Amusement Part 3

--- Adhiti ---

Shit! This is what Nick is telling. They will sell me to prostitution. Someone caught my bag swiftly and looked at what it contains. Someone got interested in my arrow and bow. Also, they are eyeing my sword.

"Gold." Someone murmur. Their eyes shine on my sword. They all pull their swords and pointed it on me. Then the other one who has my arrow use it to me. I was left giving up. They bring me to their carriage, and I was in cuffs again but this time in ropes.

"If you don't want to die, better leave me alone," I warned them. If Nick knows about this, they are toast. Or I can use my fire to burn all of them. "Don't you want all to get burn?" I asked them. They all laugh on my warning. So, I have no choice but to use my fire then.

I exhale as the heat comes from my whole body towards my hands. The fire explodes on my hand and they all scream. I smirk and even brighten my fire. I was about to throw it to them, but they all hand up. Someone pointed a knife on me.

"Cool it down!" he threatens me. "You are not one of the daughters of King of Pyr. I can assure you that."

"Yeah-yeah. I am nobody's daughter in this world of yours." I cool it down but manage to separate my wrist and turns the ropes into ashes.

"H-how did you do that?" one of them asked the one in the bald head, also a short one.

"What?" I asked innocently and show them my fire on my hand bigger than before. "This?" they all shouts and told me to cool it down. Also, someone threw water on me. That makes me angry. One of them offers a cloth with shaking hands. Maybe they get intimidated on my eyes that turns into the color of fire. "You don't have to throw water on me. I am not afraid of water, dumbass!" I growl at the man who threw me water.

"You see, Lil' missy we have to sell you." The man in bald head said. "We have to feed our family and siblings that's why we need money."

"Oh," I dumped the cloth on my face. "I get it. You could have the silver coins that I have but, the swords and archer also the bag are mine."

"Nah, at least you cost five pouches of golden coins. Silver doesn't cost that much."

They put me in cuffs instead. Then someone gave me the key and told me that after they sell me, I could escape from prostitution. I snorted on the plan that they made but it will do. They had also noticed my clothing which is rare for the people around here since people around here wear something archaic. The ladies are wearing see-through clothing and damn, I cannot wear that in front of lots of people.

They pull me to the crowded town. There are lots of men roaming around also ladies who are too flirty. Then a woman at least at the age of thirties come out. I almost vomit because of the clothes that she's wearing. The one that almost shows all her tits and then her abdominal are showing though her dress is long. She's beautiful and alluring too. Maybe she's the head of the prostitution here. They let me wear my cloak and then pull me out of the carriage.

The lady smiles too sweet that gives me a toothache. Her makeup is too thick and dark for the morning. Should they be sleeping in the morning and awake at night? She pulled down my hood and then check every part of my face then she walked around me and even removed my cloak.

"Perfect. She'll sell to my new customers." Yeah-yeah. That's what Nick said too. "Nice hair…" she even pulls my hair checking every strand. Did you dye it?"

"No," I said lazily. "And also, I am not interested to be your prostitute. I don't wanna caught STD." I said it to her face. She smirked and move her face too close to mine. I remain fierce at her.

"What's STD?" she asked in a curious sound but playful at the same time.

"Sexually transmitted disease," I answered. She stepped back and paid them five full pouches by a man who comes out. The man with one eye winks at me and I growl at them. Two men hold me on my arms and drag me inside.

Wow, it is pretty dark inside also very seductive designs. The thing that amazed me most is lots of moaning sounds from every side of the building. I am sure that they work a lot. One man lasciviously licks his lips as he gripped his hand on my arms. Then throw me in a room. They even put another chain on my cuffs.

"You promised me to have one this night." The man who is not-so-good looking said. "And I choose her." Oh please, I rather die than you are being my first time!

"Yeah, yeah. But she'll need proper attire."

"I could do that to her."

"Gross!" I complain. "I rather die." The lady slapped me through my face, and I manage to look up at her.

"No one is going to die here." She said it madly. What is she mad about? I spit on the floor telling them that I could kill her. "Let's leave her for a while. She couldn't escape our place."

They did leave me and one even stop to look at me and touch my face. Eww, I don't wanna touched by him anymore. So, I am left alone in this cozy tidy room. I pull a key from my pocket and started removing my cuffs. I manage to remove them all and run to the window. There is at least five civilian outside and I can jump from this height. Maybe twenty meters is the height. I could use my air so that I won't get injured. Then, the whole place and furniture are made of wood and then cloths.

There's a lamp that is a lot of lightning. I took it and pour the oil on the floor and I throw fire on it. Then I also burn the bed and curtains. I manage to grab my cloak and then jumped down the glass window as the wind helps me to catch me. I roll on the ground and immediately get up. I put my cloak on and run. Guards are running towards the building and I hid on the barrels.

I hold my chest as my adrenaline calms down. Then I run again but unluckily some guards stopped in front of me and pointed their swords on me. I remember the dagger that Nick made to me and it is still on my boots. But I am not going to use it right now. Two of the guards walk closer to their swords pointing at me. The man in front of me raise a paper and spotted a torch on my face.

"That's her. Get her!" the Commander, I guess, ordered and the guards grabbed my arms and were about to cuff me but I grabbed one of the swords and cut his flesh on his leg and arms and I did another to the guard.

We started playing swords with clinging and sparks of metals. Damn, I had been working a lot this day. Also walking. I burn a lot of calories and the fire that I had made plus the air also lessen my energy. I cannot play with them for an hour. And I was cut on my left arm and my knee.

"You have no strength to play with us." The commander laughs and I found myself falling down the cold dusty ground. Maybe over fatigue eats me.

Nick, save me.