang of pain hit my head. I cross my legs and looked at the funny King. "So, from what I had heard, you assaulted Prince Falcon."

"Oh, let me rephrase. That psychotic, sex-addict, stupid Prince assaulted me. I just defend myself from his crazy idea." I told him that makes him laugh out loud. "So, Mr. King what would you do if you get assaulted?"

"My guards will kill them if ever they are many."

"As a defense," I told. He agreed with me.

"I like it. You are smart."

"Yes. I am aware of that."

The King flushes on my words.

I and the King talk a lot while the Prince named Warren and the Princess named Wendy are just listening sitting on their thrones while the servants are serving foods to them. The King also laughs a lot. I told him stories about my life in Mystical Academy and how I ended up here. But I didn't tell him that I heard the voices and their world dragged me inside.

"I also know how to play the violin and piano. That I had been practicing for two years and mastered it all. I also guessed that you have great music here."

"Yes. My son here is a great musician and my daughter here is a beautiful singer."

"You only have two children?" I asked him.

"No. I have my oldest son sailing somewhere with his ship. Then my other daughters get married and living on the other kingdoms."

"Oh, by the way, what's your name?" I asked.

"King Wales, one of the greatest kings of five kingdoms." I shrugged off.

"Every king told me that they are great," I said almost sarcastic. He laughed again.

"You are right. Who else would tell you, that you are great if not yourself?" I laugh at what he said. He's right about that. I was served a glass of water as I requested and didn't even ask for anything else though the King had let me eat what I wanted since it is dinner. I don't need anything else besides water. I suddenly feel dehydrated.

"So, what's the name of your fiancé? Is he from this world?"

"Yes. He is. I am not going to tell his name because I don't want him to get over popular. You know, the Pyr Princesses are crazy over him." I winked on the King that makes his eyebrow raises. "He's just a hired assassin to kill anyone that his customer told." The King nods and I know that they would probably look for him.

"I had a lovely night because I had someone to talk to." The King told. "But the execution is tomorrow. Guards will keep an eye on you until the sunrise."

"Yeah, do as what you wished. I guess that my wedding will be held in my next life." I lay down back on the cold porcelain floor. "If ever my fiancé visited your palace, tell him that I will kill him for leaving me."

"Sure." The King said. "Anything else, Catastrophe?" he mentioned my name for the first time.

"Yes. If ever I die and your world dies with me, don't scream." He laughs out loud, but it was a threat. I close my eyes and sleep. At least that will make me calm. Then I heard the sound of the violin. The musician is playing nice and sounds death and I could know that it was the prince playing it.