Amusement Part 1

---Prince Flame of Pyr---

The people around haven't moved on yet from what they saw. It's been hundreds of years since the people last saw a real dragon. There had been lots of dragons around but suddenly they all disappear. The Dragon King, which is the one who, appeared saving Adhiti is the last one. I thought that he had a few fellow dragons with him, but I am disappointed.

However, it always makes people afraid of them. Because only the Royals of Pyr are unburnt. We can bend and make fires with our hands and even stole fire from other torches. But the only thing we can't do is taming the dragons.

"Didn't you saw it?! She burned the ropes!" Falcon argued. It is hitting my head because of their endless discussion about Adhiti and the thing that she had escaped with the unknown person, but I know who he is.

"She didn't! It was the fire plus someone cut the rope with the arrow." The Prince next to him France argued back. I know that he's irritated on Falcon's paranoia.

"Aren't you suspected that she tamed the dragon with the person who helped her escaped?" The oldest daughter of the King, Catalina asked. She's quite a criminal minded and yes, she's a smart one. "We need to capture her immediately."

I just let out a sigh and look out the wide window and see how the people are doing in the town. I am so tired of hearing their crazy hypothesis. I know that Adhiti is unburnt and can make fire like us, but I don't understand how the dragon found her and didn't even attack her, instead the dragon saved her and he attacked us.

"Why are you not cooperating honey? Do you think that it is better to let her go?" my mother speaks behind me who probably just entered the conference room to bring us food. I turn to look at her and smile.

"What do you think mother? Is it better to let her go, since her crime is only being a human?" she smiles at me and she put the tray together with the servants.

"The girl looks very lovely and innocent. Is being a human is only her crime?"

"She also attacked me, mother." Falcon interrupted. What an asshole.

"What is the reason that she attacks you, sweetie? I guess that she only defended herself." She told him softly. "Besides, it is not appropriate for the prince to spread ladies' legs without their permission."

"You heard it, Falcon?" I smirk at him and took a glass of pomegranate juice. "Catastrophe is not just a human. She's extraordinary, besides, she's welled-trained on defense and attack. Her mentor trained her well." I wink at him slyly.

There's a silence from my brothers and sisters thinking on the move that they will do next. Then I guess that Catalina will raise her suggestion right away. She amazed me sometimes but somehow, it is evil. Catalina stood and look down on the map of the whole mystical world where we live. She pushed the piece of wood that is carved into a dragon to the area of Hydōr.

"They landed on one of the territories of Hydōr. I am sure of that. All we have to do is to warn King Wales about this. I won't let that human, live in our world." She said it calmly, but the last sentence didn't go calm instead it sounds completely evil. I smack my forehead inside my mind getting frustrated with these crazy people about the human. Yeah, I just said that my family is crazy, quite pathetic sometimes.

"You all wanted to kill her?" I asked them. They looked at me with the same dark eyes on me except for Flavia who doesn't care about their crazy plans. It makes me laugh because of their synchronized look however, it didn't look really funny to them. "You cannot kill her since she had someone to protect her."

"Why do you sound like you don't like the idea of capturing her?" Marquez the youngest son asked. He's a little paranoid on something or should I say everything. He doubted things and has a trust issue.

"Because I know her than you all do. Besides, Catastrophe didn't commit any crime. She simply gets lost in our world. And the one who saved her, I don't know whoever that person is, but I can guess that that person is a professional bounty killer. He killed two guards in the dungeon using Catastrophe's armors. Did you get my point?"

"Clearly." Chloe the second daughter nods while eating cookies with meringue that mom made. "You are also right that she's innocent and did not commit any crime and also just defended herself from being sexually abused by Prince Falcon." She said it all straight forthright that makes Falcon winced. I sometimes like her for being all honest, blunt, and mostly a little annoying. But nobody can ever lie to her because she will immediately find out if the person that she's talking is lying.

"Thank you, Chloe." I smile at her and she did smile back but it turns into a smirk.

"But the professional bounty killer you said need to be executed. He killed two of our guards and help our convict escaped. So why won't we find that killer then, it will be good if we find that girl." She winks at me and I just laugh at her perfect idea. But I am all against them.


"If ever that she's in Hydōr, the King needed to be well aware to execute her without any trial." Catalina stubbornly said as she writes a letter to send to the King Wales of Hydōr.

All I just wished is that Nick would hide her carefully. And I just wished that they are not in Hydōr anymore. Catastrophe will be feed to sea monsters in no time. Nobody ever survived on the abyss of the sea. The sea monsters didn't choose people to eat even they are Royal Blood. I remember that one of my cousins committed a great crime to the daughter of King Wales which is rape. He immediately was thrown to the mouth of the sea where sea monsters are living. But I believed that my cousin was seduced by the Princess and they have lots of make out and when she caught that my cousin has another woman, she acted that she was raped. I really can't believe it all. Even my father can't do anything about it.

"Why they get executed right away without a proper trial?" Matilda, our little naïve princess asked. She's also right on her question. Why people can't get a proper trial before execution? Everything around here is all wrong. Even they caught the criminal inaction or not. "The pretty girl didn't commit any crime, right mommy?" she asked mom with those puppy eyes. My mother simply smiles and nods.

Catalina made the final decision by sending her letter to the Kingdom of Hydōr through our phoenix that means that it is very urgent. Nobody tamed her beside of mom and dad. She's hard as a rock.


Author's Note:

Hi guys! I would like to hear from you. Please review or comment below!

Thank you.

-The Illusionist
