Amusement Part 2


It didn't take me long to leave and pack up. I took a few fruits and water for my travel. I had been walking for four hours to find a boat to go to the other side of the island. The island is very big that I can guess is the mainland. How would I get there? How did that crazy Nicholas get there? Should I walk through the water?

"No! That is a very bad idea." I shook my head. "What should I do?" when there's nothing come up with my head, I sat down on the grass and pulls a fresh red apple and start eating it. It is really sweet and juicy, and I could live only eating apples and drinking this cold freshwater.

When I am done eating, I saw a small boat paddling by some old man around the age of sixty. But he looked strong though. The man did not notice me, so I pull my mask up to my nose and walk to the water. I dip my left hand on the water and the waves move him towards my direction. He looks quizzical on why the water is bringing him to my direction.

I pull the boat closer to the ground that makes him gasped and was about to grab his sword but I had grabbed mine and pointed it to him.

"Bring me to the mainland," I demanded and jump to the boat. He shakily gulped and nods. I pull two silver coins from my pocket and put it on the seat in front of us. "I won't kill you. But if you make any crazy plans to attack me, I might will."

"Y-yes, Milady." He murmurs and started paddling. I put back my sword on the case on my belt and study his crinkled face. "W-what makes you go to the mainland, Milady?" he formally asked.

"I am going to meet someone there. How old are you?" I asked him.

"Three-hundred sixty-eight, miss."

"Oh." That's all I had said. "What danger would I get in that Kingdom?" I asked him to look towards the Big Castle that I viewed from here.

"If you are a criminal or a rogue, you will be feed to the sea monsters." He told. "This Kingdom is never formal in the trial. That's why people around here are afraid of making any crimes."

"Are there people who fed on the sea monsters?" I asked him.

"Yes," he said grimly and even move his face a little to me. I can see his dark teeth showing and his brown eyes dilated. "My son was fed on the sea monsters. He killed his wife's lover when he caught them."

It makes me stop from his story.

"What happened to the wife? Doesn't they have any children?"

"They never had because she can't bear any child. She's now working in prostitution. I never like her from the very start. She's very beautiful yet promiscuous. I had seen her with my second son, her husband never caught them though."

"That's very, sad and depressing." That's all I said. I don't know how to react with the words, but his story is depressing.

"When you arrived at the mainland, careful not to do anything and hid your weapons. Guards are roaming around." I look up to see an eagle-like bird, but its feather is read-orange like a fire.

"The Phoenix! There might be an emergency from the Kingdom of Pyr."

"Phoenix?" I murmur and hearing the Kingdom of Pyr makes my stomach clenched. "It would lovely to hear your story but, I think I need to get to my destination ASAP." I put my hands on the water and lots of fishes surrounded the boat and move us to the mainland. The old man was mesmerized by what I am doing or what the fishes are doing.

"Are you—" he looked at me. "Not one of the daughter of King Wales?"

"I'm nobody's daughter here, Sire," I told him.

"But how…" he was very mesmerized on the glittering fishes around us because of the sun.

"Does everyone around here don't know how to do this?"

"I had never seen like one. But I know the story of a warrior who can control everything."

I smiled behind my masked. A warrior? How archaic. But I have no time about it. We reach the seashore in no time and I gave him a tip. He bows his head to me that makes me baffled on why in hell he's doing it. I nod my head back and walk. I just walk and walk as what Nick told me to let my feet give direction on where I wanted to be.

I stopped when I am near the townsmen with lots of vendors on the way. I heard lots of laughing and smiling of young ladies as young men impressed the girls. Wow, what a lovely place I am entering. I walk and walk around, and some offer me to see how fresh their big shrimps. Oh, I love to eat some but, I am in a hurry. Nick might get me lots of it when we arrived at his home.

I stop and saw the guards walking. I immediately look for a place to hide and my feet brought me to the forest. Maybe I will go to the harbor when it is twilight. They won't recognize me.

I stay hidden from the forest, but I decided to look for a way to the harbor. So yes, I walked. However, I stopped when I felt people hiding on the trees. There is also a trap. Then the people that get into my mind are bandits. Damn, they will rob me and sell me to the prostitution here.

"Would you care to give us your baggage?" a tall man with yellowish teeth comes out from the oak tree and gently brushing his finger on the blade of his dagger. Then, there are a lot more who come out of the trees and some came from the branches.

The leader with an eye patch, I guess walks in front of me and pulls his sword from his belt. He pointed his sword to me and cock his head like telling me to remove all my clothes. I smirk behind my mask and pulls my sword and slice his sword. I also didn't expect that my sword would be that sharp that makes the blade of his sword cut into two.

He looks down on his sword and gritted his teeth on me. They started attacking me and I fought back. I slice a few flesh and good thing that I didn't even get any scratched, but I am toast because they are a lot more than I expected. I twist my body to look around my enemies. There are at least twenty-three of them and someone caught me. I nudge his thing to be free from his grasp.

I caught when someone had pulled my cloak and they saw who I was. The leader smirked at me.

"Well, well… it is a young lady. Didn't expect it." That one-eyed man smirked at me. I sigh and chuckled.

"If you wanted coins, well, I don't have one."

"Nope! We don't want coins anymore from you." The tall guy with yellowish teeth said and licked his lips lasciviously. "You cost than we expected."


Author's Note:

Please comment below!

--The Illusionist
